Obama is full of crap and so are the left wing hypocrites that protested Bush when he kept the Patriot Act. I haven't seen much of this story on the left wing blogs or other media. When will the left realize that they got all the bad parts of Bush and a whole host of his own inablities. But for some reason I think the left will give him a pass. They will come out with a wisper of a protest but nothing like they did for the Republicans. Well for the right this is just more ammo for the fact that Obama is nothing more then a big fat liar. I know the left hate it when I call him a liar. But they never disprove the fact that Obama is a liar. He is a blame placing liar. The "it's all Bush's fault" thing is soooooooo old. And Obama's speech is more BS then I've heard in one speech. But the left stay quite while Obama lies to them as well as us. Now Obama has 2 wars that are his,an extention of Patriot Act,he hasn't closed GITMO and it doesn't look like he is going to and the debt that the left and right alike bitched about is climbing higher under the Democrats in Congress and Obama. But they wont say anything against Obama. Why would they stand behind what they believe in? That is why the left wing are worth nothing to this country. They stand for nothing as they change their views with the changing of the political party. Well from now on we will know that your protest and whatnot is worthless. The things you on the left stand for are only for now. You on the left change faster then the weather. And that is why you mean nothing.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
This Is Such A Desperate Attempt For Attention
MISSION: The Coffee Party Movement gives voice to Americans who want to see cooperation in government. We recognize that the federal government is not the enemy of the people, but the expression of our collective will, and that we must participate in the democratic process in order to address the challenges that we face as Americans. As voters and grassroots volunteers, we will support leaders who work toward positive solutions, and hold accountable those who obstruct them.
This is the responce to the Tea Parties. They want the "democratic process" for themselves but not for the Tea Party. When Bush was in office they sang a different song. And when Obama and the Democrats are out next two elections they will be back to hating America and all she stands for. It is all about them and what they can take from America and the people that pay taxes. It is their chance to inslave a group of tax payers so that they can get something they didn't earn. And so much creativity went into the name coffee party.LOL. The left wing progressives are on their last leg and this is the best they have to offer. They know we are making ground in the conservative movement. They know that liberal and progressive have become dirty words. You have your coffee and we will have our tea. But when November comes we will have your lunch my progressive friends. You will become a part of the past of this country. You had your time to make change and blew it. If you can't make change with a supermajority then you will never get the change now. The progressive time is over and they are going into their political death roll. We conservatives need to keep up the pressure as long as they are around. We need to make liberal and progressive words that make people cringe when they hear it. We need to make liberal even more of a fringe then the 21% they currently are. Keep up the good work my conservative friends. We still have a lot more time to get a lot more people on board. Have fun doing it and never act or react like the liberal fringe. Let them be the ones that riot and terrorize America to get their way. Know the opposition like MAV did.
This Is Real Change
Brian Pannebecker of Shelby Township asks a question at a Tea Party meeting in St. Clair Shores on Tuesday. The gathering had no special agenda. Still, about 150 people attended. (WILLIAM ARCHIE/Detroit Free Press) .I'm the dumb looking guy in the far left corner.LOL
This T-shirt expresses one man's views at a Tea Party meeting in St. Clair Shores. The movement could have
There's plenty of evidence to support the everyman theory of the Tea Party, expressed above by the chairman of the Metro Detroit Freedom Coalition, a self-styled Tea Party organization. His comment came at a packed meeting of the group Tuesday evening in St. Clair Shores.
On a snowy, midweek gathering with no special agenda, people still showed up -- about 150. Tea Party demonstrations in Michigan and around the country have routinely drawn hundreds, sometimes thousands of participants. National polls have suggested the general public views the Tea Party, which is not a formal political organization, more favorably than either the Democratic or Republican Party.
And its members have become the public face of voter dissatisfaction and have been given a large measure of credit for delivering a body blow to President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats for the role they played in the upset victory of Republican Scott Brown in the special U.S. Senate election in Massachusetts last month.
Since the Brown election (coming on the heels of Republican victories in Virginia and New Jersey last fall) politicians of every stripe have been less inclined to dismiss the Tea Party as a phony grassroots outfit of fringe bigots and haters, as some on the left did when the movement took off last spring and summer.
Republicans, meanwhile, have tried to enclose the Tea Party in a warm, albeit self-serving embrace. State Senate Majority Leader
Mike Bishop, a Rochester Republican and 2010 candidate for attorney general, was on the agenda of speakers in St. Clair Shores. His speech was peppered with kindred-spirit language.

"It's our responsibility to take back our country."
"This is America right here."
"You all have to stand up and say, 'No.' "
'We have a common goal'
In Oakland County, 9th District GOP Chairman Glenn Clark has taken on an alter ego as a Tea Party activist, organizing protests mostly aimed at the district's Democratic U.S. Rep. Gary Peters. Clark said it's a natural fit. The Tea Party, he said, is "bringing together the former pieces of the Reagan coalition."
an impact on the 2010 elections. (Photos by WILLIAM ARCHIE/Detroit Free Press)
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