Friday, October 15, 2010

Obamacare Suffers Big Loss in Court

When the court finds that the unions can not be exempt from the same taxes as the rest of us they better blame the Democratic Party that put this unconstitutional law into the bill. They did it to shut up the unions. It worked and in the end the union member are the ones that will get screwed into paying this outragious "Cadillac" tax. Maybe next time the union member will look out for themselves instead of believing the union leader that screwed them.

MIAMI (Reuters) - U.S. states can proceed with their lawsuit seeking to overturn President Barack Obama's landmark reform law, a Florida judge ruled on Thursday.

U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson had already indicated at a hearing last month that he would reject parts of a motion by the Justice Department to dismiss the lawsuit, led by Florida and 19 other states.

The suit was originally filed in March by mostly Republic state attorneys general.

WATCH: O'Reilly Responds to 'View' Walkout


Like a bunch of little children the left always run away from the truth. Bullies and bitches that all they are.