Protestors to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's proposal to eliminate collective bargaining rights for many state workers demonstrate Wednesday, at the State Capitol in Madison, Wis. (AP Photo/Andy Manis)
We can't keep giving the public unions everything they want. We are out of money and the credit cards are full. States must make cuts to public employees as well as other parts of the budget. If states don't make cuts then they will risk bankruptcy. Public employees make way more then the private sector. It's time to fix the inflated salaries and benefits these public servants. They deserve a competitive wage, nothing more and nothing less. Union greed has pushed our state and federal budgets to the breaking point. There is no reason that public employees should make more money then the public sector jobs. Their high pay and benefits does come out of our pockets. If the greedy public unions don't like the cuts then let them try and strike in this economy. We the tax payers are getting sick of the greedy public unions bullying us for money. It's the actions of the unions that will make them obsolete in the near future. I almost forgot. Did anyone notice the violent signs coming out of those union protests? I wonder if the liberals and Democrats will call them out for the violent rhetoric coming from them? Is the MSM calling out the violent rhetoric coming out of these protests?WATCH video of the rally at the Capitol on Tuesday, shot by an attendee:
Do you think the public union are trying to intimidate anyone? Are they just being greedy? Do they care about Wisconsin going under?