Current FreedomWorks Campaigns

Call Your Senators: Cosponsor S. 228 to Stop the EPA
Cosponsor S. 228, the Defending America's Affordable Energy and Jobs Act, to stop the EPA's job killing regulations.

Stop the EPA Power Grab
Support S. 228, the "Defending America's Affordable Energy and Jobs Act" to stop the EPA's cap and trade regulations.

Vote "Yes" McConnell Amendment to Repeal ObamaCare
Call you Senator today to ask them to vote "Yes" on the McConnell Amendment to repeal ObamaCare.

Help Senator Brown Stand Strong against Radical Environmentalist Attacks!
Senator Scott Brown (R-Mass.) is under attack from radical environmentalists, please call him to show your support.

Special Call List: Vulnerable Reps. Voting For ObamaCare
Please call these House members who supported ObamaCare.

Special Call List: Reps. Voting Against ObamaCare
Reinforce the position of the Democrats who voted against ObamaCare last year.

Call to Action: Expedite Constitutional Review of Obamacare
Expedite Constitutional Review of Obamacare. Send a Message to the U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder

Tell Congress: Hands Off Our Gardens
Tell your lawmakers to Vote No on S. 510, a massive overreach of government regulation.

Stop Misdirecting America
Barack Obama insists FreedomWorks has been "misdirecting" Tea Party anger. Tell him HE'S WRONG. He's the one doing the misdirecting - of America.

Tell Congress: No Internet Kill Switch
Stop S. 3480 and oppose the government takeover of the internet

Tell Congress: No Cap and Trade!
Oppose the Kerry-Lieberman "American Power Act," an economy killing energy tax.

Help us Stop the EPA's Backdoor Cap and Trade Scheme!
Stop the Environmental Protection Agency's "endangerment" finding, which allows the EPA to treat carbon dioxide (CO2) as a pollutant and therefore regulate it.

Stop the Cap and Trade Energy Bailout!
Cap and trade could be the next multi-billion dollar, taxpayer-funded bailout.

Send Email to Congress: NO to Government-Run Health Care
Fix health care with private competition, not more government red tape.

Request a Meeting to Discuss School Choice in Harrisburg
Please use this form to request an appointment with your state senator and representative in Harrisburg to discuss SB 1, the Pennsylvania school choice bill.

The Time is Now for Florida Insurance Reform
Unless the Florida legislature passes meaningful reform, nothing will protect Floridians from massive assessments should a major storm hit the state.

Tell Legislators to Oppose Tax Hikes in New Mexico
New Mexico needs kick the spending habit, not raise taxes.

Tell Wisconsin Legislators to Modernize Out-of-Date Telecom Laws
SB-469/AB-696 will modernize and streamline current laws to help inject competition into the state's telecommunications market.

Tell State Legislators to Oppose Tax Hikes in Washington
Proposed tax hikes could hurt Washington's small business and won't fill the budget gap.
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I've made it easy for you to connect to your congressional reps. All you need to do is click on each action point and you will be connected to your reps. Take the time and email this to all your friends or put it up on your blog. We need to get as many conservatives involved in contacting their congressperson. Let's make the Democrats liberal agenda more difficult to achieve. Freedom Works has made it easy for us, now all we have to do is spread the word so it can become the most effective.