This weekend is going to be a busy weekend in Washington DC. Glenn Beck is paying for a non-partisan,multi-religion Restoring Honor rally. It's not a civil rights rally like I keep hearing on the left wing media. The MSM is giving Beck and the rally more air time then they could ever ask for. They seem to have a real problem with Americans trying to restore honor in this country. This is a religious event held for all religions to come together in a "out of many,one" philosophy. The only ones left out are the 6% of Americans that don't believe in God. But the way the MSM is acting is just goofy. Why do they have a problem with restoring honor? What is the big deal about Americans coming together in the name of God? And when will the left realize that this isn't about Glenn Beck? I wish I could have gone. Even more now that I see how unhinged Olbermann and Madow are getting over this rally. I'm praying for the safety of these great Americans as the New Black Panther Party has made a point of disrupting this event. Al Sharpton is also protesting this event. But Al Sharpton is protesting the event because he wrongfully thinks the event is a civil rights event. Just because it's on the same day as MLK Jr. great civil rights speech doesn't mean that is what Beck is trying to do. But that never stop the left in the past from making things up about events and groups of people. I'm sure we will hear the left wing talking points,"racist","anti-American","Christians"...