WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama's proposed budget predicts the national deficit will crest at a record-breaking $1.6 trillion in the current fiscal year, then start to recede in 2011 to $1.3 trillion, a congressional official said Sunday.
Still, the administration's new budget to be released Monday says deficits over the next decade will average 4.5 percent of the size of the economy, a level which economists say is dangerously high if not addressed, said the congressional official. The official was not authorized to discuss the budget before its public release.
Details of the administration's budget headed for Congress include an additional $100 billion to attack painfully high unemployment. The proposed $3.8 trillion budget would provide billions more to pull the country out of the Great Recession while increasing taxes on the wealthy and imposing a spending freeze on many government programs.
White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said the administration believed "somewhere in the $100 billion range" would be the appropriate amount for a new jobs measure made up of a business tax credit to encourage hiring, increased infrastructure spending and money from the government's bailout fund to get banks to increase loans to struggling small businesses.
That price tag would be below a $174 billion bill passed by the House in December but higher than an $83 billion proposal that surfaced last week in the Senate.
Gibbs said it was important for Democrats and Republicans to put aside their differences to pass a bill that addresses jobs, the country's No. 1 concern. "I think that would be a powerful signal to send to the American people," Gibbs said in an appearance on CNN's "State of the Union."
Job creation was a key theme of the budget President Barack Obama was sending Congress on Monday, a document designed, as was the president's State of the Union address, to reframe his young presidency after a protracted battle over health care damaged his standing in public opinion polls and contributed to a series of Democratic election defeats.
Obama's $3.8 trillion spending plan for the 2011 budget year that begins Oct. 1 attempts to navigate between the opposing goals of pulling the country out of a deep recession and dealing with a budget deficit that soared to an all-time high of $1.42 trillion last year.
The Congressional Budget Office is forecasting that the deficit for the current budget year will be only slightly lower, $1.35 trillion, and the flood of red ink will remain massive for years to come, raising worries among voters and the foreign investors who buy much of the country's debt.
On the anti-recession front, congressional sources said Obama's new budget will propose extending the popular Making Work Pay middle-class tax breaks of $400 per individual and $800 per couple through 2011. They were due to expire after this year.
The budget will also propose $250 payments to Social Security recipients to bolster their finances in a year when they are not receiving the normal cost-of-living boost to their benefit checks because of low inflation. Obama will also seek a $25 billion increase in payments to help recession-battered states.
Obama's new budget will set off months of debate in the Democratically controlled Congress, especially in an election year in which Republicans are hoping to use attacks against government overspending to gain seats. Obama has argued that he inherited a deficit of more than $1 trillion and was forced to increase spending to stabilize the financial system and combat the worst recession since the 1930s.
Obama's new budget was expected to repeat many of the themes of his first budget. But in a bow to worries over the soaring deficits, the administration is proposing a three-year freeze on spending for a wide swath of domestic government agencies. Military, veterans, homeland security and big benefit programs such as Social Security and Medicare would not feel the pinch.
The freeze would affect $447 billion in spending and is designed to save $250 billion over a decade. However, it would not fall equally on all domestic agencies. Some would see budget cuts to free up spending for programs the administration wants to expand such as education and civilian research efforts.
NASA's mission to return astronauts to the moon would be grounded with the space agency instead getting an additional $5.9 billion over five years to encourage private companies to build, launch and operate their own spacecraft for the benefit of NASA and others. NASA would pay the private companies to carry U.S. astronauts.
Obama's budget repeats his recommendations for an overhaul of the nation's health care system, the fight that dominated his first year in office. It proposes to get billions of dollars in savings from the Medicare program and again seeks increased taxes on the wealthy by limiting the benefits they receive from various tax deductions. Both ideas have met strong resistance in Congress.
Gibbs insisted Sunday that the president's push for health care was "still inside the 5-yard line," but Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, also appearing on CNN, said the public was overwhelmingly against the bill and the administration should "put it on the shelf, go back and start over."
In addition to the freeze on discretionary nonsecurity spending, Obama is proposing to boost revenues by allowing the Bush administration tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 to expire at the end of this year for families making more than $250,000 annually. Tax relief for those less well-off would be extended.
The new Obama budget will also include a proposal to levy a fee on the country's biggest banks to raise an estimated $90 billion to recover losses from the government's $700 billion financial rescue fund. Those losses are expected to come not come from the bank bailouts but from the support extended to General Motors and Chrysler and insurance giant American International Group as well as help provided to homeowners struggling to avoid foreclosures.
Also on the deficit front, the president has endorsed a pay-as-you-go proposal that passed the Senate last week. It would require any new tax cuts or entitlement spending increases to be paid for, and he has promised to create a commission to recommend by year's end ways to trim the deficits. However, a legislatively mandated panel was rejected in a Senate vote last week. Republicans opposed establishing the panel because it might recommend tax increases to close the deficit.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Republicans Are Still The Party Of NO. Thank God For That

PAYGO is about creating political cover, not about controlling spending. Supposedly, pay-as-you-go requires that extra spending in one area must be offset by reducing spending elsewhere, or raising taxes, or requiring the President to sequester funds before they are spent.
The Congressional Budget Office says the measure “would allow the Congress to enact legislation that would increase deficits by an amount in the vicinity of $3 trillion over the 2010–2019 period without triggering a sequestration.”
Washington Post columnist David Broder agrees that the loopholes are enormous. For example, he writes, “the 40 percent of the budget reflected in annual appropriations bills for ongoing or new government programs does not have to be paid for.”
The moderate-dominated Committee for a Responsible Budget outlines the exemptions and concludes, “By exempting such costly policies, this PAYGO legislation keeps us on an unsustainable fiscal path.”
The conservative House Republican Study Committee states, “The idea seems great on the surface, but the Democrat version of PAYGO is so riddled with loopholes and exemptions that it only continues the mockery of fiscal restraint this Congress has come to represent.”
Most of the praise is coming from the lawmakers who wanted to give themselves political cover and now are patting themselves on the back. Rep. Allen Boyd (D-FL) called it, “a tremendous victory for the American people and for those of us who know that our federal government cannot afford to continue to live outside its means.”The bill gives House members “an ability to put out a press release to make it look like they’re being fiscally responsible,” Paul Ryan, the top Republican on the House Budget Committee, told Reuters.
The House approved the bill yesterday by 265-166. Will the Senate approve the bill? Very possibly, although Senate Budget Chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND) told reporters he agreed with Republicans that the PAYGO bill includes too many loopholes.The Associated Press reported, “By itself, pay-go does nothing to address the government’s deficit woes. . . .The pay-go measure wouldn’t force lawmakers to find the courage to actually do anything to stanch the flow of red ink; it instead seeks to prevent lawmakers from making it even worse. . . . But even if pay-go has the force of law, it can be waived.”
In typical Washington-speak, the bill never labels the loopholes as “exemptions,” but instead calls them “current policy adjustments.” Analysts says these exemptions include Social Security payments, food stamps, Medicaid, most of Medicare, payments to federal retirees, the pay of the President and former Presidents, all discretionary (non-entitlement) spending, estate and gift taxes, the alternative minimum tax for individuals, the middle-income tax cuts of 2001 and 2003, anything designated as an “emergency”, children’s health, Pell Grants, all economic recovery programs, veterans’ benefits, and much more.
In this case, the holes are bigger than the cheese.
Friday, January 29, 2010
A View Of Progressivism and Liberalism
A view on “Progressivism” and Liberalism: The philosophical fathers of progressivism include Francis Bacon, Hegel, Marx, Comte, Rousseau, Condoret, Bentham, Mill and Edward Bellamy… One of the main characteristics of these thinkers’ progressivism was its pseudo spirituality, or relation of humanity. In this substitute religion, faith in a transcendent moral order is replaced by faith in nature, science, technology, and reason, This faith also involves a sort of humanitarian sentimentalism that attempts to satisfy an inner desire to serve mankind and the world by engaging in reforms meant to uplift the less fortunate. Yet these reforms are not intended to effect inner spiritual reform but rather to change institutions and thus improve society through outer reform. Conservatives argue that progressive humanitarianism is both a diversion and escape from individual moral responsibility.
Progressivism also includes the idea that human perfectibility is possible in history. This doctrine hold that it is unnecessary to wait for the afterlife for human perfection; the fulfillment of human nature can take place in earthly life. Scientific progressives, like Bacon, believe that progress is a predicate of scientific knowledge and technological developments. Social progressives, like Croly, believe that human nature can be transformed through political reform
Progressivism is intimately tied to modern liberalism and the politics of the welfare state, which holds that the transformation of society can only be achieved by a centralized government that has sufficient power to remake society…
…Finally, progressivism has in it a gnostic element. That is, progressives believe that they possess the knowledge needed to transform society and human nature. They are greatly dissatisfied with the world as it is and are impatient with life and the very structure of reality because these fall short of perfection or the the progressive ideal. These gnostic attributes are part of an existential disposition that fails to accept the permanence of evil in earthly life – in theological terms, original sin. By contrast, most conservatives believe that the structure of reality, including human nature, is permanent. Attempts to transform the human condition end up in disaster, as Huxley and Orwell suggest in their dystopias Brave New World (1932) and Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949).
They believe they are the gods in this world and that is why so many liberal/progressives don't believe in the Bible. They believe they control global warming,consumption and income. They do not believe in the God given rights of all Americans. They believe that the Constitution is not a static document but a living one. And they believe that conservatives and progressives can't co-exist within this country. I ask you who was this country designed for? Was it designed for the Progressives or was it designed to protect us from the progressives that played a major role in our forfathers leaving their country of origen? Our Constitution is the enemy of the progressives. We have not had such a rise in the progressive movement since Woodrow Wilson. And we have made it our countries mission to fight it in many lands. Now is the time to pick a side. Progressives are no friends to Blue Dog Democrats,Republicans and Libertarians. Lets start treating them like they have been treating us. When Obama speeks to Congress he greets them as Republicans and Progressives. Why has he been leaving out the Democrats? We surround them and now is the time to show them how many and how strong we are. They have divided this country long enough. Don't let them fool you. They think of everyone that isn't a progressive as the enemy. This isn't about being liberal. There are many degrees of liberal and conservative. But as you already know progressive is a different animal all together. We all need to put aside our differences and come together as Americans and fight for the America our forfather built. The America that can't stand as a free nation under God if the progessives have their way with her. You will not get more freedom but less. Please take some time and leave a comment on what you think. I believe in free speech but please keep it clean and productive.
What Was Obama The Community Agitator Say And Mean?
Raise Taxes:
• “I have proposed a fee on the biggest banks.”
• “finally slash the tax breaks for companies that ship our jobs overseas”
• “But at a time of record deficits, we will not continue tax cuts for oil companies, investment fund managers, and those making over $250,000 a year.”
Tax Cuts With Strings – Targeted, Not broad-based cuts:
• “new small business tax credit”
• “eliminate all capital gains taxes on small business investment”
• “provide a tax incentive for all businesses, large and small, to invest in new plants and equipment”
• “give rebates to Americans who make their homes more energy efficient”
• “give those tax breaks to companies that create jobs in the United States of America”
• “That’s why we’re nearly doubling the child care tax credit”
• “expanding the tax credit for those who start a nest egg”
• “give families a $10,000 tax credit for four years of college and increase Pell Grants”
• “we will extend our middle-class tax cuts”
• “We can’t allow financial institutions to take risks that threaten the whole economy”
• “Require lobbyists to disclose each contact they make on behalf of a client with my Administration or Congress.”
• “And it’s time to put strict limits on the contributions that lobbyists give to candidates for federal office.”
• “urging Democrats and Republicans to pass a bill that helps to right this wrong [the Supreme Court ruling]”
• “We are going to crack down on violations of equal pay laws – so that women get equal pay for an equal day’s work.”
Spending - General:
• “We need to encourage American innovation” (through “investment”)
• “launching a National Export Initiative that will help farmers and small businesses increase their exports, and reform export controls consistent with national security”
• “we will step up re-financing so that homeowners can move into more affordable mortgages.”
• “jobs must be our number one focus in 2010, and that is why I am calling for a new jobs bill tonight.”
Spending Freeze and Reform
• “Starting in 2011, we are prepared to freeze government spending for three years. Spending related to our national security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security will not be affected. But all other discretionary government programs will.”
• “calling on Congress to publish all earmark requests on a single website before there’s a vote”
Spending - Education
• “When we renew the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, we will work with Congress to expand these reforms to all fifty states”
• “urge the Senate to follow the House and pass a bill that will revitalize our community colleges”
• “And let’s tell another one million students that when they graduate, they will be required:
o “to pay only ten percent of their income on student loans,
o “and all of their debt will be forgiven after twenty years – and forgiven after ten years if they choose a career in public service.”
Healthcare (Spending, Regulation and Taxes)
• “And it is precisely to relieve the burden on middle-class families that we still need health insurance reform.”
National Security
• We will have all of our combat troops out of Iraq by the end of this August.
• “We will support the Iraqi government as they hold elections, and continue to partner with the Iraqi people to promote regional peace and prosperity. But make no mistake: this war is ending, and all of our troops are coming home.”
• “To reduce our stockpiles and launchers, while ensuring our deterrent, the United States and Russia are completing negotiations on the farthest-reaching arms control treaty in nearly two decades.”
• “That is why North Korea now faces increased isolation, and stronger sanctions – sanctions that are being vigorously enforced.”
• “And as Iran’s leaders continue to ignore their obligations, there should be no doubt: they, too, will face growing consequences.”
• “This year, I will work with Congress and our military to finally repeal the law that denies gay Americans the right to serve the country they love because of who they are.”
• “And we should continue the work of fixing our broken immigration system – to secure our borders, enforce our laws, and ensure that everyone who plays by the rules can contribute to our economy and enrich our nations.”
• “I have proposed a fee on the biggest banks.”
• “finally slash the tax breaks for companies that ship our jobs overseas”
• “But at a time of record deficits, we will not continue tax cuts for oil companies, investment fund managers, and those making over $250,000 a year.”
Tax Cuts With Strings – Targeted, Not broad-based cuts:
• “new small business tax credit”
• “eliminate all capital gains taxes on small business investment”
• “provide a tax incentive for all businesses, large and small, to invest in new plants and equipment”
• “give rebates to Americans who make their homes more energy efficient”
• “give those tax breaks to companies that create jobs in the United States of America”
• “That’s why we’re nearly doubling the child care tax credit”
• “expanding the tax credit for those who start a nest egg”
• “give families a $10,000 tax credit for four years of college and increase Pell Grants”
• “we will extend our middle-class tax cuts”
• “We can’t allow financial institutions to take risks that threaten the whole economy”
• “Require lobbyists to disclose each contact they make on behalf of a client with my Administration or Congress.”
• “And it’s time to put strict limits on the contributions that lobbyists give to candidates for federal office.”
• “urging Democrats and Republicans to pass a bill that helps to right this wrong [the Supreme Court ruling]”
• “We are going to crack down on violations of equal pay laws – so that women get equal pay for an equal day’s work.”
Spending - General:
• “We need to encourage American innovation” (through “investment”)
• “launching a National Export Initiative that will help farmers and small businesses increase their exports, and reform export controls consistent with national security”
• “we will step up re-financing so that homeowners can move into more affordable mortgages.”
• “jobs must be our number one focus in 2010, and that is why I am calling for a new jobs bill tonight.”
Spending Freeze and Reform
• “Starting in 2011, we are prepared to freeze government spending for three years. Spending related to our national security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security will not be affected. But all other discretionary government programs will.”
• “calling on Congress to publish all earmark requests on a single website before there’s a vote”
Spending - Education
• “When we renew the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, we will work with Congress to expand these reforms to all fifty states”
• “urge the Senate to follow the House and pass a bill that will revitalize our community colleges”
• “And let’s tell another one million students that when they graduate, they will be required:
o “to pay only ten percent of their income on student loans,
o “and all of their debt will be forgiven after twenty years – and forgiven after ten years if they choose a career in public service.”
Healthcare (Spending, Regulation and Taxes)
• “And it is precisely to relieve the burden on middle-class families that we still need health insurance reform.”
National Security
• We will have all of our combat troops out of Iraq by the end of this August.
• “We will support the Iraqi government as they hold elections, and continue to partner with the Iraqi people to promote regional peace and prosperity. But make no mistake: this war is ending, and all of our troops are coming home.”
• “To reduce our stockpiles and launchers, while ensuring our deterrent, the United States and Russia are completing negotiations on the farthest-reaching arms control treaty in nearly two decades.”
• “That is why North Korea now faces increased isolation, and stronger sanctions – sanctions that are being vigorously enforced.”
• “And as Iran’s leaders continue to ignore their obligations, there should be no doubt: they, too, will face growing consequences.”
• “This year, I will work with Congress and our military to finally repeal the law that denies gay Americans the right to serve the country they love because of who they are.”
• “And we should continue the work of fixing our broken immigration system – to secure our borders, enforce our laws, and ensure that everyone who plays by the rules can contribute to our economy and enrich our nations.”
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Fact Check On Obamas Lies

OBAMA: "Starting in 2011, we are prepared to freeze government spending for three years. Spending related to our national security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security will not be affected. But all other discretionary government programs will. Like any cash-strapped family, we will work within a budget to invest in what we need and sacrifice what we don't." BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA.Everyone laughs at what a stupid statement Obama just made.
THE FACTS: The anticipated savings from this proposal would amount to less than one percent of the deficit -- and that's if the president can persuade Congress to go along. Obama is a convert to the cause of broad spending freezes. In the presidential campaign, he criticized Republican opponent John McCain for suggesting one. "The problem with a spending freeze is you're using a hatchet where you need a scalpel," he said a month before the election. Now, Obama wants domestic spending held steady in most areas where the government can control year to year costs. The proposal is similar to McCain's.
OBAMA: "I've called for a bipartisan fiscal commission, modeled on a proposal by Republican Judd Gregg and Democrat Kent Conrad. This can't be one of those Washington gimmicks that lets us pretend we solved a problem. The commission will have to provide a specific set of solutions by a certain deadline. Yesterday, the Senate blocked a bill that would have created this commission. So I will issue an executive order that will allow us to go forward, because I refuse to pass this problem on to another generation of Americans."
THE FACTS: Any commission that Obama creates would be a weak substitute for what he really wanted -- a commission created by Congress that could force lawmakers to consider unpopular remedies to reduce the debt, including curbing politically sensitive entitlements like Social Security and Medicare. That idea crashed in the Senate this week, defeated by equal numbers of Democrats and Republicans. Any commission set up by Obama alone would lack authority to force its recommendations before Congress, and would stand almost no chance of success.
OBAMA: The president issued a populist broadside against lobbyists, saying they have "outsized influence" over the government. He said his administration has "excluded lobbyists from policymaking jobs." He also said it's time to "require lobbyists to disclose each contact they make on behalf of a client with my administration or Congress" and "to put strict limits on the contributions that lobbyists give to candidates for federal office."
THE FACTS: Obama has limited the hiring of lobbyists for administration jobs, but the ban isn't absolute; seven waivers from the ban have been granted to White House officials alone. Getting lobbyists to report every contact they make with the federal government would be difficult at best; Congress would have to change the law, and that's unlikely to happen. And lobbyists already are subject to strict limits on political giving. Just like every other American, they're limited to giving $2,400 per election to federal candidates, with an overall ceiling of $115,500 every two years.
OBAMA: He called for action by the White House and Congress "to do our work openly, and to give our people the government they deserve."
THE FACTS: Obama skipped past a broken promise from his campaign -- to have the negotiations for healthcare legislation broadcast on C-SPAN "so that people can see who is making arguments on behalf of their constituents, and who are making arguments on behalf of the drug companies or the insurance companies." Instead, Democrats in the White House and Congress have conducted the usual private negotiations, making multibillion-dollar deals with hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and other stakeholders behind closed doors. Nor has Obama lived up consistently to his pledge to ensure that legislation is posted online for five days before it's acted upon.
"Not True" Mr. President: OPEN Thread
Have fun with this open thread. What do you think of the Presidents speech last night? What do you think about a Supreme Court Judge calling the President a liar? We know he is a thief and a liar.
I certainly cannot blame JusticeAlito for mouthing “not true”. Pundits react to SOTU speech
By POLITICO STAFF | 1/28/10 5:53 AM

Justice Alito politely pulls a Joe Wilson
Justice Alito Mouths 'Not True' at Obama Criticism
A clip of the event.
I certainly cannot blame Justice Alito for mouthing “not true”.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Toyota Sucks
The suspect parts are made by a U.S. supplier, but they are also found in its European-made vehicles, an official with the automaker said Wednesday. Toyota said it hasn't decided what to do there.
Japan's Toyota Motor Corp. announced late Tuesday it would halt sales of some of its top-selling models to fix gas pedals that could stick and cause unintended acceleration. Last week, Toyota issued a recall for the same eight models affecting 2.3 million vehicles.
Toyota is also suspending production at six North American car-assembly plants beginning the week of Feb. 1. It gave no date on when production could restart.
The timing could not be worse for Toyota. Two years ago, the company beat out General Motors Co. to become the world's largest automaker. Now just weeks into 2010, it is stopping some sales in its biggest market, the U.S., at a time when it desperately needs to sell cars here after reporting its first-ever annual loss last year.
The sales and production halt involves several best-selling U.S. models, including the Camry and Corolla sedans and the RAV 4 crossover, a blend of an SUV and a car. RAV 4's sales surged last month.
In addition, the problem could spread to Europe, where a similar accelerator part is being used, said Toyota spokeswoman Ririko Takeuchi. She declined to give the number of vehicles affected. The company was studying possible responses there, including a recall, she said.
"For Europe, the number and models potentially concerned are under evaluation," said Philippe Boursereau, spokesman for Toyota France.
The supplier is CTS Corp., based in Elkhart, Ind., and the problem part was manufactured at its plant in Ontario, Canada, according to a report Toyota handed to the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration last week.
CTS has not replied to a request for comment sent earlier this week.
Toyota's report says it first received reports in March 2007, of gas pedals being slow to come back in the Tundra pickup, and fixed the problem in February 2008.
Starting in December 2008, similar problems were reported in Europe with the Aygo and Yaris models. Toyota said it lengthened a part and changed the material to fix the problem, starting in August 2009.
The latest problem emerged in North America, culminating in the decision for the recall earlier this month, Toyota said in the report.
John Wolkonowicz , a longtime auto analyst with IHS-Global Insight, said Toyota is fortunate in that it has a loyal customer base — primarily baby booners who have been buying Toyotas for decades. That, he said, will help minimize the sales impact in the short term.
"But it will further impede their ability to get the younger buyers that they so dearly want to get into the Toyota fold," Wolconowicz said.
Toyota has said it was unaware of any accidents or injuries due to the pedal problems associated with the recall, but could not rule them out for sure.
The sales halt calls into question the aggressive growth strategy pursued under former President Katsuaki Watanabe, a cost-cutting expert, who led the Japanese automaker to the No. 1 spot in global vehicle sales in 2008, analysts say.
Hitting that milestone coincided with a 437 billion yen ($4.86 billion) loss during its last fiscal year, marking the worst performance in the company's 72-year history.
The automaker said the U.S. sales suspension includes the following models: the 2009-2010 RAV4, the 2009-2010 Corolla, the 2007-2010 Camry, the 2009-2010 Matrix hatchback, the 2005-2010 Avalon large sedan, the 2010 Highlander crossover, the 2007-2010 Tundra pickup and the 2008-2010 Sequoia large SUV.
"This action is necessary until a remedy is finalized," said Bob Carter, Toyota's group vice president and general manager.
Toyota spokesman Mike Goss said most workers were expected to be at their jobs during the assembly line shutdown. Workers will receive additional training or work on improvements to their assembly processes. They can also take vacation or unpaid leave, he said.
About 300 workers who build V8 engines at a Toyota plant in Huntsville, Ala., will be affected, said Stephanie Deemer, a spokeswoman for the plant. Goss said the shutdowns will also affect engine plants in Georgetown, Ky., and Buffalo, W.Va.
Toyota dealers said they were concerned the move would hamper sales. They hoped parts to fix the problem could be distributed quickly.
John McEleney, who owns a Clinton, Iowa, Toyota dealership, said the sales stoppage affects about 60 percent of the inventory on his lot. He said he was hopeful Toyota would come up with a fix soon — especially because the longer a vehicle stays on a dealer lot, the more money a dealer pays in interest fees.
"Short term, it's goign to be difficult," he said. "It will certainly set us back, but I think the impact will be very short lived."
Mamoru Katou, analyst at Tokai Tokyo Research, said Toyota was likely reorganizing production plans, such as switching suppliers, and shipping in parts from Japan.
"The problem is extremely serious," said Katou. "The models are precisely those Toyota had been preparing to sell in big numbers."
Toyota expects to sell 2.19 million vehicles in North America in 2010, up 11 percent from 2009, according to sales targets released Tuesday. Globally, Toyota said it was planning sales of 8.27 million vehicles this year, up 6 percent from 2009.
But those numbers have not figured in the U.S. sales stoppage, Takeuchi said.
The automaker's problems in the U.S. may be an extension of the spate of quality problems that plagued Toyota several years ago in Japan, its home market, during the aggressive growth strategy pursued under Watanabe.
In 2006, the Japanese government launched a criminal investigation into accidents suspected of being linked to vehicle problems, though nobody was charged. Watanabe later acknowledged overzealous growth was behind the quality problems.
Watanabe was replaced last year by Akio Toyoda, the grandson of Toyota's founder.
Tuesday's announcement follows a larger U.S. recall months earlier of 4.2 million vehicles because of problems with gas pedals becoming trapped under floor mats, causing sudden acceleration. That problem was the cause of several crashes, including some fatalities.
About 1.7 million vehicles fall under both recalls.
The auto company said the sales suspension wouldn't affect Lexus or Scion vehicles. Toyota said the Prius, Tacoma, Sienna, Venza, Solara, Yaris, 4Runner, FJ Cruiser, Land Cruiser and select Camry models, including all Camry hybrids, would remain for sale. Those vehicles contain gas pedals produced by a different North American supplier from the one whose parts are invovled in the current sales halt, Toyota has said.
Toyota sold more than 34,000 Camrys in December, making the midsize sedan America's best-selling car. It commands 3.4 percent of the U.S. market and sales rose 38 percent from a year earlier. Sales of the Corolla and Matrix, a small sedan and a hatchback, totaled 34,220 last month, with 3.3 percent of the market and sales up nearly 55 percent from December of 2008.
More Evidence That Climategate Is A Money Making Hoax Created By The Democrat Party
This picture of Mount Everest was take from the top of Gokyo Ri (in Nepal). Click on it to see a bigger version. | ![]() |
Climategate: The Ongoing Search for Peer Review
Posted by Neil Stevens
I hear they’re telling a joke at the International Panel on Climate Change: Knock knock. Who’s there? Peer Review. Peer Review who? Your guess is as good as mine.
But seriously, I thought it was bad enough when a single reference to a piece of speculative fiction about Himalayan glaciers made it into a “peer-reviewed” IPCC report. But it turns out to be a trend. Says the Telegraph via Hot Air, in reference to another outlandish prediction:
Don’t laugh. The reverberations in the IPCC’s echo chamber might damage some eardrums.
But seriously, I thought it was bad enough when a single reference to a piece of speculative fiction about Himalayan glaciers made it into a “peer-reviewed” IPCC report. But it turns out to be a trend. Says the Telegraph via Hot Air, in reference to another outlandish prediction:
At first sight, the reference looks kosher enough but, following it through, one sees:One can only imagine how many more references to activist groups are lurking in this and other IPCC literature. It’s as though the IPCC creates its works without anybody ever giving anything a critical evaluation, making Peer Review a truly Orwellian expression and IPCC our very own Minisci, producing as much science as Miniluv produced love.
Rowell, A. and P.F. Moore, 2000: Global Review of Forest Fires. WWF/IUCN,This, then appears to be another WWF report, carried out in conjunction with the IUCN – The International Union for Conservation of Nature.
Gland, Switzerland, 66 pp. http://www.iucn.org/themes/fcp/publications
Don’t laugh. The reverberations in the IPCC’s echo chamber might damage some eardrums.
What will Obama do? Open Thread
What will Obama do tonight? Will he do what Clinton did and fall in line with most Americans and become more conservative like we on the right want? Or will he fall back to the left where his roots are? Obamas only friends are the left and they are that happy with him and Congress right now. He doesn't have a chance with the far right but he might gain back the Independents and the modarate Republicans if he goes a little more to the right. Will the right take him back after the way he polorized them on almost every issue other then Afghanistan. If Obama does a great speech and talks a good game but stays where he is he will have no one. Obama need to pick a side. He polorized this nation when he thought he had the supermajority. Now he has to gain back the Reagan Democrats and Independents if he wants to get anything done. He made his bed of divisive polotics and now he must sleep in it. I know I'm hopping he pulls a Bill Clinton and moves closer to the center. If he doesn't then when the Republicans make their comeback this Nov. he will be left high and dry without a friend in Congress. And will he keep blaming the Republicans for the failed health card bill or will he take one on the chin like a real man would? So will Obama piss off the progressives or the conservatives? And can we believe a word out of his mouth either way?
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Obama Spent More Money Then Any President And Now He Calls For A Spending Freeze? Who here Believes Him?
During the 2008 elections, Obama repeatedly ridiculed John McCain for proposing a spending freeze.
This video tells us a lot about the BS spending freeze.
Why Do People Call Obama A Marxist? Could It Be The Name Fits?
When Ob
ama takes to the podium for the State of the Union, one of the things he is allegedly going to push is a wholesale federal take over of the student loan industry.
Already, his plans are causing a lot of students, particularly of private higher ed colleges and universities, problems with getting financing for education. Obama intends to shut out the usual third party lenders and put everything within the federal government — under a program that has been shown repeatedly to be highly inefficient and burdensome for academic institutions.More troubling, by putting everything under the Department of Education, universities and colleges will be forced to adhere to federal rules, some of which conflict with the values of sectarian institutions that presently use the third party student loan system for their students.
The feds controlling the student loan industry means the feds get to tell academic institutions what values they can and cannot promote among the selection and disciplining of their students.
Brigham Young, etc. better watch out.
More troubling, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan sent out a letter recently to colleges and universities telling them to get on board the federal program right now. There’s just one problem — the Congress has not passed the program. Likewise, the Department of Education is encouraging outside groups to lobby for the legislation, a clear violation of federal law.
In other words, Duncan is trying to get schools that have expressed real apprehension over the program to get into the program now so Congress will believe the expressed concerns have been ameliorated.
The wholesale take over of education funding by the feds will, like a wholesale take over of healthcare, drive up prices through decreases in competition and, more troubling, allow the feds a backdoor into higher education learning and indoctrination.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Obama Is The Most Polorizing President In American History. He Said He Would Bring Us Together Not Divide Us Even More.
The 65%-point gap between Democrats' (88%) and Republicans' (23%) average job approval ratings for Barack Obama is easily the largest for any president in his first year in office, greatly exceeding the prior high of 52 points for Bill Clinton.

Overall, Obama averaged 57% job approval among all Americans from his inauguration to the end of his first full year on Jan. 19. He came into office seeking to unite the country, and his initial approval ratings ranked among the best for post-World War II presidents, including an average of 41% approval from Republicans in his first week in office. But he quickly lost most of his Republican support, with his approval rating among Republicans dropping below 30% in mid-February and below 20% in August. Throughout the year, his approval rating among Democrats exceeded 80%, and it showed little decline even as his overall approval rating fell from the mid-60s to roughly 50%.

Obama still has three years left in his first term and possibly seven more as president, so there is much time for the polarization of his approval ratings to subside. However, if the current level of polarization persists through the end of his term, Obama would exceed Bush as the president with the most polarized approval ratings.
Bush's average Republican-Democratic gap for his eight years in office was 61 points. This included the record gap for a single approval rating: 83 points, which occurred twice -- in September 2004 (95% Republican, 12% Democratic) and October 2004 (94% Republican, 11% Democratic).
The political divide in Bush's ratings is to some extent understated, though, given the rally in public support for Bush after the Sept. 11 terror attacks, when he received record-high approval ratings. Even with these approval ratings, he averaged a 55-point gap in approval by party during his first term. During his second term, the average party gap in his ratings was 68 points, higher than Obama's to date.
The accompanying graph makes clear how much the level of political polarization has grown in Americans' evaluations of presidents in recent decades. Prior to Ronald Reagan, no president averaged more than a 40-point gap in approval ratings by party during his term; since then, only the elder George Bush has averaged less than a 50-point gap, including Obama's average 65-point gap to date.

Bottom Line Obama has done it again. He has the lowest approval rating of any President in history and now he is the most polorizing President ever. He said he would bring us together and work with Republicans to make America great. It looks like he is wrong once again. He is over 10% above the next most polorizing President in history. Obama and his marry group of idiots can't get anything right. They are saying they have saved thousands,1.5 million,no I mean over 2million jobs have been save. When in reality we have lost over 2 million jobs since the Stimulus Bill. If the left wing fools want to believe this gypsy progressive cult let them. If the Democrats want to let them run their party into the ground. Let them. But don't tell us that Obama is a good President and that he has saved jobs when it is a blatent lie.

"Prior to Ronald Reagan, no president averaged more than a 40-point gap in approval ratings by party during his term; since then, only the elder George Bush has averaged less than a 50-point gap."Thus, the extraordinary level of polarization in Obama's first year in office is a combination of declining support from Republicans coupled with high and sustained approval from Democrats. In fact, his 88% average approval rating from his own party's supporters is exceeded only by George W. Bush's 92% during Bush's first year in office. Obama's 23% approval among supporters of the opposition party matches Bill Clinton's for the lowest for a first-year president. But Clinton was less popular among Democrats than Obama has been to date, making Obama's ratings more polarized.

Bush's average Republican-Democratic gap for his eight years in office was 61 points. This included the record gap for a single approval rating: 83 points, which occurred twice -- in September 2004 (95% Republican, 12% Democratic) and October 2004 (94% Republican, 11% Democratic).
The political divide in Bush's ratings is to some extent understated, though, given the rally in public support for Bush after the Sept. 11 terror attacks, when he received record-high approval ratings. Even with these approval ratings, he averaged a 55-point gap in approval by party during his first term. During his second term, the average party gap in his ratings was 68 points, higher than Obama's to date.
The accompanying graph makes clear how much the level of political polarization has grown in Americans' evaluations of presidents in recent decades. Prior to Ronald Reagan, no president averaged more than a 40-point gap in approval ratings by party during his term; since then, only the elder George Bush has averaged less than a 50-point gap, including Obama's average 65-point gap to date.

What's Happening In Birmingham, Mich.(Kick 'Em All Out)
Birmingham (Kick 'Em All Out) - Targets: Gov. Granholm (Bouchard) + Peters US 9th (Goodman)
Big Rock Chop House (located in the historic former Birmingham Grand Trunk and Western Railroad Depot) (248) 647-7774 - This month we have two featured speakers. Our first speaker will be Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard, who is a candidate for Governor.
http://bouchardforgovernor.com. Our second speaker will be Gene Goodman, who is running for the 9th US House against Gary Peters. http://genedgoodman.com.
Come prepared to ask questions and get information. We only get one chance to be successful in this year's elections and as always - knowledge is power. The meeting is FREE of charge and open to the public.
(Editor's Notice: We at MAC are non-partisan, supporters of Liberty and gov't accountable to We, the People. If you're running for political office - at any level - against a "status quo" incumbent, and you believe in Constitutionally-limited gov't, email us at mhtml:{4C929EEA-4232-4670-AD3A-8E7462B15A5B}mid://00000045/!x-usc:mailto:michiganactivists@gmail.com. Upon approval, we'll publish your upcoming events. We encourage candidates for public office to be vetted by iCaucus. - MAC)
Think of a friend to invite, then help expand the MI Liberty Coalition movement by FORWARDING this to them!
- MAC Subscribers: Connect the "unawakened" to events / groups. BE A 1-PERSON ARMY !
http://michiganactivists.com (join us - pass it on!)
http://bouchardforgovernor.com. Our second speaker will be Gene Goodman, who is running for the 9th US House against Gary Peters. http://genedgoodman.com.
Come prepared to ask questions and get information. We only get one chance to be successful in this year's elections and as always - knowledge is power. The meeting is FREE of charge and open to the public.
(Editor's Notice: We at MAC are non-partisan, supporters of Liberty and gov't accountable to We, the People. If you're running for political office - at any level - against a "status quo" incumbent, and you believe in Constitutionally-limited gov't, email us at mhtml:{4C929EEA-4232-4670-AD3A-8E7462B15A5B}mid://00000045/!x-usc:mailto:michiganactivists@gmail.com. Upon approval, we'll publish your upcoming events. We encourage candidates for public office to be vetted by iCaucus. - MAC)
Think of a friend to invite, then help expand the MI Liberty Coalition movement by FORWARDING this to them!
- MAC Subscribers: Connect the "unawakened" to events / groups. BE A 1-PERSON ARMY !
http://michiganactivists.com (join us - pass it on!)
When | Mon Jan 25 7pm – 9pm Eastern Time |
Where | 245 S Eton Birmingham, MI 48009 (map) |
Where Do The Progressive Stand On Rahm
January 25, 2010 by Personal Liberty News Desk

Citing Obama’s falling popularity ratings and the Democrats’ growing political woes—most recently represented by their loss of the supermajority in the Senate after the Massachusetts special elections—the Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) has urged its members not to support the former Illinois congressman if he ever runs for public office again.
In particular, the group has attacked Emanuel for teaming up with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to give up on the public option, and for helping to put together deals with the drug companies in exchange for their support.
"There’s nobody in Washington who caves at the slightest hint of a fight with corporate interests more than Rahm Emanuel," said PCCC co-founder Adam Green, quoted by CNN.
"We’re making clear to Rahm that when he undermines progressives and the overwhelming will of the American people on issues like the public option, he will pay a political price back home," he added.
Writing for Progressive.org, editor Matthew Rothschild also alluded to the 10 percent unemployment rate and blamed Emanuel for it, saying he pushed Obama to reject the calls of Paul Krugman and Joseph Stiglitz, two Nobel Prize-winning economists, for a bigger stimulus package.

Why Would Obama The Warlord Want Manditory Military Service
Audio Unearthed: Obama in His Own Words Wants Mandatory Civil or Military Service
Posted by Chris from bonsai from the right Where is our freedom? Why would Obama want everyone to be in the military in a national civil service organization? This should bother the anti war left more then anyone. But I will bet that they stay mute on this. I would like to know what most of the readers think about this new audio of Obama's. Do you think Obama is getting ready for a conflict and who is the enemy Obama is getting ready for? Could it be the same enemy he called out in the National Security right wing extreemist book?
Obama In His Own Words
youtube.com - 2 days ago
A special preview of FOX News Channels upcoming weekend special on Obama, "FOX News Reporting: President Obama: in His Own Words."
Neither the left nor the right should be happy with all the damage Obama has done without really acomplishing anything of real value. He couldn't even get things done with a filibuster proof supermajority in Congress. He isn't at all what he said he would be. He is all show and no substance kind of like his mentor the Rev. Wright. Listen to his own words and then lets see what kind of person he really is. After watching this maybe the left will see why we don't trust Obama. If they want trust Obama's words when they rarely come to fruition they can go right ahead.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Stop Killing Babies Inside Their Mothers. Only A Progressive Would Find Nothing Wrong With The Killing Of A Human Baby
San Francisco protests 'Holocaust that is abortion'
Charlie Butts - OneNewsNow - 1/23/2010 4:10:00 AM

"Obviously it must have something to do with the current administration and the healthcare and the abortion clause in the healthcare [legislation] and people's frustration with the administration," she says.
The co-chair goes on to explain that she is aware polls show most Americans are against abortion, meaning people are "waking up to the Holocaust that is abortion." The walk, in effect, attracts a cross section of people.
"In the past years...one of the biggest things we're proud of is the many youth who come to our event," Muntean notes. "High schools from over the state come to it as groups and college students. We have a wide range of ages."
The Walk for Life West Coast's motto is "Abortion Hurts Women," and the event was organized in 2005 to affirm the right to life and to change the hearts of those hurt by abortion. The national March for Life was held Friday in Washington, DC.
2010 'heartwarming' March for Life
Charlie Butts - OneNewsNow - 1/23/2010 4:00:00 AM

"Forgive us for the many ways in which we have failed to respect the sanctity of every human life," he began. "Give us courage to be a voice for the voiceless. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We gather today to pray for our leaders. We pray especially for those who even now are making decisions about providing healthcare for all our people. Protect them from choices made out of political expediency with no mind for your truth," Mims requested. "Remind them of your promises. Turn their hearts to the children. Lord in your mercy hear our prayer. And now to the God who showed his love for the whole world, to the gift of his only son, Jesus the Christ, and who calls us to do the same, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority before all time and now and forever, Amen."
The event's focus was the issue of life, and the vast crowd marched to its conclusion at the Supreme Court, which is where the 1973 decision was made to legalize abortion. Since that decision in Roe v. Wade, more than 50-million babies have been aborted.
Nellie Gray, 84, president of March for Life, later spoke to the crowd, explaining one of the purposes behind being in the streets of the nation's capitol on a cold, wintery day. "We've got to get the president to hear us," she declared. "We've got to get the justices to hear us, and we've got to get Congress to hear us."
The event president made reference to a letter March for Life has written a letter to President Obama, pointing to a statement he made while touring the Buchenwald concentration camp last June where many thousands of Jews were killed during World War II. He said, "When you look at the horror that was here that was done by a government to its own people, then you know that was wrong."
"Mr. President, it seems as if you have forgotten it," she stated in reference to that statement. "There is the killing of the innocent children here in America. You have forgotten it already since June, and the essence of this killing is hard numbers."

She added that one of the heartwarming aspects was the number of young people who participated since "probably the average age at the march would have to [have been] in the low 20s...."
Hartshorn further noted the "eight moms with their babies from pregnancy centers all over the country -- from Texas and Louisiana and Illinois and Indiana and Ohio" who were lobbying members of Congress earlier in the week on the aid that crisis pregnancy centers provide to save the unborn from abortion at no cost to taxpayers.

Kenney comments that the atmosphere last year was rather somber, but this year, there was a change in the air.
"We have seen just how quickly change really does happen in America, and I think that this generation, the folks here understand that, and they can taste it," he said. "They know that if we do what we need to do, we do what we are supposed to do, we change this culture towards life and we can end abortion within our lifetime."
The executive director stresses that even though the curtain has closed on this year's March for Life, the battle for that culture will continue as participants go to their local communities and continue the fight against abortion.
Thank You
I would like to thank all the people that voted for Obama and the Democrats in office. Because if you hadn't voted in the most Progressive President and Congress in our history the conservative majority would not have become such a large and great force in America today. I know you didn't mean to make the moral majority/conservatives wake up and oppose the progressive agenda. Like a frog in hot water you turned up the heat too fast and we jumped out. We are not a liberal complacent group any more. We are not going to let you progressives dictate what is politicaly correct any more. We are not going to let you tell us that killing babies while in their mother protective womb misn't brutal murder. We are not going to let you tell us that is is Christianity and Jewdaism that are the problems in the world. While in the same breath tell us that it is not right to profile Muslims to stop more terrorist attacks when there are whole nations under Islamic rule that are calling for our distruction. We are not going to believe the lies like jobs created or saved,the Stimulus bill is working and it is Capitolisms fault. We will not let you devalue our Constitution nor the rights that are given to us by God. We will not let you take money from hard working Americans and let you give it to your greedy union interests. We will not let you take God out of our country when 92% of Americans believe in Him. We are not going to give you more money because it will help you get elected. And if you can't give us a viable common sense health care reform bill we will find people that will. If you have a filibuster proof super majority and you can't pass a bill or get what you want done then it is not in the best interest of this great nation. And stop putting down our great nation. We are a good people and for the most part we do great things for the world through our hard work and generosity. You progressives think that this country is so bad and the capitolism that made it are so bad then live where there isn't any. I'll pay for the one way ticket to Cuba myself. I'll even help fill out your citizenship paperwork for you. When was the last time the Republicans had a supermajority like the Democrats had? The Democrats still have a majority in both houses so why can't you make some bills that work the way you said they would or that will get passed. And don't blame the Republicans for your parties impotence in getting real work done. And don't tell us to have faith in the Democrats when they can't even get the Stimulus bill right. What a waste of money that was. And to cover the Democrats butts they want to steal the TARP funds that are mandated by law to pay off our debt and hand it out to who they choose. It's the future Americans money not yours to play with and spend at will. We will remember everything the Democrats have done just like we remembered what the Republicans did to us. The Republicans are making their way back and the Democrats are dead set on letting the Progressives destroy their party. The American people are waking up to the fact that if it wasn't for the Republicans and some Blue Dog Democrats this country would have a health care bill that would fix nothing and cost us trillions. So once again I'd like to thank you Progressives for waking me and millions of Americans up to your agenda. Keep up the good work on destroying the Democrat party. Thank you for galvinizing the right. I expect the left to not go quitly but violently. Lets just pray they don't kill anyone or riot again.
Here We Go Bruce Does This Make You Happy?
The Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v FEC gives Republicans an unexpected and possibly transformative gift in the lead up to the 2010 mid-terms…. that is if Republicans are smart enough to recognize it as such and take advantage.
The decision almost certainly favors Republican interests, since corporations are certainly not going to line up in favor of Democrats. In recent years, Democrats have out-raised Republicans by significant margins and as of this morning, Democrats seemed poised to head into the mid-terms with the financial edge. No more. Businesses are already lining up to oppose the Obama administration and the Democratic members of Congress loyal to the President. The Chamber of Commerce, which filed an amicus brief in favor of the non-profit that challenged the FEC (as did the NRA), spent $36 million on advertisements and get-out-the-vote activities in 2008 and has already announced its intentions to organize a campaign infinitely larger and more aggressive than its previous effort. The Court properly applied the first Amendment today, and as a result, Republicans have an excellent opportunity to narrow the fundraising gap. Needless to say, Democrats are having a bad month.
Regardless of what you think of the Supreme Court’s decision, the laws governing the political landscape are radically different today than they were yesterday. Citizens United opened the floodgates that previously prevented corporations and unions from spending their general funds on campaign advertisements that explicitly advocate in favor of or against the election of a candidate. The decision did uphold disclosure requirements, but nonetheless, a great deal of potential advocacy money just became in play for candidates, and members of both political parties are already moving to respond to the decision.
The President, for one, ain’t exactly thrilled. He led the Democratic charge against the decision, stating that today the SCOTUS “has given a green light to a new stampede of special interest money in our politics,” and proclaiming his intention to “develop a forceful response.” He continued that “it is a major victory for big oil, Wall Street banks, health insurance companies and the other powerful interests that marshal their power every day in Washington to drown out the voices of everyday Americans…. This ruling gives the special interests and their lobbyists even more power in Washington—while undermining the influence of average Americans who make small contributions to support their preferred candidates.”
Senator Chuck Schumer is apparently already moving to attempt to pass some sort of legislation that might at least partially blunt the effects of the Court’s ruling prior to the 2010 election cycle. While Democratic objections may to some degree be philosophical, their reaction to the ruling is undoubtedly in part related to the timing of the decision. A humiliating and truly disgraceful loss in Massachusetts not only derailed the Democrats’ health care bill but it has also raised fears among Democrats that the 2010 mid-terms could be truly catastrophic. Larry Sabato notes that “it is likely that Republicans will gain at least 3-5 senate seats in November. Even more startling, in the aftermath of the Massachusetts special election, Republicans would do even better IF the general election were being held today. The Crystal Ball projects that the Democratic majority in the Senate would be reduced to just 52 seats if November’s contest were somehow moved to January.” This decision has only served to further terrify Democrats.
Does the SEIU not count as a special interest? What about all the other special interest that wrote the Stimulus Bill and the Health Care Bill? Why does the President think he is above the law of the land?
The decision almost certainly favors Republican interests, since corporations are certainly not going to line up in favor of Democrats. In recent years, Democrats have out-raised Republicans by significant margins and as of this morning, Democrats seemed poised to head into the mid-terms with the financial edge. No more. Businesses are already lining up to oppose the Obama administration and the Democratic members of Congress loyal to the President. The Chamber of Commerce, which filed an amicus brief in favor of the non-profit that challenged the FEC (as did the NRA), spent $36 million on advertisements and get-out-the-vote activities in 2008 and has already announced its intentions to organize a campaign infinitely larger and more aggressive than its previous effort. The Court properly applied the first Amendment today, and as a result, Republicans have an excellent opportunity to narrow the fundraising gap. Needless to say, Democrats are having a bad month.
Regardless of what you think of the Supreme Court’s decision, the laws governing the political landscape are radically different today than they were yesterday. Citizens United opened the floodgates that previously prevented corporations and unions from spending their general funds on campaign advertisements that explicitly advocate in favor of or against the election of a candidate. The decision did uphold disclosure requirements, but nonetheless, a great deal of potential advocacy money just became in play for candidates, and members of both political parties are already moving to respond to the decision.
The President, for one, ain’t exactly thrilled. He led the Democratic charge against the decision, stating that today the SCOTUS “has given a green light to a new stampede of special interest money in our politics,” and proclaiming his intention to “develop a forceful response.” He continued that “it is a major victory for big oil, Wall Street banks, health insurance companies and the other powerful interests that marshal their power every day in Washington to drown out the voices of everyday Americans…. This ruling gives the special interests and their lobbyists even more power in Washington—while undermining the influence of average Americans who make small contributions to support their preferred candidates.”
Senator Chuck Schumer is apparently already moving to attempt to pass some sort of legislation that might at least partially blunt the effects of the Court’s ruling prior to the 2010 election cycle. While Democratic objections may to some degree be philosophical, their reaction to the ruling is undoubtedly in part related to the timing of the decision. A humiliating and truly disgraceful loss in Massachusetts not only derailed the Democrats’ health care bill but it has also raised fears among Democrats that the 2010 mid-terms could be truly catastrophic. Larry Sabato notes that “it is likely that Republicans will gain at least 3-5 senate seats in November. Even more startling, in the aftermath of the Massachusetts special election, Republicans would do even better IF the general election were being held today. The Crystal Ball projects that the Democratic majority in the Senate would be reduced to just 52 seats if November’s contest were somehow moved to January.” This decision has only served to further terrify Democrats.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Live Free Or Die:The Revolutionary Holocaust
The Revolutionary Holocaust: Live Free or Die
January 23, 2010 - 3:17 ETA groundbreaking hour long special where Glenn Beck takes us back in time to examine the roots of socialism and communism and the evil that followed. We all know about the horrors of the holocaust where the pure evil Hitler inspired claimed the lives of millions of innocent people. But most do not know about the millions upon millions of lives lost in a different genocide of the Ukrainian people under the Stalin regime. This special also takes a look behind the iconic fashion symbol of Che Guevara showing that the myth doesn't tell the story of the man who was a blood thirsty killer. We meet a family who saw first hand what a monster the man was. They know the cost of communism and you will too when you hear their story, and who can forget about Mao Zedong? A leader responsible for 70-million deaths during his reign. All communist. All killers. We will show you things you've never seen but need to.
Video from The Revolutionary Holocaust...
Live Free or Die
The Cult of Che
These are the heroes to the left progressive movment. Now do you see why they are putting the abortion clinics in the hood? The next time I see a black kid wearing a Che T-shirt I'll let him know who Che was and how he hated black just like most or the Progressive revolutionaries did. Now the Proghressives have taken over the Democrat party and it doesn't look like they will give it back any time soon.
Jon Stewart Shows What A Scary Freek Of Nature Keith Olbermann Is
I laught my butt of on this show. Jon Stewarts whole show that day was great. Thanks John for the link.
Friday, January 22, 2010
This Show Us How Dilutional These Progressives Are. It's A Progressive Comidy Show
Howard Dean believes the Massachusetts voters were sending a message to Washington, D.C. , agree with him, but voted for the conservative Republican candidate? This interview provides valuable insight into the mind of the Deaniac.
URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ui4ElSz_bKU It looks like Chris Mathews lost that loving feeling that went down his leg. How illogical can these liberals be? Howard Deaniac is quoting the Poll that Bruce quoted us. Now is there a person on this planet that truly believes what Howard Deaniac is saying to be right? The Democrats are as out of touch with the American voters and this is just more proof of the derangment coming from the Democrat Party. How can anyone listen to these Democrat jokers anymore? How can you not sit back and laugh at these to liberals making fools of themselves and the party they have supported in the past? This has become the special olympics of political debate. At least Mathews has become somewhat lucid and sees the Democrat Party for what they are not what they once were. I hope the left wing keeps quoting that one study that shows that the people of Mass. voted for Scott Brown because they wanted the public option Coakley would have voted for. I was called dumb on a Progressive blog because I agree with Chris Mathews on this. I'm glade I found this video because it's nice to know I'm not alone in being dumb to the Progressives.lol. Today is the national day of make laugh at the liberals day. Lets make it a year long celebration.
URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ui4ElSz_bKU It looks like Chris Mathews lost that loving feeling that went down his leg. How illogical can these liberals be? Howard Deaniac is quoting the Poll that Bruce quoted us. Now is there a person on this planet that truly believes what Howard Deaniac is saying to be right? The Democrats are as out of touch with the American voters and this is just more proof of the derangment coming from the Democrat Party. How can anyone listen to these Democrat jokers anymore? How can you not sit back and laugh at these to liberals making fools of themselves and the party they have supported in the past? This has become the special olympics of political debate. At least Mathews has become somewhat lucid and sees the Democrat Party for what they are not what they once were. I hope the left wing keeps quoting that one study that shows that the people of Mass. voted for Scott Brown because they wanted the public option Coakley would have voted for. I was called dumb on a Progressive blog because I agree with Chris Mathews on this. I'm glade I found this video because it's nice to know I'm not alone in being dumb to the Progressives.lol. Today is the national day of make laugh at the liberals day. Lets make it a year long celebration.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Obamas Real Approval Ratings
A columnist for the Boston Globe believes that unless President Obama makes some changes to his political agenda quickly, his party will experience a "bloodbath" in November.
Jeff Jacoby at the Boston Globe says Republican Scott Brown's convincing victory Tuesday for the U.S. Senate makes it clear that even in the "bluest of Blue states," no political seat is guaranteed forever. He says Democrats in Washington are now forced to realize that they too could be challenged and potentially dislodged from office.
"This wasn't as much a Republican victory as it was, I think, a backlash against Democrats and against a style of governance that President Obama and Democratic leaders in Congress have been pushing very hard and in a very partisan way over the past year," states the columnist.
Jacoby writes in a new column that Democrat Martha Coakley's loss in the special Senate election in Massachusetts may actually be a blessing in disguise for President Obama.
"I think that this is a chance for him to think very hard about the way he has governed so far and to read the writing on the wall," he suggests, "and to recognize that unless he wants his party to go through a bloodbath in the mid-term elections this November, he needs to make some changes -- and he needs to make them quickly. If he does that, then I think that the brightest days of the Obama administration may still be to come."
Obama's popularity
"When presidents' approval ratings have been below 50 percent in a midterm election year, their party has tended to suffer heavier seat losses," states a Gallup report.
After averaging a 57-percent job approval rating during his first year in office, recent numbers (Oct. 20, 2009 - Jan. 19, 2010) have generally hovered around the 50-percent mark, notes Gallup (see graph below).

Now while Progressives are going around town bragging that Obama has an approval rating of 56% all the other polls put Obamas approval around or under 50%.
First Time America Isn't Ranket #1 In Economic Freedom This Year The Democrats Took Us Down To #8
World Rank: 8 Regional Rank: 2 of 3

Ten Economic Freedoms of United States
91.3 | Business Freedom | Avg 64.6 | 75.0 | Investment Freedom | Avg 49.0 |
86.9 | Trade Freedom | Avg. 74.2 | 70.0 | Financial Freedom | Avg 48.5 |
67.5 | Fiscal Freedom | Avg. 75.4 | 85.0 | Property Rights | Avg 43.8 |
58.0 | Government Spending | Avg. 65.0 | 73.0 | Fdm. from Corruption | Avg 40.5 |
78.1 | Monetary Freedom | Avg. 70.6 | 94.8 | Labor Freedom | Avg 62.1 |
Download PDF
Quick Facts
- 304.1 million
- $14.2 trillion
- 1.1% growth
- 2.2% 5-year compound annual growth
- $46,716 per capita
- 9.4%
Inflation (CPI):
- 3.8%
FDI Inflow:
- $316.1 billion
The United States’ economic freedom score is 78.0, making its economy the 8th freest in the 2010 Index. Its score is 2.7 points lower than last year, reflecting notable decreases in financial freedom, monetary freedom, and property rights. The United States has fallen to 2nd place out of three countries in the North America region.
The U.S. government’s interventionist responses to the financial and economic crisis that began in 2008 have significantly undermined economic freedom and long-term prospects for economic growth. Economic freedom has declined in seven of the 10 categories measured in the Index.
Uncertainties caused by ongoing regulatory changes and politically influenced stimulus spending have discouraged entrepreneurship and job creation, slowing recovery. Leadership in free trade has been undercut by “Buy American” provisions in stimulus legislation and failure to pursue previously agreed free trade agreements with Panama, Colombia, and South Korea. Tax rates are increasingly uncompetitive, and massive stimulus spending is creating unprecedented deficits. Bailouts of financial and automotive firms have generated concerns about property rights.
The U.S. government’s interventionist responses to the financial and economic crisis that began in 2008 have significantly undermined economic freedom and long-term prospects for economic growth. Economic freedom has declined in seven of the 10 categories measured in the Index.
Uncertainties caused by ongoing regulatory changes and politically influenced stimulus spending have discouraged entrepreneurship and job creation, slowing recovery. Leadership in free trade has been undercut by “Buy American” provisions in stimulus legislation and failure to pursue previously agreed free trade agreements with Panama, Colombia, and South Korea. Tax rates are increasingly uncompetitive, and massive stimulus spending is creating unprecedented deficits. Bailouts of financial and automotive firms have generated concerns about property rights.
Background Back to the top
The U.S. economy is the world’s largest. Services account for more than 70 percent of economic activity, but the U.S. is also the world’s largest producer of manufactured goods and fourth-largest producer of agricultural products. A federal form of government that reserves significant powers to states and localities has encouraged diverse economic policies and strategies. The national government’s role in the economy, already expanding under President George W. Bush, has grown sharply under the Administration of President Barack Obama, who took office in January 2009. Economic growth, which collapsed in 2008, had resumed by the second half of 2009, but legislative proposals for large and expensive new government programs on health care and energy use (climate change) have increased prospects for significant economic disruptions and raised concerns about the long-term health of the economy.
Business Freedom91.3 Back to the top
The overall freedom to start, operate, and close a business, regulated primarily at the state level, is still strongly protected. Starting a business takes six days, compared to the world average of 35 days. Obtaining a business license takes less than the world average of 218 days. Bankruptcy proceedings are very easy and straightforward.
Trade Freedom86.9 Back to the top
The weighted average U.S. tariff rate was 1.5 percent in 2008. Anti-dumping and countervailing duties, domestic preferences in government procurement, high out-of-quota tariffs, services market access restrictions, import licensing, restrictive labeling and standards, and export-promotion programs and subsidies add to the cost of trade. Ten points were deducted from the U.S. trade freedom score to account for non-tariff barriers.
Fiscal Freedom67.5 Back to the top
U.S. tax rates are burdensome. The top income and corporate tax rates are 35 percent. Other taxes include an estate tax and excise taxes. Additional income, sales, and property taxes are assessed at the state and local levels. In the most recent year, overall tax revenue as a percentage of GDP was 28.3 percent.
Government Spending58.0 Back to the top
Total government expenditures, including consumption and transfer payments, are relatively high and rising rapidly. In the most recent year, government spending equaled 37.4 percent of GDP. Spending increases totaled well over $1 trillion in 2009 alone, an increase of more than 20 percent over 2008. Stimulus spending set for the next three years is estimated to equal 5 percent of 2009 GDP.
Monetary Freedom78.1 Back to the top
Inflation has been relatively low, averaging 3.5 percent between 2006 and 2008. The Federal Reserve cut the interest rate on federal funds to near zero in December 2008, with low rates persisting through 2009. Price controls apply to some regulated monopolies; certain states and localities control residential rents; and the government influences prices through subsidies, particularly for the agricultural sector, dairy products, and some forms of transportation. Government interventions in housing, automotive, and financial markets have substantially increased price distortions. Ten points were deducted from the U.S. monetary freedom score to account for policies that distort domestic prices.
Investment Freedom75.0 Back to the top
Foreign and domestic enterprises are legally equal, and foreign investments face federal screening only if perceived as a potential threat to national security. Foreign investment in banking, mining, defense contracting, certain energy-related industries, fishing, shipping, communications, and aviation is restricted. Regulations are generally transparent; individual states may impose additional restrictions. There are few controls on currency transfers, access to foreign exchange, or repatriation of profits. Foreign investors may own most land, subject to some restrictions.
Financial Freedom70.0 Back to the top
The U.S. financial sector has undergone drastic changes since the sub-prime mortgage crisis began in mid-2007, substantially reducing economic freedom. Mortgage guarantors Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were placed in conservatorship. A number of prominent financial firms or banks have failed; government bailouts have kept others afloat; and the government has intruded on firms’ management in unprecedented ways (for example, by setting caps on executive compensation). Despite the turmoil, the U.S. still has one of the world’s most dynamic and developed financial markets. Foreign financial institutions and domestic banks are subject to the same restrictions. Foreign participation in equities and insurance is substantial. Concerns continue over the intrusive nature and cost of the 2002 Sarbanes–Oxley Act, which increased disclosure and internal control requirements to the detriment particularly of small firms.
Property Rights85.0 Back to the top
Property rights are guaranteed. Contracts are secure, and the judiciary is independent and of high quality. A well-developed licensing system protects patents, trademarks, and copyrights, and laws protecting intellectual property rights are strictly enforced. Government interventions in financial markets and the automotive sector have raised concerns about expropriation and violation of the contractual rights of shareholders and bondholders.
Freedom From Corruption73.0 Back to the top
Corruption is perceived as minimal. The U.S. ranks 18th out of 179 countries in Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index for 2008. The absence of transparency and accountability in the operations of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) and in other “bailout” programs managed by the Treasury and the Federal Reserve has increased concerns about the potential for government corruption.
Labor Freedom94.8 Back to the top
The United States’ labor regulations are highly flexible. The non-salary cost of employing a worker is low, and dismissing an employee is not burdensome.
Economic Freedom Score

Country’s Score Over Time

Economic Freedom vs. World Avg

Regional Ranking
Rank | Country | Overall | Change |
1 | Canada | 80.4 | -0.1 |
2 | United States | 78 | -2.7 |
Ten Economic Freedoms of United States
91.3 | Business Freedom | Avg 64.6 | 75.0 | Investment Freedom | Avg 49.0 |
86.9 | Trade Freedom | Avg. 74.2 | 70.0 | Financial Freedom | Avg 48.5 |
67.5 | Fiscal Freedom | Avg. 75.4 | 85.0 | Property Rights | Avg 43.8 |
58.0 | Government Spending | Avg. 65.0 | 73.0 | Fdm. from Corruption | Avg 40.5 |
78.1 | Monetary Freedom | Avg. 70.6 | 94.8 | Labor Freedom | Avg 62.1 |
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Quick Facts
- 304.1 million
- $14.2 trillion
- 1.1% growth
- 2.2% 5-year compound annual growth
- $46,716 per capita
- 9.4%
Inflation (CPI):
- 3.8%
FDI Inflow:
- $316.1 billion
The United States’ economic freedom score is 78.0, making its economy the 8th freest in the 2010 Index. Its score is 2.7 points lower than last year, reflecting notable decreases in financial freedom, monetary freedom, and property rights. The United States has fallen to 2nd place out of three countries in the North America region.
The U.S. government’s interventionist responses to the financial and economic crisis that began in 2008 have significantly undermined economic freedom and long-term prospects for economic growth. Economic freedom has declined in seven of the 10 categories measured in the Index.
Uncertainties caused by ongoing regulatory changes and politically influenced stimulus spending have discouraged entrepreneurship and job creation, slowing recovery. Leadership in free trade has been undercut by “Buy American” provisions in stimulus legislation and failure to pursue previously agreed free trade agreements with Panama, Colombia, and South Korea. Tax rates are increasingly uncompetitive, and massive stimulus spending is creating unprecedented deficits. Bailouts of financial and automotive firms have generated concerns about property rights.
The U.S. government’s interventionist responses to the financial and economic crisis that began in 2008 have significantly undermined economic freedom and long-term prospects for economic growth. Economic freedom has declined in seven of the 10 categories measured in the Index.
Uncertainties caused by ongoing regulatory changes and politically influenced stimulus spending have discouraged entrepreneurship and job creation, slowing recovery. Leadership in free trade has been undercut by “Buy American” provisions in stimulus legislation and failure to pursue previously agreed free trade agreements with Panama, Colombia, and South Korea. Tax rates are increasingly uncompetitive, and massive stimulus spending is creating unprecedented deficits. Bailouts of financial and automotive firms have generated concerns about property rights.
Background Back to the top
The U.S. economy is the world’s largest. Services account for more than 70 percent of economic activity, but the U.S. is also the world’s largest producer of manufactured goods and fourth-largest producer of agricultural products. A federal form of government that reserves significant powers to states and localities has encouraged diverse economic policies and strategies. The national government’s role in the economy, already expanding under President George W. Bush, has grown sharply under the Administration of President Barack Obama, who took office in January 2009. Economic growth, which collapsed in 2008, had resumed by the second half of 2009, but legislative proposals for large and expensive new government programs on health care and energy use (climate change) have increased prospects for significant economic disruptions and raised concerns about the long-term health of the economy.
Business Freedom91.3 Back to the top
The overall freedom to start, operate, and close a business, regulated primarily at the state level, is still strongly protected. Starting a business takes six days, compared to the world average of 35 days. Obtaining a business license takes less than the world average of 218 days. Bankruptcy proceedings are very easy and straightforward.
Trade Freedom86.9 Back to the top
The weighted average U.S. tariff rate was 1.5 percent in 2008. Anti-dumping and countervailing duties, domestic preferences in government procurement, high out-of-quota tariffs, services market access restrictions, import licensing, restrictive labeling and standards, and export-promotion programs and subsidies add to the cost of trade. Ten points were deducted from the U.S. trade freedom score to account for non-tariff barriers.
Fiscal Freedom67.5 Back to the top
U.S. tax rates are burdensome. The top income and corporate tax rates are 35 percent. Other taxes include an estate tax and excise taxes. Additional income, sales, and property taxes are assessed at the state and local levels. In the most recent year, overall tax revenue as a percentage of GDP was 28.3 percent.
Government Spending58.0 Back to the top
Total government expenditures, including consumption and transfer payments, are relatively high and rising rapidly. In the most recent year, government spending equaled 37.4 percent of GDP. Spending increases totaled well over $1 trillion in 2009 alone, an increase of more than 20 percent over 2008. Stimulus spending set for the next three years is estimated to equal 5 percent of 2009 GDP.
Monetary Freedom78.1 Back to the top
Inflation has been relatively low, averaging 3.5 percent between 2006 and 2008. The Federal Reserve cut the interest rate on federal funds to near zero in December 2008, with low rates persisting through 2009. Price controls apply to some regulated monopolies; certain states and localities control residential rents; and the government influences prices through subsidies, particularly for the agricultural sector, dairy products, and some forms of transportation. Government interventions in housing, automotive, and financial markets have substantially increased price distortions. Ten points were deducted from the U.S. monetary freedom score to account for policies that distort domestic prices.
Investment Freedom75.0 Back to the top
Foreign and domestic enterprises are legally equal, and foreign investments face federal screening only if perceived as a potential threat to national security. Foreign investment in banking, mining, defense contracting, certain energy-related industries, fishing, shipping, communications, and aviation is restricted. Regulations are generally transparent; individual states may impose additional restrictions. There are few controls on currency transfers, access to foreign exchange, or repatriation of profits. Foreign investors may own most land, subject to some restrictions.
Financial Freedom70.0 Back to the top
The U.S. financial sector has undergone drastic changes since the sub-prime mortgage crisis began in mid-2007, substantially reducing economic freedom. Mortgage guarantors Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were placed in conservatorship. A number of prominent financial firms or banks have failed; government bailouts have kept others afloat; and the government has intruded on firms’ management in unprecedented ways (for example, by setting caps on executive compensation). Despite the turmoil, the U.S. still has one of the world’s most dynamic and developed financial markets. Foreign financial institutions and domestic banks are subject to the same restrictions. Foreign participation in equities and insurance is substantial. Concerns continue over the intrusive nature and cost of the 2002 Sarbanes–Oxley Act, which increased disclosure and internal control requirements to the detriment particularly of small firms.
Property Rights85.0 Back to the top
Property rights are guaranteed. Contracts are secure, and the judiciary is independent and of high quality. A well-developed licensing system protects patents, trademarks, and copyrights, and laws protecting intellectual property rights are strictly enforced. Government interventions in financial markets and the automotive sector have raised concerns about expropriation and violation of the contractual rights of shareholders and bondholders.
Freedom From Corruption73.0 Back to the top
Corruption is perceived as minimal. The U.S. ranks 18th out of 179 countries in Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index for 2008. The absence of transparency and accountability in the operations of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) and in other “bailout” programs managed by the Treasury and the Federal Reserve has increased concerns about the potential for government corruption.
Labor Freedom94.8 Back to the top
The United States’ labor regulations are highly flexible. The non-salary cost of employing a worker is low, and dismissing an employee is not burdensome.
Economic Freedom Score

Country’s Score Over Time

Economic Freedom vs. World Avg

World Rank Country Freedom Score Change from Previous |
1 Hong Kong 89.7 -0.3 | 62 Portugal 64.4 -0.5 | 123 Côte d'Ivoire 54.1 -0.9 |
2 Singapore 86.1 -1.0 | 63 Romania 64.2 +1.0 | 124 India 53.8 -0.6 |
3 Australia 82.6 0.0 | 64 France 64.2 +0.9 | 125 Moldova 53.7 -1.2 |
4 New Zealand 82.1 +0.1 | 65 Saudi Arabia 64.1 -0.2 | 126 Papua New Guinea 53.5 -1.3 |
5 Ireland 81.3 -0.9 | 66 Thailand 64.1 +1.1 | 127 Tonga 53.4 -0.7 |
6 Switzerland 81.1 +1.7 | 67 Turkey 63.8 +2.2 | 128 Tajikistan 53.0 -1.6 |
7 Canada 80.4 -0.1 | 68 Montenegro 63.6 +5.4 | 129 Niger 52.9 -0.9 |
8 United States 78.0 -2.7 | 69 Madagascar 63.2 +1.0 | 130 Nepal 52.7 -0.5 |
9 Denmark 77.9 -1.7 | 70 Dominica 63.2 +0.6 | 131 Suriname 52.5 -1.6 |
10 Chile 77.2 -1.1 | 71 Poland 63.2 +2.9 | 132 Cameroon 52.3 -0.7 |
11 United Kingdom 76.5 -2.5 | 72 South Africa 62.8 -1.0 | 133 Mauritania 52.0 -1.9 |
12 Mauritius 76.3 +2.0 | 73 Greece 62.7 +1.9 | 134 Guinea 51.8 +0.8 |
13 Bahrain 76.3 +1.5 | 74 Italy 62.7 +1.3 | 135 Argentina 51.2 -1.1 |
14 Luxembourg 75.4 +0.2 | 75 Bulgaria 62.3 -2.3 | 136 Ethiopia 51.2 -1.8 |
15 The Netherlands 75.0 -2.0 | 76 Uganda 62.2 -1.3 | 137 Bangladesh 51.1 +3.6 |
16 Estonia 74.7 -1.7 | 77 Namibia 62.2 -0.2 | 138 Laos 51.1 +0.7 |
17 Finland 73.8 -0.7 | 78 Cape Verde 61.8 +0.5 | 139 Djibouti 51.0 -0.3 |
18 Iceland 73.7 -2.2 | 79 Belize 61.5 -1.5 | 140 China 51.0 -2.2 |
19 Japan 72.9 +0.1 | 80 Kyrgyz Republic 61.3 -0.5 | 141 Haiti 50.8 +0.3 |
20 Macau 72.5 +0.5 | 81 Paraguay 61.3 +0.3 | 142 Micronesia 50.6 -1.1 |
21 Sweden 72.4 +1.9 | 82 Kazakhstan 61.0 +0.9 | 143 Russia 50.3 -0.5 |
22 Austria 71.6 +0.4 | 83 Guatemala 61.0 +1.6 | 144 Vietnam 49.8 -1.2 |
23 Germany 71.1 +0.6 | 84 Samoa 60.4 +0.9 | 145 Syria 49.4 -1.9 |
24 Cyprus 70.9 +0.1 | 85 Fiji 60.3 -0.7 | 146 Bolivia 49.4 -4.2 |
25 Saint Lucia 70.5 +1.7 | 86 Dominican Republic 60.3 +1.1 | 147 Ecuador 49.3 -3.2 |
26 Georgia 70.4 +0.6 | 87 Ghana 60.2 +2.1 | 148 Maldives 49.0 -2.3 |
27 Taiwan 70.4 +0.9 | 88 Mongolia 60.0 -2.8 | 149 São Tomé and Príncipe 48.8 +5.0 |
28 Botswana 70.3 +0.6 | 89 Lebanon 59.5 +1.4 | 150 Belarus 48.7 +3.7 |
29 Lithuania 70.3 +0.3 | 90 Burkina Faso 59.4 -0.1 | 151 Equatorial Guinea 48.6 -2.7 |
30 Belgium 70.1 -2.0 | 91 Morocco 59.2 +1.5 | 152 Central African Republic 48.4 +0.1 |
31 South Korea 69.9 +1.8 | 92 Croatia 59.2 +4.1 | 153 Guyana 48.4 0.0 |
32 El Salvador 69.9 +0.1 | 93 Rwanda 59.1 +4.9 | 154 Angola 48.4 +1.4 |
33 Uruguay 69.8 +0.7 | 94 Egypt 59.0 +1.0 | 155 Lesotho 48.1 -1.6 |
34 Czech Republic 69.8 +0.4 | 95 Tunisia 58.9 +0.9 | 156 Seychelles 47.9 +0.1 |
35 Slovakia 69.7 +0.3 | 96 Azerbaijan 58.8 +0.8 | 157 Sierra Leone 47.9 +0.1 |
36 Spain 69.6 -0.5 | 97 Tanzania 58.3 0.0 | 158 Uzbekistan 47.5 -3.0 |
37 Norway 69.4 -0.8 | 98 Nicaragua 58.3 -1.5 | 159 Chad 47.5 0.0 |
38 Armenia 69.2 -0.7 | 99 Honduras 58.3 -0.4 | 160 Burundi 47.5 -1.3 |
39 Qatar 69.0 +3.2 | 100 Zambia 58.0 +1.4 | 161 Togo 47.1 -1.6 |
40 Barbados 68.3 -3.2 | 101 Kenya 57.5 -1.2 | 162 Ukraine 46.4 -2.4 |
41 Mexico 68.3 +2.5 | 102 Swaziland 57.4 -1.7 | 163 Liberia 46.2 -1.9 |
42 Kuwait 67.7 +2.1 | 103 Bhutan 57.0 -0.7 | 164 Timor-Leste 45.8 -4.7 |
43 Oman 67.7 +0.7 | 104 Serbia 56.9 +0.3 | 165 Comoros 44.9 +1.6 |
44 Israel 67.7 +0.1 | 105 Algeria 56.9 +0.3 | 166 Kiribati 43.7 -2.0 |
45 Peru 67.6 +3.0 | 106 Nigeria 56.8 +1.7 | 167 Guinea-Bissau 43.6 -1.8 |
46 United Arab Emirates 67.3 +2.6 | 107 Cambodia 56.6 0.0 | 168 Iran 43.4 -1.2 |
47 The Bahamas 67.3 -3.0 | 108 Vanuatu 56.4 -2.0 | 169 Republic of Congo 43.2 -2.2 |
48 Malta 67.2 +1.1 | 109 The Philippines 56.3 -0.5 | 170 Solomon Islands 42.9 -3.1 |
49 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 66.9 +2.6 | 110 Bosnia and Herzegovina 56.2 +3.1 | 171 Turkmenistan 42.5 -1.7 |
50 Latvia 66.2 -0.4 | 111 Mozambique 56.0 +0.3 | 172 Democratic Republic of Congo 41.4 -1.4 |
51 Hungary 66.1 -0.7 | 112 Mali 55.6 0.0 | 173 Libya 40.2 -3.3 |
52 Jordan 66.1 +0.7 | 113 Brazil 55.6 -1.1 | 174 Venezuela 37.1 -2.8 |
53 Albania 66.0 +2.3 | 114 Indonesia 55.5 +2.1 | 175 Burma 36.7 -1.0 |
54 Costa Rica 65.9 -0.5 | 115 Benin 55.4 0.0 | 176 Eritrea 35.3 -3.2 |
55 Trinidad and Tobago 65.7 -2.3 | 116 Gabon 55.4 +0.4 | 177 Cuba 26.7 -1.2 |
56 Macedonia 65.7 +4.5 | 117 Pakistan 55.2 -1.8 | 178 Zimbabwe 21.4 -1.3 |
57 Jamaica 65.5 +0.3 | 118 The Gambia 55.1 -0.7 | 179 North Korea 1.0 -1.0 |
58 Colombia 65.5 +3.2 | 119 Senegal 54.6 -1.7 | N/A Afghanistan N/A N/A |
59 Malaysia 64.8 +0.2 | 120 Sri Lanka 54.6 -1.4 | N/A Iraq N/A N/A |
60 Panama 64.8 +0.1 | 121 Yemen 54.4 -2.5 | N/A Liechtenstein N/A N/A |
61 Slovenia 64.7 +1.8 | 122 Malawi 54.1 +0.4 | N/A Sudan N/A N/A |
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