Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What Do You Think About Obamas Dithering In Afghanistan?

Geraldo Rivera, Ann Coulter & Juan Williams "Debate" Afghanistan
Geraldo Rivera, Ann Coulter & Juan Williams "Debate" Afghanistan     This is an open thread about the "dithering" Obama is doing in Afghanistan. What is the effects of Obamas indecisions on the military? Let us know what your views are as all views have value in this forum.                                                            

This Video Says It All

The good news? A few people think it’s Cheney. The bad news? That’s closer than most of them get. The best part comes at the end, when Crowder asks about Pelosi, but it’s a long, sad trip to that point, my friends. Take a drink before clicking.
Like Treacher says: In fairness, Biden probably couldn’t answer this question either.