Monday, November 2, 2009

Can You Believe This Buffoon?


Thanks John


  1. BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA. That is great how that kid schooled the Communist Moore.

  2. And your point is? What did Moore say about our economy as it has existed for a long time, including before President Obama was elected, that wasn't true.

    What Moore is talking about is the fact that we don't have capitalism because of the fact that we do have corporate welfare and have had for a long time.

    You do remember the TARP began under conservative George W. Bush, right?

  3. Yes I do Bruce. I remember that is when the Tea Parties started. Remember that Bruce? And look at all the capitalism we lost under Bush and Obama. You guys always leave out Obamas role in putting our country 6' under. Watch how Moore ducks the question of how he made his money. It's priceless. And then when all else fails he quots the Bible without answering the question. Bruce you mirror him to the "t". You are our Mini Moore. You two use the same talking points and the same tactics of debate. It's funny to us on the right. While you worship Moore we laugh at him and you. I bet you have a house full of "As Seen On TV" stuff that didn't work the way you thought. You seem to be the type that buys anything as long as it's unbelievable to most.

  4. And look at all the capitalism we lost under Bush and Obama. You guys always leave out Obamas role in putting our country 6' under. Work From Home

  5. Prashant we move foreward not backwards. I know you want to look at Bush's role and then we show you the Democat Congress' role and nothing happens. We are moving in the same direction as Bush/Congress was taking us. The only difference in Obama is taking us there faster. Why aren't the left bitching about the wars now,deficit,big gov't corporate coruption. What has Obama done to Wall Street top stop this from happening again? He bailed them out. Look at all of our money Obama has given away and just a few jobs was made.


Please keep it clean and nice. Thank you for taking the time to post you thought. It means a lot to me that you do this.