Sunday, January 3, 2010

Who Among You Agree With The Way Congress And Obama Have Used Our Money?

Would you like someone to hold you up Mr. President?

Isn't this a great picture of Joe and Barack hanging out? Obama is one cool cat.

What do you on the right think about this?

This video is going around many radical liberal blogs. I think she is missing the point of the Tea Parties.

Teachers Unions Are Hurting Our Future

A recalcitrant teachers union in Florida once again shows that reform for the sake of the kids doesn't interest it. A federal program called Race to the Top bestows federal money on any district that institutes merit pay and reforms its schools. Guess who hates the idea. Yep, you guessed it: Florida's teachers unions.

Instead of launching in full support of school reform in order to help kids get a better education, the union has announced that it will instead be foot draggers and opposers.

Rightly or wrongly, the federal government is offering billions of federal dollars to Florida schools, but the teachers union wants to stand in the way of that largess because it opposes requiring its teachers to be worthy of their pay through merit.

Once again a teachers union stands for propping up bad teachers and for telling the rest that success at their job is meaningless. Once again we see a teachers union that treats a teaching job as some sort of "right" allowed to a lucky few instead of a job that requires results.

And what does this mean? It means that the kids are out of the picture, that their needs come in a distant last as far as these unions are concerned.

Let's hope that the state of Florida can bust these uncaring unions and put our schools back on track so that our kids actually get an education for a change.
Take a good look at the stats when it comes to education. The teachers unions blame the admin,and the parents for our poor scores in both math and science. But when it comes down to it when the teachers get the kids in kindergarden our children are at #3 in world ranking of aptitude and by the time they get into high school they are #36 in the world. And the more liberal the district the more likly your kids are to not being prepared to pay off the debt the last generation left them.