Just look at these animals. We will see a lot more of this kind of insurrection from the left wing activist. Who among you think that what these animals are doing is right? This is a business not a public arena. All I hear is "We want" from the left. If you ever see anything like this call the cops and then Fox news. Because the cops might not do anything but Fox News will. I'm just waiting for more riots when Obama and the Democrats inflame the left wing with more blame to business and the "wealthy". What gives the left the right to be prejudice towards the "rich". Do we not all have equal right in this country? This social justice is just another form of bigotry from the left. The "rich" give you jobs stupids. When will you understand? And this new financial control bill will make it impossible to give those idiots loans thanks the the Democratic party ands Obama. Those banks now get punished or sticking their neck out and giving mutts like that loans. Who do you think that will effect most? The slumlords are going to love this. I wonder why they aren't at Freddy and Fanny protesting? Or Chris Dodd's house and Rangle's. The Democratic party put the same people and entities in charge over the same financial system that the helped collapse. If it wasn't for the government making the banks give questionable loans we wouldn't be in this mess. And if you think that this bill fixes anything then ask yourself why isn't Freddy and Fanny written into the bill? If you can't see that this financial control bill is bad for this country and those idiots protesting then you are high or an idiot. And if these lieing POS tell us something about the bill ask where it is in the bill. Because this Congress and President have lied too us way too many time for us to even try and believe them. The will bang the Democratic parties drum without a reasonable thought to what they are doing. But they have so much hate in their heart for us that they can't even see it.
Riots Erupt in Oakland
OAKLAND, Calif. Violent protests erupted in Oakland with stores damaged and dozens arrested after a Los Angeles jury convicted a white former transit officer of involuntary manslaughter in the fatal shooting of an unarmed black man.Prosecutors had wanted Johannes Mehserle convicted of murdering Oscar
Police in riot gear Thursday had maintained a watchful eye over a crowd of protesters as emotions ran high with about 500 people marching in the street. Members of a crowd near City Hall moaned and cursed when they heard the verdict.
Sporadic violence later broke out and police said they made 83 arrests throughout the night for violations that included failure to disperse, vandalism and assaulting a police officer.
At least a dozen businesses were damaged, including a looted Foot Locker store and a ransacked
"This city is not the wild, wild west," said Oakland Police Chief Anthony Batts. "This city will not tolerate this sort of activity."
Though police did not release a damage estimate, the protesting appeared to be much less severe than the rioting that hit Oakland after Grant was shot.
Even though the protests wound down late Thursday, Batts expected the number of arrests to double overnight.
During the trial, prosecutors said the 28-year-old Mehserle became angry at the 22-year-old Grant for resisting arrest. He was shot in the back while he lay face-down. Mehserle claims he mistakenly drew his gun instead of his Taser.
The writing is on the wall. If you aren't preparded for more of this kind of actions then you are taking a big risk. Prepare for the worse and pray for the best. And we have seen what kind of cold hearted bastards these liberals can be.