When GM first showed the world and investors in GM the new Volt they said it got 230 MPG. The EPA mileage rating for the Volt now stands at
93 mgp, significantly less than previous predictions. The Volt‘s rating comes just days after Nissan’s own electric vehicle, the Leaf, received an estimated 99 mpg rating.

This lie will come back to haunt GM when the investors of this stock sell. I know the unions are buying up the stock in hopes of pushing the value of the stock up. As more and more investors find out this information on how they have been manipulated we will start to see how the American people have been taken for a ride yet again. Let's just watch how this story starts to unravel. One thing an investor hates is a company that lies. All I know is this company has a lot of weight in our stock market. If GM and the unions get caught pushing up GM stock values then the market wont be a good place to keep your money. If the Republican Party was smart they would start looking into what stocks the UAW is buying as well as how GM got the MPG wrong by over 50%. Just remember the Democratic Party and the UAW are the ones in control of GM and we know what their M.O. is.