A draft proposal by the deficit commission suggests curbing Social Security benefits and raising the retirement age.The co-chairmen of the panel appointed by President Obama to cut the U.S. deficit recommend raising the retirement age to 68. It is currently 67 years for retirees to receive full benefits. The panel leaders also propose reducing the annual cost-of-living increases in Social Security. I have been waiting to hear from the Republican leaders and some of the newly elected Republicans on what Obama's debt commission has come up with. I know I wouldn't hear a word from the Democrats. But for the new conservative Republicans to say next to nothing on these finding is appalling. The Republicans better not fall back into the same rut that made most Republicans leave the party. The Republican Party was saved by the conservative Tea Party movement and we have expectations of them. If the Republican Party doesn't step it up and act like the conservatives they promised to be then we will have no problem kicking that party out of Washington just like they did to the Whig Party. I know I have low expectations of Obama and the Democratic Party but their reaction to these findings will give you a hint why. All I know is that SSI and Medicare are in a crash course to nowhere and the Democrats would rather have future Americans pay for it and never see it then make it a more realistic entitlement like it started out to be. We know the Democrats wont do anything about this failed entitlement, they've said so much. But the Republicans playing hid and seek is no different. The Republican Party better start taking on these tough issues now or they will be cast as being no different then Democrats. Washington can't keep hiding from these out of control entitlements. And playing politics with them wont work either. If the Democrats try and play games with SSI then the Republican Party needs to remind the American people of what party is cutting a half trillion $'s from Medicare.