Saturday, September 18, 2010

More Left Wing Racism Coming Out

Newsbusters underscores this companion line:
“There’s a white man in him holding him back because everything is half-assed.”

Noel Sheppard slams the double standard:
What’s really hysterical about this is earlier in the program, Maher accused members of the Tea Party of being racist.
I guess it isn‘t racist to say there’s a white man inside the president holding him back.
On the other hand, just imagine the uproar if Maher said Obama’s problem is that he was half white and that “there’s a [black] man in him holding him back because everything is half-assed.”

1 comment:

  1. 44 Seconds Almost Too Long. If Maher Took One Part Of His Half ASS Put It With The Other Part Of Him Thats Half ASS He Be A Perfect ASS!


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