The likes of Keith Olbermann, Bill Maher, Janeane Garofalo and other pasty, whiffle-brained dingbats castigate the Tea Party movement as being nothing more than an all-white racist whine-fest featuring a bunch of crackers who just can’t stand the fact that a black guy has been elected president. There are actually many minorities involved in the Tea Party movement, but why bother the left with the facts?
Go through the large photo album from yesterday’s Coffee Parties. Say what you want, libs, but there’s an awful lot of cream in that coffee. [MORE]

Why only white faces in this Coffee Party photo album? It seems the people that have been calling us the racists look the most like racist. This isn't another case of liberal hypocracy is it? MSNBC called the Tea Parties racist because they diodn't have "enough blacks in the Tea Party rallies", when they don't have even one person other then white as a talking head at that network. Now I'm sure they will go out and hire a token minority as to not bring too much attention to the fact that they are all white. The pictures of the Tea Parties have many blacks in them. In fact what are the odds that the progressive union SEIU found a black Tea Party member and beat the shit out of him? I think it is obvious that the left have some racial issues that they are trying to project onto us. Here are some of our TEA Party protesters the left say don't exist.Liars

I think they were telling us what is in their heart not what is in ours. But they will hurry up and find a picture of a black person and say they are a member of the Coffee Klan Party.