What is missing is any public option, which is sure to be a problem for the more liberal Democrats. Federal funding of abortion is still in there and that will be problematic for the now skittish moderates.
Now Obama and the Democrats are reaching out their hands to the Republicans. The Republicans need to wise up with these blame game Democrats. They always need to find a way to blame the Republicans when their bills go wrong. And they always go wrong. If the Democrats want to jam this health care bill down the American voters throats then let them do it alone. The Republicans need to distance themselves from this bill and the Democratic Party. The Democrats and Obama have painted themselves into a corner and they need the Republicans to lay down in the paint so the Democrats can escape without a drop on them. The Republicans need to put their plan forword for the nation to see and leave the Democrats painted in the corner. Let the Progressive Democrats and the Reagan Democrats fight it out on their own. Obama,Reid and Pelosi are learning that when they divided the country with their "sit down and shut up" attatude towords the opposition they would be left holding the short stick. Now it is time for the Democrats "chicken to come home and roost". Obama and the Democrats played with fire and now they are getting burned. The other