What is missing is any public option, which is sure to be a problem for the more liberal Democrats. Federal funding of abortion is still in there and that will be problematic for the now skittish moderates.
Now Obama and the Democrats are reaching out their hands to the Republicans. The Republicans need to wise up with these blame game Democrats. They always need to find a way to blame the Republicans when their bills go wrong. And they always go wrong. If the Democrats want to jam this health care bill down the American voters throats then let them do it alone. The Republicans need to distance themselves from this bill and the Democratic Party. The Democrats and Obama have painted themselves into a corner and they need the Republicans to lay down in the paint so the Democrats can escape without a drop on them. The Republicans need to put their plan forword for the nation to see and leave the Democrats painted in the corner. Let the Progressive Democrats and the Reagan Democrats fight it out on their own. Obama,Reid and Pelosi are learning that when they divided the country with their "sit down and shut up" attatude towords the opposition they would be left holding the short stick. Now it is time for the Democrats "chicken to come home and roost". Obama and the Democrats played with fire and now they are getting burned. The other

Here is another blog title from Bruce: "OMG, Glenn Beck is a Communist"
ReplyDelete"Jon Stewart took CPAC to task last night and proves that keynote speaker, Glenn BecKKK is a communist. Why? He says during his speech he learned everything he knows from books - HE BORROWED AT THE COMMUNIST INSTITUTION KNOWN AS A PUBLIC LIBRARY! paid for with taxpayer dollars and taken from your paycheck." This Bruce Fealk is a nuts. Does he have a thought of his own?
Does that mean you agree with what Jon Stewart said, To Chris?
ReplyDeleteI'm perfectly willing to give credit to Jon Stewart for being one of the best satirists in the country, if not the best, especially when it comes to political satire.
It's funny, you don't dispute the fact that Glen Bekkk is a communist or that public facilities are a good thing.
All you do is attack me.
Beck a communist? That has to be about the most inane thing I have heard so far this year.
ReplyDeleteI would find it amazing if Jon Stewart even held a book let alone read one.
Beck Has Got these LIBS Panty Hose in a KNOT! SHOW Me What FACTS You Have Bruce! You Know TRUTH the Opposite of What You SPEW!
ReplyDeleteSome Public Facilites ARE Good Thing Including Librarys! Government Grabbing Control of Private Sector and FLUSHING it DOWN the TOILET is NOT!
Big stretch there Bruce. No one can argue against Beck(kkk) being a Communist because he used a public funded library. I think you take satire too literaly Bruce. He is a comedian and nothing more then that. You on the other hand give referance to the kkk and call him a communist. You're not wraped too tight that's for sure. It must be tough living with a mind that sees the world the way that you do. And you are the biggest crybaby of them all when someone on the right pulls the same game on you. And To Chris most likely tryed to post on your blog but you didn't post it. Your poor little ego can't handle critism or retort. I do feel sorry for people like you Bruce. You come across so fake when you do things like that. And it seems to be all you know how to do. You blow things way out of proportion one way and just the opposite when the left do something.
ReplyDeleteChris, Besides the point you make (good point)that Bruce takes saterism too far, he also gives too much credit to Stewart as well.
ReplyDeleteStewart simply reads text from a TELEPROMPTER prepared for him by unionized writers.
Christopher, are you kidding me about the teleprompter. You guys are such hypocrites. Did you see the video from CPAC of all the speakers joking about President Obama using a teleprompter, WHILE THEY WERE USING A TELEPROMPTER? You people are a joke.
ReplyDeleteThe best satire has a good amount of truth in it, Chris and Christopher. That's why Stewart is the best at what he does and no one on the right can even come close.
Bruce, I saw people reading from THEIR OWN notes. You choose to see what is not there.
ReplyDeleteNote the emphasis on 'THEIR OWN'?
Great point Christopher. That unionized workers is very reveling of the whole business. Bruce you said it good satire has some truth to it. But you forget that it also has lies and pushing the truth. You take it ALL literaly. People don't take Jon Stewart literaly. He is on COMEDY CENTERAL if you need a clue. He's funny and he makes some good points and bad points. But that is the joke. The scary thing is when outcast fringe bloggers take him literaly and as the whole truth. The scary people take Jon Stewart as a political guru that tells nothing but the truth. Unless he starts bashing the left. Then he was just joking. I can't believe there are people that unhinged from society.
ReplyDeleteWe are reorganizing. You will see what true power is with the neo-progressive movement back in play. We will get free health care. Watch and learn.
ReplyDeleteIf Truth Was a Bus Bruce You Would NOT See it Coming! If Your Panty Hose is to Tight Get Larger Size!
ReplyDeleteSatire President of United States Using Teleprompter to Address 1st Graders. Now Theres Some Truth in Satire!
That's right Jay nay. Now we have our own senator Stabbenow agreeing we need a public option and willing to sign her name to such. So much for the threat of Scott Brown stopping health care for all. He even voted for the jobs bill.
ReplyDeleteJayNey speaks the truth. Bruce Fealk is a wise man with much knowlege of American politics. Is there going to be 'progressive revelution' in America? I have read about this revelution on many progressive blogs. Amina makowii,my very good friends.
ReplyDeleteAre all people named AL stupid?
ReplyDeleteWho cares if they used notes or a telepromter, even Tiger read from a prepared set of notes. All that matters is that the do what they say, and this last year has been one of the most productive ever. Especially once we provide health care for all. Obama gets things done everyone else is just talk
ReplyDeleteGosh Carl, here I thought it was all partisan gridlock and Washington D.C. was broken. But you are now saying that it was in actuality one of the most productive ever? Sounds like you Hypocrats are getting your propaganda-lines crossed! LOL
ReplyDeleteLOL ... Now THIS is funny:
LOL ... even the uber-liberal Firedog Lake thinks Obummer's plan is a big turd. And like I tell FAILk time and time again, this bill is just a big ol' giveaway to big insurance. But whatever, I guess it's hard to see anything with your head so far up your own ass:
On Monday, President Obama released his own health care reform plan prior to this week's health care summit with Republicans. Now that only 50 Senate votes are needed and nobody has to please Joe Lieberman, the White House plan includes the public option the President has long supported, right?
Still no public option. Still a tax on middle class health care plans. Still huge restrictions on a woman's right to choose. Still special protection for drug makers who fight against Medicare drug price negotiation, reimportation and access to cheaper generics.
Worse yet, the bill forces many to pay an even bigger fine if they don't buy products of the private insurance industry.
Just days before President Obama's heavily touted healthcare summit, Senate Democrats are continuing their push for a government takeover of healthcare.
ReplyDeleteIn the lead-up to the February 25 summit, 18 senators have signed a letter asking Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) to pass a public health insurance option through the process of reconciliation, which would allow Democrats to pass it with only 51 votes. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told MSNBC on Thursday that the White House would "absolutely" support Senate Democratic leaders if they made an attempt to push through a public option.
Grace Marie Turner, president of the Galen Institute, says Democrats' undying effort to pass the public option is a payback to labor unions. "The labor unions see passage of the public plan as a ticket to perpetual enrollment of healthcare workers and labor unions for generations to come," she asserts. "They are not giving up on this."
According to Turner, the unions have made a major investment in the liberal agenda and are expecting something in return. "They've spent hundreds of millions of dollars getting Democrats elected, getting Obama elected as president," she argues, "and [those politicians are] going to try one more time to do a payback to the unions -- and it is really nothing more than that."
A Rasmussen poll finds that 61 percent of Americans believe Congress needs to start from scratch on healthcare legislation and drop the current bills.
I was Surprized to Learn How Great this Administration Has Done in its First Year! The Accomplishments are SO Many I cant Remember ONE! Oh I Got One, Administration SPENT More TAX PAYERS Money Than ALL Administrations BEFORE Them! We Now Have Deficit That WE Can Never Pay Back! Nobamas Health Care Plan is So Vague CBO CANt Even SCore it!One Term President is Making Jimmy Carter Look COMPETENT! Lets Not Forget ALL The JOBS This Administration Has Created! LOL
ReplyDeleteFrom page 25-26 of the current House Health Care bill:
ReplyDelete"(2) INSUFFICIENT FUNDS.—If the Secretary estimates for any fiscal year that the aggregate amounts available for payment of expenses of the high-risk pool will be less than the amount of the expenses, the Secretary shall make such adjustments as are necessary to eliminate such deficit, including reducing benefits, increasing premiums, or establishing waiting lists."
Now, my question for us uneducated slobs, "Doesn't that sound like the possibility of rationing coverage to you?"
Apparently John has been listening to the senate minority leader who just this weekend on faux news said this was one of the most productive years when asked about partisan gridlock by the republicans. So it's not just my opinion, it's the opinion of republican leaders.
ReplyDeleteCracks me up when libs call it "free healthcare". Too stupid to know that it's not free. People pay for it. Actually, I guess it is free to the "freeloaders" like Jay-Ney, Brucie, and the other whiney libs who want everyone else to pay for them!
ReplyDeleteSo let me get this straight, President Obama works with congress and passes one of the biggest business tax cuts and incentive legislation in our nation's history which saves or creates millions of jobs, stops the Bush recession, and moves us into the next economic booming sector of green jobs and that's not progress? I'm glad the majority of this country can see the forest from the trees.
ReplyDeleteHow many of you saw this today. Classic!
Carl Your PROBLEM is the MAJORITY Can See the Forest From the TREES and Come NOVEMBER "TIMBER"!
ReplyDelete10% Unemployment! Thought with Stimulus President Said it Would NOT Go Over 8%! What in the Hell Does Saved JOBS Mean and Where on Earth is There Back Up to Such a STATEMENT! Do You Mean JOBS Saved In the 31st Michigan Congressional District and Other FALSE Districts That Were Counted!
How About Nobama Increasing the Defict by 1.3 Trillion Dollars in HIS First Year!
I Will admit Bush Spent Money BUT Compared to Nobama Hes a PIKER and Spend Thrift! This Great Nation is About to Join the (PIGS) Portugal,Italy,Greece and Spain Which Are Bankrupt! Spend MORE Money Than They TAKE In! Does That Ring any Sanity BELL to the LIBS Out There! Citizens KNOW You Cannot SPEND Your WAY Out of DEBT and SOON POLITICANS Will Learn the Same!
Al don't you understand that we were hemorraging jobs at a critical rate prior to the stimulus bill? Yes, this deficit is horrible because we all have to pay for this bill, but this bill has created tax paying citizens by providing jobs. Without Obama's leadership we would already be bankrupt. That's what was necessary after 8 years of Bush.
ReplyDeleteOnce Again Bush Administration Was Neglectful with Economy as Was Democratic Lead Congress after 2006 so in that Since it Was a Two Party Neglect!
ReplyDeleteThe Economy That Libs Say Nobama Inherited ALSO Has Liberals Fingerprints on it!
Nobamas Leader Ship I Have Not Seen Yet! He Has a Political Agenda that I Dont Believe is In the Best Interest of Private Sector or Economy! Even I Know You Dont Get OUT of Debt By Spending! We Cannot Afford Nobama Care Now. All We Wind Up With is Socialized Governement Insurance That WE Cant AFFORD and Will NOT Insure ALL! We Have Medicade NOW and Look At The MESS it Is and Nobama WANTS to DO it Again!
Carl, my point is that Hypocrats have been bellyaching about partisanship and how they can't get anything done in Congress, and yet NOW you are saying it has been the most productive EVER! You can't have it both ways CARL! Either it's gridlock or it's productive! Has nothing to do with FOX NEWS, and I never said it DID! It's all the Hypocrat propaganda wanting to change the filibuster rules to suit their regressive agenda. So shove it up your pipe and smoke it dill-weed.
ReplyDeleteBWAAAHAHAHAHA ... "created tax paying citizens". Hey CARL, any "jobs" that Obummer and the Hypocrats have "created" are just temporary road-construction jobs, or permanent government ones. Either way, the money for those jobs comes from the taxpayers, or the children and grandchildren of taxpayers, not from creating wealth like private sector jobs. Sorry chump, I don't have time to teach you economics 101, but basically when you take from the private sector to create temporary jobs you only delay and worsen the recovery! I'm sure in your ideal world everyone would work for the government, but where would the money to employ them all come from?! LOL ... oh yeah, you wouldn't NEED money in a communist country now would you?
ReplyDeleteCarl - Do some research on green jobs m'man! Every "green job" costs us 2.2 jobs! Look at what a mess Spain and Germany have become thanks to green jobs subsidized (aka paid for by taxes) by the government!
ReplyDeleteHere's a tip Carl, I hope you are able to grasp this because FAILk can't, but I'm just getting to know you so I have a little faith. But this little fact goes: If there is a demand for something, an entrepreneur will create an industry for that, in order to make a buck. So if people are clamoring for wind-power, Little Carl would see that need and start his windmill company with the help of a bank loan, which he should have no problem getting if his business plan is solid. Instead the government is throwing money at anybody who says they have the green solution, and people in turn are building something that nobody wants, to fill a need that the government says exists but DOESN'T. In turn, to offload these, let's say windmills to keep things on the same path, the government THEN has to offer tax credits or subsidies to the buyer. Double ding on the taxpayer!
I could go on and on, but as I said I don't have time to teach you economics 101. Let's just leave at the fact that the government is the most inefficient means of doing anything, and the government cannot create wealth, no matter how you try to spin it, they can only destroy wealth. They can print dollars, oh sure, but you do realize that the more dollars they print only depreciates what the dollar in your pocket is worth? It's embarrassing to me to have to spell all this out for you. Maybe do a little research before you start going on about the government creating jobs, or green jobs, or any of that nonsense. Either that or head on over to Cuba, I hear they have a system that is right up your alley.
John you may not agree with the change in our economic sector towards green jobs, but Michigan is moving in that direction from plants in Bay City producing wind turbines to battery plants in Flint. It's projected we'll have 40,000 new jobs just in Michigan alone. No matter how much we my want the auto industry to carry this state it's not going to happen.
ReplyDeleteJust look at Buick city, Michael Moore was right we praised GM and they turned their back on the workforce that made GM. We built monuments for them, created an amusement park about them, make a museum of them, and designed a college just for them and they still walked away. They ran for big profits overseas because they don't have health care costs nor standards for their workforce, and this is who you believe we should follow?
Maybe if we took the burden of health care off the backs of businesses and individuals we could lower costs and save American jobs. Sometimes you have to spend money to make money. Econ 101
Carl, I could care less about what the economic sector decides to do. What I do care about is LETTING them do what makes the most sense economically, not fueling (pun not intended, but it worked out that way!) some artificial demand that must be propped up with subsidies. Like I say, if there is a demand, the industry will grow. I didn't say a damn thing about letting the auto industry carry this state!
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree with you more about GM! Government subsidizes the auto industry, whose fault is that?
Take the burden of health care off the backs of businesses and individuals? LOL ... well, how do you propose we do that? Because this ObamaScare sure isn't going to do that! All ObamaScare does is tax more. If you don't believe me, read the bill. Putting the onus on Medicaid ... guess where Medicaid gets its money from? Now Governors will have to raise THEIR STATE'S taxes! I mean, seriously Carl! Trust me, I know about spending money to make money. But that applies to private business, NOT the GOVERNMENT!
I agree health care should not be tied to your job. But you think the way to decrease cost is to have the government pay for it, but you never pause to consider where the government gets its money? Lordy.
By the way Carl, just to let you know, I'm all in favor of paying less for health insurance. So please don't think this is some vast right-wing conspiracy or anything. The fact is, the only way to drive down the real cost of health CARE and health INSURANCE without sacrificing (and in most cases increasing!) quality is using the free market. Government involvement is only going to lead to rationing, poorer quality care, and increased costs. It has been demonstrated time and again.
ReplyDeleteI just don't understand why some people can't grasp that we need to reform both health care and secondary education. Both of these are killing our citizen's finances. Businesses can't afford to provide health care and individuals can't afford the price of college education. The only thing that saves some like myself is Michigan's no worker left behind act. I know I'm lucky to have this so I can better myself with a degree, because even this year others had to repay their promise grants. I understand we are in a financial crisis, but doing nothing to solve the ills of the economy should not be an option.
ReplyDeleteAw hell Carl, I just addressed that in a comment I made on an article. Copy and paste to the rescue!
ReplyDeleteCracks me up when it's insinuated that Republicans or conservatives don't want reform! Of COURSE most people want reform, who DOESN'T want to pay less and get better quality!
The real question is, does the majority want a government-run health care system? The overwhelming cry is NO!
The next question is, does the majority want a government-run health insurance that is free to dip into the well whenever they "wrap it around the axle", ala the largest rejector of claims and the reason that our medical costs and care is so out of whack, Medicare? Again, overwhelmingly, NO!
Let's use insurance for what it was intended for, catastrophic claims. Have doctors list their prices, and allow people to shop around for the best quality and care, driving costs down. Open up insurance across state lines, allowing me to buy the coverage that I want, not what a state mandates I must. Let's get the government OUT of it, not even MORE into it! That's reform. The Hypocrat's plan is a power-grab.
Carl, I don't really care for government funding anything, but the No Worker Left Behind is, in my opinion, a better use of public money than funding something like a construction job that will only last 1 year at which point you are left with a guy who has a stagnated education and no job. PROVIDED those using it are pursuing a degree in a field that will need the workers. I'm not entirely sure how the program works, are you restricted to certain fields? For instance, I would hope they don't allow for people getting art degrees or something like that.
ReplyDeleteWhat are you going to school for? How much longer do you have to go?
My problem with the cost of secondary education is that the cost is fueled by government subsidies. If it wasn't for the distortion of subsidies and the government giving grants (just stay with me on this!), I posit that the prices would come down.
Carl, can I just say that it is a distinct pleasure to have a dialog with someone who has different opinions but refrains from calling names or the other normal BS that most people resort to? Man, after dealing with people like Bruce FAILk for so long, it is indeed refreshing!
ReplyDeleteI'm greatful for the no worker left behind act as I'm getting a two year degee inprostetics from Baker. I think there are some restrictions as most are going into some part of health care mostly nursing. I'm glad you can agree that government does somethings right. Another example is the Genesee county health plan which helps the working poor. Alot of people are struggling to get by on so very little that it's nice to know your health is viewed as important by others. So many have tried and fallen or had the rug pulled from them and many times they have no voice. Yet another example of the positive effect of a community working together.
ReplyDeleteI have a buddy that got into prosthetics design. Actually a friend of a friend. If I happen to run into him I will ask him about any possible openings/opportunities. I believe ... he works up in Saginaw or Bay City possibly. Not entirely sure, it's been 2-3 years since I saw him.
ReplyDeleteCarl, if you don't mind me asking, but what did you do before? Sounds like you got laid off from your chosen profession? Just curious.
ReplyDeleteI live and worked in Owosso as a machinist, but like most work is hard to find not just for individuals but also for businesses. So I had to move on and thanks to that bill everyone on here seems to misunderstand and thus hate, I was provided with a chance to better myself. So yes I believe in the stimulus providing jobs and creating wealth for Americans. Because without those federal dollars Michigan may have cut my program. So for that compassion I thank Obama for his leadership during rough times.
ReplyDeleteWell, I understand Carl. My problem is, every cent the government spends comes from taxpayers. And NOW not only is it coming from us, but from our children and grandchildren. We are spending their money, with interest, without their consent because they are not able to vote. And this money will need to be re-paid eventually. I think that's deplorable.
ReplyDeleteAnd now that set of taxpayers is paying for other's schooling. I think that's wrong, because I worked through high school and college, I took out loans, I got help from grants and my parents, and I got my degree. I forsake partying (well, for the most part!), and studied hard through high school and college to graduate. I sacrificed, but it was in order to get a good job in a field that I felt offered employment and a pay that is to me worth that sacrifice. But now me, my children, and my grandchildren are funding schooling for someone (not specifically speaking of you, mind you, just using generalities and not making any assumptions about you) who maybe didn't bother doing anything at school but party, and in some instances managed to hop into a production-line job with no significant education or skills required. They got paid great, and decided to spend their money on boats or cabins up north or whatever, but not on furthering their education.
So, I think you get my point. There are choices we make in our lives that should (and used to) have consequences. Obviously there are those who fall on hard times, and that's what things like student loans are for. Student loans also encourage you to enter a field with a high demand for your chosen skills, so that you can repay them.
But I don't think it's right for the government to take my earnings, which I worked hard for, and that I might want to put into an education fund for my children, and give it to someone who made the decision to slough off or enjoy the high-life during the good times. I guess I could have summarized it better with the ol' Grasshopper and the Ant tale. But then I'm long-winded like that!
My point, I guess, is that the only worker getting left behind is the worker that made the conscious decision to stay behind while the rest of us made something of our lives. Of course, industries do collapse, and wouldn't it have been nice if the government only took $25 out of your pocket each year like it used to, instead of the $10,000 that it takes now, and you could have saved that much and put toward an education in whatever field you wanted?
Oh, crap, I forgot to mention. I wouldn't call spending money "leadership". If that is your criteria, then we would have to call Bush a helluva leader too! In MY opinion, a real leader would have cut the size of the federal government, made cuts that counted and allowed the private sector full reign to create jobs. In other words, a real leader does what is needed and not what is popular. Spending taxpayer money is as easy as it gets.
ReplyDeleteFor instance, Obama wants to punish a business for making money for its shareholders, by limiting what that company can charge for their services and what they can make, even though the customers of that company are free to not use that company's services, and shop around to any other company that provides that service (aka vote with their pocketbook). What kind of signal do you think that sends to EVERY other company?
And saved jobs ... oh Lordy, please don't get me started on that. They admit there is no way to calculate that. A lot of stimulus went to giving people raises. A lot went to states to encourage them to, instead of cutting costs and decreasing the onus of a massive government, keep the government the same size and just kick the cuts down the road a year so that the cuts are that much more severe. Did you realize that Granholm said we have to tighten our belts and then submitted a budget that was $3 billion more than last year's budget?!?! That ain't leadership either, that's just f**ing everyone over.
I'm long-winded. Sorry Carl!