Yeh I know Bush did it. He did the debt and Obama just made it bigger. Whatever! While the left are playing political games about the Tea Party,Sarah Palin and all the other BS China is making a threat to destable our economy if we don't get out of Taiwan our friend. Thanks to Bush,Obama and the Democrats in Congress we are being held hostage by the debt holders. If China sells our debt we will be in the greatest depression. But Gibbs is playing funny with his Sarah Palin jokes. Obama keeps playing the Washington politial games of blame. And the media is trying to find ways to get Sarah Palin and the Tea Parties. These idiots in Washington better start taking this stuff serious. The reccession isn't ending and they want to add almost $2 trillion more in debt. All this and the left keep proping up their Party. While the Progressives are defining us in the Tea Party as racist,dumb,hatemongers. We are the only ones that can define who we are. We are Democrats,Republicans,Libertarians and Independents. One thing we all in the TEA Party agree with is that we need to be fiscally responsable,smaller government and we believe in the Constitution. The only people that don't agree with those three things are Progressives. We need to find fiscally conservative people to run and win. We need to get rid of everyone in Washington that is calling for a raise in the national debt to China. Get involed or we will have China breathing heavier down our backs and calling the shots in American policy. And thanks to Bush,Obama and Congress they gave away America. It's time to stop fiddling and start doing something that has worked instead of doing things that have never worked other then in a Progressives warped minds.