Wednesday, October 21, 2009

This Is Your Blog

Feel free to give me some ideas of things to post or just post them on the comments. Have some fun with it. This is your blog.


  1. I emailed you an idea to post. I thought it was interesting!

  2. Hey, Bruce Fealk is commenting over on Brian's blog as "George", lol. He's a nutjob, it sounds like he is going to the library to look up books that Brian has read, to try to insinuate that Brian is a racist. Isn't that totally PSYCHO?!

  3. LOL, Bruce is a NUT! Seriously man, you have to read the lengths he has gone to, just in order to tell us all that we are racists!!

  4. So that is bruce the nutsack. He has some real mental issues.

  5. John I posted you idea. Thanks it is interesting since we are going down the same path as the Japanese did over the last 40 yrs.


Please keep it clean and nice. Thank you for taking the time to post you thought. It means a lot to me that you do this.