Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Don't Forget To Take A Look At The Great Advertisment:Thank You Open Thread
Ask any question.Make any comment you want.Tell everyone about your own blog.And take a look at some of the adverisers on the blogs. There are some cool and wild ads. If you like an ad tell us what it is.
Massa Just Another Democrat Buffoon
Massa didn't say anything we didn't already know. Glenn Beck tried to get Massa to talk but he said nothing new. I think they guy is a little loopy. He didn't name names but was just attacking the Democrats,Rahm and Obama in general. The White House said Massa is lieing. I don't believe either the Democrats or Massa for obvious reasons. He makes some inflamitory accusations on everything Democrat in Washington. I wouldn't waist your time watching the Glenn Beck interview.
Toyota Is The New Death Trap

The first known instance of a plug-in hybrid car going up in flames occurred on June 7 in Columbia, South Carolina to a 2008 Prius that had been converted to plug-in capability for the Central Electric Power Cooperative. The conversion was performed with a Hybrids-Plus PHEV15 conversion kit that uses an A123 Systems lithium ion battery pack. The incident is still under investigation by Phoenix, Arizona-based Electric Transportation Engineering Corporation. Initial information indicates the fire may have been triggered by something related to the on-board battery charger and the car had previously experienced some mechanical issues related to that. On top of that another Toyota Prius has been found to excellerate and not break. This is something totally new. These Toyota cars are becoming death trapes not only for the driver and passangers but for the general public. These Toyota's need to be pulled off the road until they find out what is causing all these problems with these death trapes. These cars have been proven to be more dangerous and deadlier then the Pinto.

Bill O'Reilly: Fury on the Far Left
These liberals are out of control. The country doesn't want what they are pushing down our throats. The amount of hate they have for their oppossition is over the top. They are the party of hate.
Obama Lied (overstated) Health Care "Savings" By A Masive $868 BILLION
at the White House calls the final push for health care reform, President Obama pushed the envelope on deficit reduction and came crashing down to earth.In wh
"Our cost-cutting measures mirror most of the proposals in the current Senate bill, which reduces most people's premiums and brings down our deficit by up to $1 trillion dollars over the next decade because we're spending our health care dollars more wisely," Mr. Obama told an audience at Arcadia University in Glenside, Pa., a suburb north of Philadelphia.
The President was so proud of these cost-saving numbers in the latest version of health care reform, he delved into a bit of Washington-speak to back them up.
"Those aren't my numbers," President Obama said to the rising applause of the estimated 1,300 in attendance. "They are the savings determined by the Congressional Budget Office, which is the nonpartisan, independent referee of Congress for what things cost."
That part is true. The budget office does keep score of what things cost. More precisely, the budget office projects what things cost or save over a given period of time.
But the budget office did not say the Senate health care bill would save $1 trillion over the next decade. Not even close.
It estimated the bill would save $132 billion from 2010 to 2019, leaving President Obama's "next decade" estimate $868 billion short.
That's some rounding error.
When contacted, a White House official said the President meant to say the Senate bill would save $1 trillion in its second decade.
The budget office did project possible second-decade savings of up to $1 trillion, but attached this note of caution: "A detailed year-by-year projection for years beyond 2019...would not be meaningful because the uncertainties involved are simply too great."
In his remarks today, President Obama made the case that all issues had been considered, all ideas vetted. It was time, he said, to take a stand.
"We have debated healthcare in Washington for more than a year," Mr. Obama said. "Every proposal has been put on the table. Every argument has been made. The need is great, the opportunity is here. Let's seize reform. It's within our grasp."
What is not in the President's grasp, or the taxpayer's for that matter, is the alluring prospect of $1 trillion in health care savings in the "next decade." But there is the hope, though it "would not be meaningful," of that magnitude of savings starting in the decade beginning in 2020.
By the way, the budget office projects a 2020 deficit of $1.3 trillion. A number like that would make $1 trillion in health care savings from 2020-2029 meaningful indeed.
Just Call Your Congressman Now. I can't make it any easier then this for ya
Go here.
Enter your zipcode.
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Call him and tell him to vote against the Senate’s health care plan.
How hard can that be?
Enter your zipcode.
Your Congressman’s name and phone number will appear.
Call him and tell him to vote against the Senate’s health care plan.
How hard can that be?
That Battle For Our Childrens Minds
Must-See Video: Texas Textbook Wars
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