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These are the countries that have read your blog this week. I say your blog because that is what I believe this blog is. It is the many commenters on this blog that make it interesting. There are a lot of readers out there. Many from other countries. They want to hear what you have to say. I believe it's good to give many perspectives on the issues we face today. The only way that can happen is if you give your perspective. You don't have to agree with the topic or me. Enjoy. Ask questions or just make statements. If you have a question or comment on any topic now is the time.
I thought you might like to see who some of the endorsers of this rally. According to the One Nation Working Together site, “more than 400 organizations, representing tens of thousands of individuals who have endorsed the One Nation Working Together campaign” have signed on as partners for the Oct. 2 rally in Washington, D.C.

This movement includes human and civil rights organizations, unions and trade associations, nonprofit organizations, youth and student groups, religious and other faith groups, educational, peace, environmental, and ethnic associations, and any other groups and individuals who are committed to pulling our country back together now.President Barack Obama’s own Organizing for America has praised the effort, calling it the “biggest progressive demonstration in decades.” The list of organizations offering their official endorsements for Saturday’s “One Nation” rally reads like a who’s who of the far-left in America, including some usual suspects:
American Federation of Teachers
Center for Community Change
Green for All
National Council of La Raza
Rainbow PUSH Coalition
SEIU: Service Employees International Union
UAW, International Union
Alliance for Democracy
Campaign for America’s Future
Campaign for Peace and Democracy
Campus Progress
Chicago Democratic Socialists of America
Code Pink
Color of Change.org
Communist Party USA (CPUSA)
Democratic Socialists of America
Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN)
Gray Panthers
Human Rights Campaign
International Socialist Organization
National Education Association
National Urban League
Planned Parenthood
United Steel Workers
Working Families Party
Ya Ya Network
For the complete published list of organizations, click here.
American Federation of Teachers
Center for Community Change
Green for All
National Council of La Raza
Rainbow PUSH Coalition
SEIU: Service Employees International Union
UAW, International Union
Alliance for Democracy
Campaign for America’s Future
Campaign for Peace and Democracy
Campus Progress
Chicago Democratic Socialists of America
Code Pink
Color of Change.org
Communist Party USA (CPUSA)
Democratic Socialists of America
Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN)
Gray Panthers
Human Rights Campaign
International Socialist Organization
National Education Association
National Urban League
Planned Parenthood
United Steel Workers
Working Families Party
Ya Ya Network
For the complete published list of organizations, click here.