Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Remember When Olbertmann Ridiculed the Prospect of Another Terror Attack?

And the libs say Beck is crazy. Why so many terrorist attacks? I thought Obama and the Democrats were going to talk the terrorist into peace and not hating America? Just don't lick the lollipops they pull out their liberal butts. Special thanks to http://www.olbermannwatch.com/ .This Olbertmenn is a real goofball. No wonder why his ratings are going down so fast. That and he makes fun of the majority of Americans beliefs. I would bet he hates Christians and Jews and the God that they serve. At least Bush kept us safe even though the Democrats said he didn't. It looks like they were wrong again. Can we afford another large attack on America? Is doing things the liberal way keeping us safer? They can't even stop the wars and close GITMO. And now Yemen is looking like a taget for our bombs now that we have liberal psudo-leadership. If we are lucky maybe that buffoon Biden will come out and tell everyone they shouldn't fly because more terrorist then ever want to attack us. Thanks to Olbama and libs like Keith Olbertmann we are under the thumb of the terrorists. The Democrats have impowered our enemies and they are coming and it ain't the right wing extreemists they said would be attacking. Who in their right mind would listen to these liberals without question?


  1. Chris, I will not let you get away with saying Buah kept us safe. HE DID NOT KEEP US SAFE. 9/11 happened on Bush's watch. Bush was warned about the specific kind of attack we suffered on 9/11. The number of terrorist attacks around the world went up dramatically during Bush's watch.

    The reason there continue to be plots against the United States of America is because of our occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Dick Cheney critizing President Obama is exactly what the terrorists want. You fools.

  2. And Obama was warned 3 days before this underware bomber and he didn't do one thing. And that is after 9/11. Before 9//11 no one did anything including Clinton. After 9/11 Bush didn't let any other terrorist attack this country. Bush had these terrorist and the countries that produce them scared allahless. Why is it our job to protect the rest of the world? The rest of the world was doing it the liberal way(EU). And did you think that it's OK for Obama and his ilk to role Bush and Cheney through the mud and do nothing? Did you think they would turn the other cheeck forever? You are lucky that Bush doesn't fight back for a change. You fool. Just look around Bruce you are losing support for your liberal idealogy everyday.

  3. I love the argument that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are why the terrorists hate us. Like if we weren't there they'd not be trying to kill us. The terrorists hate us because of freedom of religion, period. They want a theocrasy and we are the antithesis of what they want and believe. They must destroy us in order to achieve their ultimate goal of a global theocracy and, no matter what action we take, they will distort it into propoganda.

    Under Clinton we did nothing in response to escalating attacks and they didn't back off, they kept escalating so saying that they're only trying to kill us now because of our reaction to their attempts to kill us in the past is not only illogical but nonsensical.

  4. BWAAAAHAHAHAHA ... FAILk is still trying to blame Bush, even though O-bummer has been in office almost one full year, and Bush eased his transition into office even before that. Now we've got terrorists shooting up Military Bases (remember Obummer's shout-out to his buddies before he got down to kissing the terrorist's asses at Fort Hood) and the only reason we aren't scraping up pieces of almost 300 citizens and plane from a Detroit tarmac is because of a Dutch citizen and a faulty fuse. But the system worked according to Obummer, and it continued to work and be NO problem at all until Obummer could be pried away from his Hawaii vacation 11 days later. Sweet. Quite the commander-in-chief. 15 minutes to respond to Cheney, but four days to respond to a terrorist almost blowing an NWA AIRPLANE out of the sky.

    I hope Obummer golfed like a pro while our citizens were flying around in the sky and the system kept on "working". Now, almost two weeks later, he decides to implement some new intrusions into our freedoms ... er ... safety rules?!?! WTF, why weren't these A-HOLES working on this and implementing it while Obummer got his tan on?!?!

    What a loser administration.

  5. FDR did not keep us safe from the Japanese. He was a Democrat and a commie just like Bruce Fealk.

  6. There were no terrorist attacks on Americans while Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush were our presidents. Technically they kept us the safest. Carter, Bill Clinton, and now Obama are the presidents who have kept us least safe of all. Democrats are dangerous to have in office in ANY capacity.

  7. Bruce FAILk said "Dick Cheney critizing President Obama is exactly what the terrorists want. You fools."

    BWAAAAHAHAHA ... I see Bruce FAILk, so if we criticize Obummer ... the terrorists WIN?!?!

    I guess we have you to blame for their winning during Bush's presidency. The liberal Al Qaeda never took a break from criticizing the Bush Administration. Now we see who you were siding with Bruce Hussein FAILk. You friggin' terrorist.

  8. Hmmm ... how do YOU know all about what the terrorists want BRUCE?! Seems to me they are trying to blow our airplanes out of the sky with their crotch-rockets, not really concerning themselves with what our ex-Vice President has to say. Maybe Obummer and the rest of you libertard turds should concentrate on running the country, not concerning yourselves with what Fox News and Dick Cheney have to say. WTF, I thought the Hypocrat plan was fool-proof; socialize the country and everybody will be riding unicorns and pooping rainbows! LOL

    Do you really think they are sitting around the TV high-five-ing it whenever somebody criticizes Obummer?!!? ROFLMAO ... you are total douche bag Bruce FAILk. And a moron to boot.

  9. BWAAAAHAHAHA ... I see Bruce FAILk, so if we criticize Obummer ... the terrorists WIN?!?!

    I guess we have you to blame for their winning during Bush's presidency. The liberal Al Qaeda never took a break from criticizing the Bush Administration. Now we see who you were siding with Bruce Hussein FAILk. You friggin' terrorist. There were no terrorist attacks on Americans while Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush were our presidents. Technically they kept us the safest. Carter, Bill Clinton, and now Obama are the presidents who have kept us least safe of all. Democrats are dangerous to have in office in ANY capacity.

    Under Clinton we did nothing in response to escalating attacks and they didn't back off, they kept escalating so saying that they're only trying to kill us now because of our reaction to their attempts to kill us in the past is not only illogical but nonsensical.

  10. Bruce Just for my own Knowledge, You dont wear a TURBIN do YA? Just asking!

  11. Olbermann is a real idiot. The liberals are done for it.

  12. Al - Bruce might wear a turban underneath his pinata head. BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA

    B+, you are right on. Too bad W wasn't president during WWII, he would have never got caught with his pants down like that a-hole FDR.

  13. Fealk should try using his head for something other than a butt plug!

  14. B+,

    Wow no terrorist attacks on americans under Reagan huh???

    lol...what a dumbass you are?
    1981 JFK airport bomb
    1982 Pan Am flight- bomb
    1983 Beirut barracks bombing
    1983 U.S. Embassy bombing Lebanon
    1983 U.S. Embassy bombing Kuwait
    1984 U.S. Embassy bombing Lebannon
    1985 U.S. base Frankfurt Germany
    1986 U.S. Embassy bombing Spain
    1987 U.S. Embassy rocket attack Rome

    looks like we get attacked alot under Reagan to me.


Please keep it clean and nice. Thank you for taking the time to post you thought. It means a lot to me that you do this.