Sunday, March 6, 2011

Tea Partiers Clean-Up Mess Left By Union Pigs in Wisconsin

This says it all. The left-wing destroy and the right-wing clean it up for them. Who would you rather stand with and for? This will speak volumes to the Independent voters and conservatives. The left-wing union pigs wont hear a thing. Would we expect anything other then what they have given us over the decades? They destroy and we clean up. It's time to put these liberal children to bed and let the adults clean up their Lord of the Flies time in power.

Union Protesters and Tea Partiers Nearly Throw Down

Heat keeps raising on both sides. It isn't looking very good for unions now that the States are broke and have no other choice but to make big cuts and change the way public unions have had a monopoly over us. The unions can push all they want but they will find that we conservatives are not moving. I beg all conservatives to not strike first. And I also beg that all conservatives have a camera on them if they are going to try and talk to these anti-government protesters. Heated debate and protests are fine. Just don't do damage to property or person.

If you do go out to protest or counter protest please be careful. It's not cooling off any time soon. And don't forget to laugh at those liberal protesters. It's hard to be angry when you're laughing at them.