Things sure aren't looking good for the President right now. He has done everything he wanted to our economy and country thanks to the Democratic Party majorities in both houses of congress. We have had for the first time since WWII no jobs created in a month. Everything is pointing to a second recession that will send the middle class and businesses into a major tailspin downward. It is obvious that the Democratic Parties fixes did a lot more harm then good.
As great leaders of this nation the Democratic Party are running around blaming everyone and everything under the sun. This is what all great leaders do, LOL. Instead of admitting nothing he did has worked he will keep blowing smoke up our butts and tell us we are on our way forward and out of this mess. Liberals can never admit they were wrong. They will double down and do even greater harm to our economy. They will spend money we don't have and tax those in this country that are working and creating jobs so they leave or just close shop.
We have seen what spending money we don't have does to our economy. Just look at the S&P downgrade because of our debt. There is also a big chance that we will have another housing bubble burst, as if our house values aren't low enough. You can thank Dodd and Frank for this one too. We are watching trickle down economics at work right now. The problem is broke is what is trickling down, not money. If we go into another recession this will destroy the economy of state and city government with bankruptcy. That will mean NO pensions for those public union government employees. Can you see the riots coming when that one happens.
The country better brace for an economic depression and pray it doesn't happen. We know what happens when Obama tries and create jobs. He ends up making things worse. The hurricane is coming and it's all from Obama's liberal hot air. Batten down the hatches and get ready. Don't listen to the left-wingers that mock rather then debate. They made fun of conservatives when we bought gold at $700 of lower. Gold is now heading to record highs and above. Let them laugh and mock and say it's all Bush's and the Tea Parties fault. Most Americans can see the reality of what liberal policies do to every economy it's been tried in.
I'd like to know where you think this economy is heading towards? So far the Tea Party has called it and is batting 1000. Obama just keep missing.
Obama better have the best speech of his life. As much as he has built this jobs speech up it better have some real content to it. Because Americans are realizing that Obama's words are shallow at best.
Please take the time to get in contact with your Reps. It only takes a minute to send them a message.
As great leaders of this nation the Democratic Party are running around blaming everyone and everything under the sun. This is what all great leaders do, LOL. Instead of admitting nothing he did has worked he will keep blowing smoke up our butts and tell us we are on our way forward and out of this mess. Liberals can never admit they were wrong. They will double down and do even greater harm to our economy. They will spend money we don't have and tax those in this country that are working and creating jobs so they leave or just close shop.
We have seen what spending money we don't have does to our economy. Just look at the S&P downgrade because of our debt. There is also a big chance that we will have another housing bubble burst, as if our house values aren't low enough. You can thank Dodd and Frank for this one too. We are watching trickle down economics at work right now. The problem is broke is what is trickling down, not money. If we go into another recession this will destroy the economy of state and city government with bankruptcy. That will mean NO pensions for those public union government employees. Can you see the riots coming when that one happens.
The country better brace for an economic depression and pray it doesn't happen. We know what happens when Obama tries and create jobs. He ends up making things worse. The hurricane is coming and it's all from Obama's liberal hot air. Batten down the hatches and get ready. Don't listen to the left-wingers that mock rather then debate. They made fun of conservatives when we bought gold at $700 of lower. Gold is now heading to record highs and above. Let them laugh and mock and say it's all Bush's and the Tea Parties fault. Most Americans can see the reality of what liberal policies do to every economy it's been tried in.
I'd like to know where you think this economy is heading towards? So far the Tea Party has called it and is batting 1000. Obama just keep missing.
Obama better have the best speech of his life. As much as he has built this jobs speech up it better have some real content to it. Because Americans are realizing that Obama's words are shallow at best.
Well it turns out that Obama has admited he was wrong about the EPA hurting the economy. He now agrees with what the Republicans and Tea Party have been saying for months now. Now if he can do that with the rest of the economy maybe we can get out of this recession.
ReplyDeleteThe regime continues to use tried and true methods that have FAILED in the past and will FAIL again. In some ways this may be the HOPE and CHANGE he promised.
ReplyDeleteIt is prety bad that in the Greatest Nation ever on this Planet WE could not CREATE ONE JOB! That is the FAILURE this REGIME must DEFEND! It must really going to SUCK to be a LIBERAL!
Obama must be exhausted from killing the economy. Perhaps he needs a vacation.
ReplyDeleteYou are funny Firebird.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone noticed that the liberal commenters have given up? I'm happy about that:)