Is this what the liberals think about the Jews?
Obama sure does love the Jew haters.

Why do so many countries and people hate the Jews so much? Why is it the Jews can never do anything right in so many peoples minds? Every country that surrounds Israel hate them and want them whipped off the face of the Earth. And Christians come in at a close 2nd on the scale of most hated. I'd like to know what you think the reasoning behind the hate is? Why is it OK to treat the Jews so bad and who made them the Politically Correct people to abuse and treat as second class? Do they hate the color of their skin? Their religion? It sure does seem to me that a lot of people hate the Jewish religion. And the Bible gives us a good idea why. The good thing is that most Americans look at Israel as our one true friend in that region of the world.
For Those Who Forgot Or Dont Care Helen Thomas Reminded Every Body Of WHY There Is a Isreal. World Community Forgot About Jews In 1930s And To Isreals Credit That Aint Going To Happen Again And Who Out There Can Blame Them.
ReplyDeleteBruce please stop telling people to call Mr. Crumm. It is things like this that lost you your job at the Oakland Press. What are you so scared of Bruce? The Tea Party needs to be covered just like the counter rallies. Why are you trying to silence the media? This is what Bruce has sent out...Sorry for the Anonymous post but Bruce and his friends know me from the OP. But this goes too far.
ReplyDeleteDo you really think the Oakland Press needs more coverage of the Tea
party? Give Charlie Crumm a call and let him know your opinion.
Calling all tea partiers!
The tea party movement has been described as a conservative
movement, yet people who attend tea party rallies seem as discontented
with Republicans as they do with Democrats. The Oakland Press would
like to find a way to define the tea party movement locally — what it
is and who it represents, and we want you to help. If you consider
yourself a tea partier or have thoughts about what the tea party
movement is, raise your hands. Better yet, contact staff writer
Charles Crumm at charlie.?????? or 248-???-4649
begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 248-???-4649
Most of my "liberal" friends hate the Jews for the same reason the Germans did.
ReplyDeletePretty sad that an American journalist, with Helen vast credentials would say the most asinine things.
ReplyDeleteThis video is all over the place as the most insane comment coming from an American journalism.
She needs to get out of the public limelight and retire.
Helen Thomas is old woman who clearly is losing her faculties. she is also of Lebanese decent.
ReplyDeleteits time for her to retire and go about doing something else.
Kelvin, funny all my right-wing friends hate the Jews for the same reasons.
So because she is old and Lebanese it's OK? Serious Joe can you sound any more prejudous? Are you the one starting out the "right wing rants about the Jews Joe? I don't know anyone that hates Jews Joe. Why do you seem to have so many friends that hate Jews,sexist and racists? Birds of a feather.
ReplyDeletedid you read my post? I said she is clearly losing her faculties. Shes'a 90 year old anti-semite. She gets forced to retire and goes off to live a year maybe two and then dies.
"she is also of Lebanese decent." What about this part? Joe? What did you mean about that? Joe?
ReplyDeleteShe is a stupid woman, and a fine example of our ignorant press.
ReplyDeleteChris, this is a new low, even for you. To say Helen Thomas and her comments represent even one other liberal is ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteAnd to post these grotesque pictures of the concentration camps is beyond belief, but I've come to believe anything that come out of your mouth and off your fingers.
I'd say more, but I know you don't understand what a truly despicable human being you are.
Bruce why is she in the WH press? She represents the left and never the right. Are you calling for her to resign Bruce? Why didn't you do a post on how sick the left is for not doing anything about her remarks. No instead I am the "despicable human". Those picture are to remind people like you what as well? It shows how mentally out of touch you are Bruce when you blame me more then you blame Helen Thomas. You are one sick man Bruce for chastising me and not her. The liberal and the Jew in you must be at war right now. Itt sucks to be you Bruce.
ReplyDeleteBruce Those Concentration Camp Photos Should ALWAYS Be A Reminder Of What Happens When Government Goes BAD! Those Photos Say MORE About Why Isreal Will Depend On No Body To Protect Them And Why Isreal Was Born.
ReplyDeleteWonder What Would Have Happened If Limbaugh, Beck Or O'Reilly Had Made Those Same Statements. You Know And So Do I Bruce Your Panty Hose Would Be So Knotted We'd Need The Jaws Of Life To Get Them Off. Your Out Rage Is Like You Bruce Transparent And You Should Be Ashamed!
The libs side with the arabs and against the Jews and Americans every time. Are you the same Bruce that calls the "teabaggers" "dangerous" at every turn? In fact your last post on your blog is calling the tea party people racist. Jay-Ney is right about you Bruce.
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ReplyDeleteI have been having the same problem, but mainly on comments. I have been trying to post my last comment for the past 12 hours.
ReplyDelete12 hours ain't that a bit OCD of ya. I quit after the first two or so.
ReplyDeleteWell The RIGHT Thing Was Done And Now Shes Gone. Now How About The Rest Of The State Run Media. Just My Opinion. All I Ask Is Journalist That Report BOTH Sides Of A Issue And Let Me Decide For Myself.
ReplyDeleteYa Joe I'm sure he meant that he was sitting at his computer trying to post something for 12 hrs. Or maybe he tryed it a few times in a 12 hr span. I gave up after 11hrs
ReplyDeleteJoe, I am not a quitter. :)
ReplyDeleteal, so you don't watch Faux news then do you?
ReplyDeletejoe why yes i do joe, unlike you who doesnt watch overbite but agree with him on some issues!.
ReplyDeleteJoe just follows the union orders to the T. The funny part is he thinks he is a free thinker. BAAAAH BAAAH BAHHHH.