Monday, October 19, 2009

Boycote of Beck isn't woking

noticed Stu Burguiere of the Glenn Beck show point out something fascinating on Facebook:

Olbermann 8pm + Maddow 9pm + Olbermann 10pm + Maddow 11pm + 109,000 other people = Beck at 5pm.

So . . . um . . . how’s that boycott against Beck going? The one designed to get him off the air? Sure there have been some advertisers who fled. There have been many more who were never there, but claimed to be part of the boycott.

But does it really matter? Other advertisers are filling the void and Roger Ailes is, so far, perfectly willing to take care of the show.


Olbermann 8pm + Maddow 9pm + Olbermann 10pm + Maddow 11pm + 109,000 other people = Beck at 5pm.

So how’s that boycott working out? Heh.


  1. That boycott is turning against the idiot companies that are boycotting Beck. They let the world know who they are, and now everybody is boycotting their products. A reverse boycott, by a huge group of people. Gotta love it! Oh, and just for your reference, here are the companies you should boycott!

    GMAC Financial Services
    Best Buy
    Capital One
    Procter & Gamble

    I'll post any others I find.

  2. What is all this about? I admit that I do not catch the Glenn Beck show, but if he supports moral Christian values and the companies listed above say they don't... I got a problem.

    80% of my emergencies household purchases go to Wal-mart.
    I am heavily invested in Procter & Gamble (hey, they are a REALLY good long-term stock to have.)

    Share the skinny. Paint me a picture. What was the hubbub?


Please keep it clean and nice. Thank you for taking the time to post you thought. It means a lot to me that you do this.