How do you know when a Democrat is lieing? Yep, their lips are moving. While the Democrats are out trying to pin a government shutdown on the Republican Party they are saying a different story in private and on tape. When it comes down too it history has shown that a government shutdown has worked for the Democratic Party in the past. They will use the shutdown to demonize the "baby killing Republicans" just like they have done in the past.
The problem is I don't think the American voter believes the lieing zealot Democratic Party any more. Reality and rhetoric don't match up when it comes to the Democratic Party. They made a lot of promises and false hope that they didn't keep. They said they would fix everything, but the reality is they have broken everything worse then when they got it. We are broke and the Democratic Party wants to spend like 2012 is the last year. We must cut all wants from government spending and only keep the needs. We must pay down our debt, not make it larger every year for the next decade.
It's time we pay attention to America. We need to cut government spending or drown in debt like Japan is. We need to prepare for hard times by making cuts across the board. If we have a government shut down remember who it goes to serve if it comes to fruition. That is were the blame will lay.
The problem is I don't think the American voter believes the lieing zealot Democratic Party any more. Reality and rhetoric don't match up when it comes to the Democratic Party. They made a lot of promises and false hope that they didn't keep. They said they would fix everything, but the reality is they have broken everything worse then when they got it. We are broke and the Democratic Party wants to spend like 2012 is the last year. We must cut all wants from government spending and only keep the needs. We must pay down our debt, not make it larger every year for the next decade.
It's time we pay attention to America. We need to cut government spending or drown in debt like Japan is. We need to prepare for hard times by making cuts across the board. If we have a government shut down remember who it goes to serve if it comes to fruition. That is were the blame will lay.