The National Security Agency is rumored to be working with Google in light of the cyber attacks that reportedly came from China.
Think about that for a second. Big Brother just partnered with big brother, to try and fight off communist China.
Doesn’t that make you just feel so warm and fuzzy? I know I'm feeling it. No one is publicly admitted that the NSA and Google are collaborating, but the source of the story isn’t some blogger looking for publicity, it’s The Washington Post–so there must be some smoke surrounding this alleged fire.
“The critical question is: At what level will the American public be comfortable with Google sharing information with NSA?” said Ellen McCarthy, president of the Intelligence and National Security Alliance.
While it’s unlikely that Google’s going to hand over any user information, I still don’t like how close–and how quickly–Google is snuggling up with perhaps the scariest of all government agencies. This is the same agency that tapped your phones and emails without a warrant after 9/11. We’re supposed to feel confident it won’t take a poke around Google’s sensitive data?
Don’t get me wrong, Google is of the utmost importance to the USA. We can all agree on that, right? But, I still have an uneasy feeling about it working with the NSA. Especially when it’s a relationship that even Google doesn’t want to confirm publicly!
Zonation speaks the truth
It's been a long road, but it's almost dead. Cheers!
Chris, on this issue we can agree. I don't want the NSA forming any relationship with Google. We have had our privacy violated way too much already and I certainly don't want my civil liberties violated any more than they already have bee.
ReplyDeleteWe need to reign in our national security apparatus and make them obey the Constitution.
If this happens there goes our freedom. Paul good article. I hope,like most Americans,that this health care bill is dead but that we get a more comprihensive bill next time. I'm afraid that Congress has left a bad taste in out mouth on the health care debate and it wont be touched again for decades. The Democrats had the goledn goose of a filibuster proof supermajority and played politics with the issue instead of proving they could make an issue happen they played games to see how big and confusing they could make the bill. All in the cover of darkness. We have seen that they tryed to make the President out to be a liar by not letting us keep our insurance/doctor. But all in all I'm soi glade that Congress didn't screw up America more then they have already.
ReplyDeleteChris, this was all started under Bush with Republican Congress. Remember that.
ReplyDeleteThere is only one hope, that good, liberal Democrats, like Russ Feingold and Dennis Kucinich will put our privacy back in place and repeal the Patriot Act and restore habeas corpus.
I'm not happy with it, but at the same time i am beginning to view the cyber attacks that comes out of China as a more serious threat to our national security than terrorism.
ReplyDeleteChina as a whole is a much more threatening to me than Al Qaudda. I dislike the hold they on our debt, our trade imbalance, and generally the way they seem to be openly confrontational and yet not at the same time. I realise i'm taking this thread a different direction that intended, but perhaps the single greatest national security issue is the Wal-martization of consumption. That is the constant need for cheap goods that force us to be dependant on China. They poison our dog food, put toxic chemicals into our childrens toys and due to the national debt that they own our government is left with little it can use as a stick.
This is by far worse than oil insecurity, or muslim-us relations. The deficit spending of our government couples with the erosion of manufactruing base in the pursuit of maximizing profit has left us in a precarious position. Can we function if relations became hostile between China and the US? Would our debt imperil our superpower status?
These questions are making me rehtink our budgets, or lack of a balanced budget, the balloning debt and deficit. It has reinforced my views of social capitalism and my willingess to buy products made in North America over China as much as possible despite the increased cost.
Perhaps thats a good thing. I could use less of the consumption treadmill and more of the do it yourself workload.
Bruce I know that it was started under Bush. And Bush should have put an end to it before he left office. But that has nothing to do with the fact that Obama kept it and now is doubling down. Bruce the liberal Democrats are in place and they are adding to the Patriot act. Just like they added to the wars,debt and all the other things you on the left complained about. Conservatives don't like the Patriot act when Bush did it and we don't like the fact that Obama is adding to it. You spend too much time listening to the Democrats instead of watching them. Look at what they are doing not what they are saying. You on the left should be most suspicious when it comes to believing the gov't. We are still at war in Iraq,unemployment is going up as our economy is going down,GITMO is still open,they are still torturing terror suspects by withhoilding medical treatment. This admin and Congress have done a lot of sweat talking but have fallen way short when it comes to action. You keep blaming the Republicans when anyone with half a brain can see that the Republicans haven't been needed up until now. And if the Democrats can't get their party in order and take Olympia Snowe with ya then their is a lot of BSing going on.
ReplyDeleteJoe good points. But China ownes us thanks to Bush,Obama and Congress.
ReplyDeleteWe didn't do one thing to China when they poisoned our pets,put poison on our kids toys and everything else they have done. All so we can keep taking out loans from China. China is a loan shark. And our debt to China has and is clouding our national judgment. We can't keep borrowing from China because they become the master over us. Do you think Taiwan,Japan and South Korea like the fact that America is being owned by China? China wants those countries. China needs those countries. And like all countries before America they will take what they want when they don't fear resistance.
Joe what do you think will happen when California or Michigan go bankrupt? If the Fed bails them out what will happen to our Republic? California and Michigan wont change their liberal spending ways. This is crazy. If I don't have the money to get something I don't get it. There are a lot of Americans eating rice and Spam every day while the governemnet is spending like there is no tomorrow. Maybe they are all 2012ers. They must all think the world is ending on 12/21/12 because the way they are spending and doing business we are in big trouble if Armagedon doesn't come soon. I just wish the states and the feds would start acting like we do when we loose income. They are not above the laws of economics. They only change the form of the recession into inflation. That is a tax we can't handle right now and printing money may pay our debt off but bread will be $8. And if you think that when the Democrats raise taxes on companies that we the people don't end up paying for it in higher prices then you must have taken the "brown acid" at Woodstock.lol
ReplyDeleteChris, Michigan was doing fine until the Republicans started cutting taxes.
ReplyDeleteSame thing in California. Proposition 13 is what put California on the path to destruction and bankruptcy. It took a while, but that chicken is coming home to roost.
Righties scream and bitch and moan about taxes being too high, then blame the Democrats when they have to raise taxes to prevent bankruptcy.
Righties don't like government, and they want to choke it and blame Democrats for "liberal" spending.
F'ing hypocrites.
Can Brucie get any dumber?
ReplyDeleteChris, I'm not sure what to think about the debt situation of both states. It would be easy to blame it on one thing vs. another, but i don't know that one thing caused it. what do i think we need to do to get out of it. Well i have a few ideas some partisan some not.
ReplyDeleteFirst is already happening, getting rid of Mike Bishop. Since he's limited and going on to another spot i think that will help.
Second is to reform the business tax. Ours is a mess and it is does hamper investment. Simplify it and increase tax cuts for increasing workforce, healthcare, machinary. throw money at anyone willing to invest in fulltime wellpaid with benefit workers. Allow for any exemption to balance budget to accomplish these credits sort term. Will increase revenue with more workers. Subsidise companies that offer extra techinal and apprenticeship traing above what is currently offered.
Go to a graduated income tax. I know this is a tough one, but a mild step graduated income tax would offset the loss of revenue for short term tax credits to increase employment.
I'm sure that there is others but thats the beginning for me.
Chris, i am all for tax credits to increase employment. Your right when you suggest that prices reflect the increased taxes. I'd like to dispute that, but its not possible.
ReplyDeleteStill you have to find a away to maintain a workable infrastructure and business taxes can do that if done correctly.
Bruce Mich has been in a recession for over 10 years now. That is when we have been one of the most liberal states in the union. How does that bode with your theory that our state economy is all the Republicans fault since Michigan has been doing progressively worse since the progressive Democrats took over? Michigan business' have left to go to better business friendly states down South.
ReplyDeleteBruce we "righties" want to cut spending and cut taxes. Get it? You on the left want to raise taxes and raise spending. That hasn't been working out for us here in Mich. You on the left just don't have the fortitude to cut programes. The Democrats are streatching the armes of the federal government further then ever before. If a tariff is put on a produce who ends up paying for it? We the consumers. Now we have internal tariffs called taxes and they work the same way. If steel becomes more expoensive the cost must be bared by the consumer. What is so bad about scraping the income tax and make a consumer fair tax?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said, "Can Brucie get any dumber?" This is known as a rhetorical question.
ReplyDeleteBy the Chris, thanks for establishing the blog and allowing ALL commentators to post here. It's become readily apparent that your counterpart, Bruce, is doing his best to silence his critics over at his site. I've posted comments over the past few days and some have them have not appeared. But, having an understanding of his political leanings and recognizing his love for the current administration, his actions are perfectly aligned with their M.O.
He is just showing his dictator tendancies. I try to run this blogt the way I think our government should be run. Give guidance but let the people govern it. Sometimes it gets out of hand but we work through it like a society should do. I'm no Kim Jung Il or Mao that is for sure. Sometime people say things to me to try and hurt me. I leave them up as well. Freedom isn't free. Thank you Paul for pointing that all out. Make sure you all take a look at some of the advertising on this blog now. There are some different ones that are kind of cool to look at. Some of the political ones are really neat to look at. If anyone sees a cool ad on this blog let us know. Thanks for all of your support everyone.
ReplyDeleteThe beauty of the internet is perfectly showcased in forums such as these. The obvious reason is to give individuals such as Chris, the blog owner, an opportunity to share his views with the public. Along with that, others are then free to post their agreement or deference without fear of violence or reprisals.
ReplyDeleteBut, for me, the other benefit is its ability to expose the seedy underbelly of our society and allow others to witness the unmitigated foolishness of certain minor public figures, i.e. Bruce Fealk. The man is an absolute disaster. He is the perfect example of a pompous, arrogant know nothing. His complete adherence to one political ideology, while at the the same demonizing everything offered by the other, demonstrates his intellectual shortcomings. With information readily available regarding our political process, social issues and public policy, how someone can believe that a particular party has a monopoly on virtue, is stunning in its complete ignorance. With the obvious caveat that individuals such as Bruce also exist on the right.
They do like to point out the obvious. Very well said Paul. Bruce does make it a point to not post opposing views that make sense. He only lets idiots like me post on his blog and many of them never make it to the blog. Just about everyone has complained about Bruce not letting the posts through. That was one of the things I like about Brians blog.
ReplyDeleteEntitlement Programs are SUPPORTED by Tax Dollars and WITH Less Tax Revenue DONT Care How Much those Evil Rich are Taxed the HOUSE of CARDS is DOOMED to FAIL.
ReplyDeleteStates Like Michigan Whos Unemployment Rate is 17% or More is STILL OPERATING on BUDGETS When UNEMPLOYMENT was Alot Lower. Tax Those EVIL Rich BUT Just Like California it AINT Going to WORK! We CANNOT Bail out STATES! We Will Redistribute the DEBT and WONT have To Worry About Those EVIL Rich Cause WE will ALL be POOR!
Bruce even left me out on some of his comments.
ReplyDeleteBruce didn't post my complaint about him talking about the teabaggers instead of the real issues. At least he listened to me.
ReplyDeleteZo is the best.
ReplyDeleteChris, I'm not going to let my blog become a hate fest that exists over here.
ReplyDeleteBruce you have some of the sickest things coming out of your posters. You let that stuff go but I have sent good things and you don't post them. You never let me close my argument. It makes you look weak because you pick and choose in order to paint a half picture of conservatives. It would be no different then me errasing your posts on my blog just when you finished a good thought as a close. Or in defence of the many lies that are being told on it. That is why you only have two people that usually post on your blog. The rest get scared or pushed away. A lot of the anger many of the poeple have on this blog come from you old blog you got fired from. You have to be a real nutjob to get a blog pulled and errased.
ReplyDeleteChris, while its fair to say that the state economy has worsened since Granholm took office, its not correct to say that her policies have a direct corelation to that without adressing the fact that national policies would also effect the state we had 8 years of a republican admin. Beyond that is the fact that the economy which wasn't diversified enough under any of the recent govs right or left and the downturn in the auto industry which began 5 or so years prior to our current recession is the main cause of our states woes.
ReplyDeleteYears of cuts, layoffs, and job reductions in that industry have taken a serious long term toll on our economy and will continue to for years to come.
And yet you blame Bush then and now. You want you cake and eat it too. It doesn't work that way in the "real world".