Now there has been some arrests of some anti-obamacare people. But I thought I would put it all into context for ya. There have been many more arrests of left wingers this year then right by far. But the left want us to talk about the two that have gotten arrested that are right wing. If anyone right or left acts out in violence then we need to speak out against that violence. The problem is the left think we are being unfair if we bring up the fact that the left have been the violent ones for decades. They never said a word. They have specials on McVey but the houndreds of left wing organizations that terrorize this nation they don't want to talk about it unless it's in a possative light. Yes, they do look at the acts from the left as being rightious. We conservatives are nothing like you. There are some crazies out ther but your whole idealogy is based on violence and control over others and their lives. Take a good look at what the left wing have been doing and then when a lefty says something about the two right wingers that are crazy and called in violence then tell them to sit down and shut up. It's time we start treating these libs like the violent anarchist they are. There is a reason why our jails and prisons are full of liberals and you need to remind them of that.