The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) has
Read that again.
NOT the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC), but the campaign committee for the House of Representatives.
Why would House Democrats be spending their precious resources on someone running for the United States Senate? Because they know it would destroy Nancy Pelosi’s agenda to have Scott Brown in the Senate.
It also has federal campaign finance implications. It’s going to be interesting to see how the expenditure is disclosed.
This is rather unheard of. Couple it with the news that the DNC and DSCC are sending senior staff to Massachusetts to salvage the Coakley campaign and you can imagine just how worried Barack Obama is. He remembers what happened in 1993 and 1994 to Bill Clinton and he doesn’t want to have that happen to him.
If Scott Brown keeps Coakley down to a narrow victory — never mind Brown winning in a state that really does not like Republicans — it will send shockwaves throughout Washington, DC and probably expedite a wave of retirements and party flipping. Should Brown happen to win? To quote Moe, “DOOM.”
- The latest Rasmussen poll: 49/47 Coakley/Brown. That’s +2 Coakley for likely voters. Definite ones? +1 Brown. The total shift is +7 Brown in a week.
- Internal Democratic polling (via AoSHQ) is saying Coakley +5. Last week? Coakley +14. +9 shift to Brown, in other words.
- They’re not just paying union members to hold signs for Coakley: they’re paying Brown-voting union members to hold signs for Coakley.