An Arizona utility commissioner said on Wednesday that he is willing to cut off Los Angeles’ power if the city moves forward with its economic boycott of the Grand Canyon State. The L.A. City Council overwhelmingly approved a measure to suspend a variety of business contracts with Arizona due to the state’s controversial new immigration laws. L.A. one of the most liberal cities in the nation is pulling it's weight around a little bit. Even though an overwhelming majority of Americans both Democrat and Republican agree with the Arizona law they are going to attack Arizona with this boycott. All is far in war and love. But the next time L.A. wants to bully another state because they disagree with that states laws they will look closer at the ramifications. Now Arizona is threatening L.A. with cutting off their power. Come on now did they really think they could hit Arizona and not expect to be hit back? It's going to be a hot summer without any air conditioning in So Cal. And how will their economy do without any electricity? And no one can forget about the L.A. riots. The citizens most likely will retaliate by burning down their own homes,cars and businesses to teach Arizona a lesson. And don't forget to boycott those states that are boycotting Arizona. L.A. needs to go out and buy some candles and generators if they want to see at night. Maybe they can turn it into a reality show. I'd love to watch it. They could call it L.A. Gone Amish. The problem is knowing liberals it would look like the movie 2012 rather then Little House On The Prairie. The left wing wacko states and cities better start think about what they are doing when they play the boycott game. And they better read the bill because it is a lot more conservative then the Federal law is. This law doesn't do what the left keep saying it does. They have to have probable cause. The Feds don't even need that much. Good luck L.A. because you are going to need it when Arizona putt's you back into the dark ages. And don't forget L.A. you started it.