Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Congresswoman: Taxpayers Have an ‘Obligation’ to Fund Abortions

Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill., not only believes that women should be able to choose whether or not to terminate a pregnancy, but also favors a full repeal of  existing federal policy which limits taxpayer funding for abortions.  According to the Illinois Democrat, “there’s no evidence” that  increasing access to abortion services encourages people to get abortions.‘s Nichola Ballasy caught up with the congresswoman today during an event on Capitol Hill sponsored by the Center for Reproductive Freedom to ask her about call for the repeal of the Hyde Amendment.  When asked about whether access to abortion may encourage more women to take the drastic step, Rep. Schakowsky replied, “No, there’s no evidence of that around the world, where access to abortion is more available but somehow women are more inclined to get one.”
“What happens is that women who don’t have access resort, as we heard today, to very dangerous, self-inflicted kinds of things in order to end, terminate the pregnancy,” she said. “And so, you know, we go back to back alley abortions. We go back to coat hangers. And, I mean, is that what we want?”
“Women who are desperate enough to do that to themselves are going to somehow – going to try to abort that pregnancy. We don’t want to do that. We don’t want to put women at greater risk.”
First they told us that abortions weren't covered in obamacare. And now they are telling WE THE taxpayers that we are obligated to pay for a "women's right to an abortion". They have become nothing less then baby killers. And it is all God fearing people in Americas obligation to point out that that is what the Democratic Party has become. We must stand up for the rights of the unborn given to them by God not Congress.


  1. Chris, i don't agree with her. There is no legal or moral obligation to fund this sort of reproductive service. The only point i agree with her on is the stance of pro-lifers concerning Birth control.

  2. Abortions Should Not Be Funded By Citizens Period.

    Pelosi Said We Had To Pass Nobama Care To See Whats In It. Understand Sect 9306 Covers Buying/Selling GOLD. Any Body Know What That Has To Do With Socialized Insurance. Its One Of Those Thingys That By Reading It One Would Have Seen Prior To The Vote. Citizens Depend On Representitives To Represent Them. If It Took Couple Months To Read Bill,So Be It, It Was There Duty To Do So.

    Even The Republican New Contract Does Not Cover Ear Marks And To Me Thats Politics As Usual Also.

  3. Joe do you mean using birth control pills and condoms? I think that is a Roman Catholic thing not pro-lifers. Joe are you going to the One Nation rally with you son? Did you see how many socialist organizations are backing this rally? I think the unions are in too deep organizing with those radical organizations posted on the One Nation web site. This wont go over well with the Americans that would support the unions when asked. And I think the union leaders aren't representing the non-socialist union members. It's a shame what the unions have become lately. I got my Solidarity megazine today and it advertised for the One Nation rally. It will be mitty hard to distance yourself as a union member from anything that comes out of that rally.

  4. AL that obamacare and failed stimulus plans are going to weigh heavy on the Democratic Party for years if not decades. It couldn't happen to a better party.

  5. "Political Correctness." meaning

    "Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by the clean end."

  6. this has recently seen a resurge on Facebook, it is in two parts here, but spoken from a saline abortion survivor.

    It is stunning. When we, as a nation, think we have a right to murder babies, we lose in areas much larger than midterm elections and polling numbers. Eventually this cruelty will catch up with the politicians who push it. Tax dollars should NOT be used to fund murder.

  7. Very well said ramsam. Thank you for the link.

  8. Chris, To be honest i haven't paid attention to the rally or what is going on with it. Had a family tragedy that took up most of the past couple weeks.

    I assume with all things liberal that it would be a big top event, including many different factions with many different factions.

  9. Joe Sorry For Your Family Tragedy.

  10. I pray everything is OK with your family JoeC. It's good to have you back.

  11. Joe why is it that when the Tea Partiers have one idiot in the group of thousands you on the left mark us as them. But when you have communist,racist and Marxist withing your RANKS you call it,"many different factions with many different factions." You aren't the only one doing it either. The MSM and the left wing blogs are doing the same thing with this One Nation. Why is it you don't adher to the same rules you've made for us? Hypocracy

  12. guys thank you for your thoughts.

    Chris, if we have some people who are crazy within our ranks i tell you they are. just like with the NBPP, they crazy and most of us don't listen to them. You do more than me.

    But the birther movement is a huge part of the TEA PARTY and you know it. We all do. Its not one idiot, its like 25 percent of all conservatives think Obama is not born in the US. Thats a whole lot of crazy.

  13. And 18% of Democrats are birthers as well. So what? That isn't violence or socialism.


Please keep it clean and nice. Thank you for taking the time to post you thought. It means a lot to me that you do this.