Friday, November 12, 2010

Dem Senators Say Obama Has No Idea What He's Doing

It seems that many of the top Democrats in the United States Senate do not hold a very high opinion of their former colleague, and current President, Barack Obama.


  1. Its realy NO surprize that the regime has a agenda and it seems not all the Demoncratic leaders back the way this regime rules. There has been NO compromise in this regime and apparently that includes Demoncrats that do not agree with the Agenda. On November 2nd many Demoncrats paid the price and if Regime keeps up its policies many more will fall in 2012.

    It is time this regime thinks of Citizens concerns regarding Jobs and Economy. They are starting to talk the talk regarding Economy/Jobs but the proof will be in the pudding. At this point I have NO reason to beleive this Regime will do anything that restricts their Agenda or Ideaology from moving forward. We will see starting in January when Legislation in the House starts it Process and it will be quite interesting to see how politicans debate in open session rather than one party behind CLOSED doors.

    The problems facing OUR Nation will not be soloved by division as this regime has and still tries to do. Time will tell and Citizens in the end have the Hammer,its called the VOTE. Citizens have spoken and will hold all politicans feet to the fire! Tea Party aint going away BUT many Politicans might be.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great find Chris,
    I agree with Al: "There has been NO compromise in this regime and apparently that includes Democrats that do not agree with the Agenda. On November 2nd many Democrats paid the price and if the Regime keeps up its policies many more will fall in 2012."

    In addition, it is refreshing to see someone/anyone from MSNBC finally 'getting it' what we've been saying for the past two years. Better late than never! Pray the "Liberal Fool" watching (NBC) can open their minds and hide their prejudices to logical thought.


Please keep it clean and nice. Thank you for taking the time to post you thought. It means a lot to me that you do this.