Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Why Do Democrats Push Racism?


  1. Kind of puts a nail in the coffin of the lefts attack style, doesn't it?
    Thanks for posting this, Chris!

  2. No problem Mark. I see the left ignored this post.

  3. I Second The Great Post Chris. Progressives Either Dont Get What Tea Party IS About Or Do Get It And Thats The Part Thats Scary!

  4. hey, take alook at this. Wonder why the Tea party thinks this way?


    Maybe because its only 1 percent African American.


  5. JoeC I Believe About 90% or So Of Minorites VOTED For Nobama So Would Not Expect Large Percentage In Tea Party BUT The Way Your Playing The Number Game Thats Sounds A Bit Racist To Me. You Know Looking At A Group And Singling Out Memebers By RACE!

  6. I am just posting counterpoints to the polls the rightwingers here have posted.

    Al, i don't assume that the Tea Party was in fact conceived in some racist form or fashion. I don't assume that a majority of the members are racist or bigots. what i do know is the platform does appeal to racists and it is in fact attracting them.

    Gone are the days of the dixiecrats. Most of them retired or changed parties. The reality of the present parties is that places like Bob Jones University are within the voting bloc of the christian right and both the Tea & Republican party. The democratic party cares its history of bigotry for the actons of the dixiecrats and that is something that they have to own up too, but the right needs to own up to the fact that was 50 years ago. things have changed. Segregationists left the party and went to the right. Hell even David Duke left the dems for the Republicans.

  7. The Democrat party would sink without the black vote. The racism accusation is a part of the party plank, in order to keep the black vote they advance the racism accusation against their opponents. Unfortunately most blacks cannot see through this flimsy ploy.

  8. "what i do know is the platform does appeal to racists and it is in fact attracting them"
    Please Joe, enlighten us with the fact that the Tea Party movement PLATFORM is appealing to racists......

    What the DNC knows full well is that if they lose even 50% of the black vote, their party his history. They rely on heavily on the African American support each and every time an election is held. They know this mid-term election, the Independent have swung right, and to counter this they are using the race card to draw as much black votes in, with hopes this will even out the swing of the Ind.

  9. Name One Entitlement or Program In The Last Fifty Years That Has Assisted Minorities To Get Out Of the Poverty They Have Been Thrown Into. Education Is Their One Hope And Hows That Working Out In Large Cities That Have Been Run By Liberal Politicans.

    American Citizens Want To Be Governed By Politicans Under The Constitution NOT Ruled By Regime and There Lies The Administrations Problem and It Aint Going Away For Now.


Please keep it clean and nice. Thank you for taking the time to post you thought. It means a lot to me that you do this.