This Monday, October 26, Governor Granholm has scheduled a meeting in downtown Rochester with Senate Majority Leader Mike Bishop and with Oakland County public schools bureaucrats. Granholm and the bureaucrats will be trying to pressure, intimidate and cajole Senator Bishop into agreeing to hike taxes again. Please join us in WELCOMING our Governor with a feisty protest on Monday so that Granholm, Bishop and the tax-ocrats get the message that another tax hike is absolutely NOT WELCOME in Michigan. The meeting is scheduled for 1:30 this Monday (October 26th) at the Rochester Community Schools Administration Building located at 501 W. University (1/2 mile west of Rochester Rd/downtown). University Road is also called Walton Road. The meeting will NOT be open to the general public (after all, it's only your money, other than that, apparently, it is not your business), however there is a really good sidewalk near the building and along University Road - for protest/signs. Meet on the public sidewalk directly in front of the Administration Building on University Road. Governor Granholm is very upset that the state House and Senate refused to increase taxes in the recent budget that passed both those legislative chambers. And she is doing what she can to 'punish' lawmakers by vetoing items in that budget that she believes will cause lawmakers political pain - like making deeper cuts to K-12 public schools. If you are anywhere near Rochester, MI and have an hour or so this Monday afternoon, please show up and help deliver our message to Governor Granholm - 'NOT ANOTHER TAX HIKE!' Bring a sign (if you have time to make one) or just show up to make sure that your voice is heard.Please respond to this email if you plan on attending. Or, just show up. I hope to see you Monday!
Leon Drolet
Director, MI Taxpayers Alliance Thanks for the info Big Chris you're the man.
Director, MI Taxpayers Alliance Thanks for the info Big Chris you're the man.