Monday, November 2, 2009

Moore Ducks All The Hard Questions Of Blitzer

Michael Moore's Tense Interview With CNN's Wolf Blitzer
This guy is the biggest fool. He ducks every hard question. Who on the left thinks this guy is the real deal and not a total buffoon? Just click his big full face,listen and laugh.


  1. I think Moore had great answers to Blitzer's stupid questions.

    Which question doesn't he answer, Chris? Isn't Moore doing what the Bible teaches, and looking after the least among us?

    Moore makes perfect sense to me.

  2. think Moore had great answers to Blitzer's stupid questions. Work From Home

  3. How about how Capitalism made him rich. He never answered that question. He just deflected it by saying he is doing what his faith asked. Watch it again. Even prashant is making fun of what you said.

  4. Chris, he never said there was anything wrong with being rich. It's what you do with your wealth that matters and how you get it.

    Michael Moore makes good movies that people want to see and are willing to pay for.

    It's different from, say, a health insurance company that makes money by selling "insurance" and then taking that coverage away when you get sick, or not offering it at all because you've been sick in the past.

    Also, giving bonuses to people based on how many claims they deny and how much those denied claims save the company, that's another difference.

  5. He got rich because of CAPITALISM. Bruce don't forget that Medicare is the #1 offender of turning down coverage. It's not a perfect but it's the best the world has ever known.
    You on the left can never come up with a system that would work better then the current one. You come up with systems that have failed the world around but not one that would make America better. Life isn't fair. Making everyone poorer wont change that fact. Life will suck as long as there is sin in it. IOh yeh you don't believe in that stuff. You also don't believe in, "One Nation Under God".

  6. Chris, actually you are wrong again. Single-payer systems are the best systems in the world. It's our non-system that is broken.

    Who wants to make everyone poor, Chris. Why are you constantly making shit up?

  7. Bruce redistribute the wealth dumbo. Who said that one Bruce? Obama did and so did Moore. I didn't make anything up you just can't handle the truth like most libs I know. Hey Bruce did you know that this health care bill doesn't fix the problem of covering every American? Did you know that Canada and Europe want what we have and that is why they come to our country for health care services? Did you know the most of the inovations that come out of health care are from our Capitalist country? Are we not the wealthist country on the planet? And it is the current system that made us so wealthy? Did you know that the wealth this great nation produces helps feed the world more then any other country in the world? You like the guy in the Role Royce bitching about a flat tire saying his car is a peice of crap. While people in Fiats and Prius drive by. You are so dence that you want to throw away the Roles Royce because of a bad tire. Real smart Bruce. And the best part is you want to trade in the Roles Royce for a Yugo without any tires on it(Socialism). Why don't you and Moore start spreading the wealth now since you are so for it? Morre even dodged paying union labor to make his movie by going to Canada to finish it off. That is your idol.POS.

  8. There you go again, Chris, just making shit up.

  9. How much crack do you smoke? What did I make up Bruce? Pray tell. You are the "Me" generation. Screw the world and the next generation as long as you get what you want now. You forget but I have lived in country with socialized medicine and we don't want that. You are Mini Moore, Bruce. IO know people with touretts that make more sense then you do.

  10. Michael Moore? Are you sure that isn't Bruce Fealk in another paper mache head? It sure sounds like him.

  11. It does doesn't it,Craven? He is our Mini Moore.

  12. Bruce and Moore are morons. But where to begin?!! They are morons on so many different levels, it's overwhelming!

    Moore rails against Capitalism, and then he admits that we aren't even capitalists any more! He has NO clue. The Fed Government has TOO MUCH power over our lives, more than the Founding Fathers EVER intended. Corporations buy the politicians so they can shape legislation to fill their pockets.

    Moore avoids using union labor. How does that fit into your theories Bruce? Moore's father was a union worker, think he would be proud of his son doing that? Just another question that you will ignore. The beauty of Chris' blog is that everyone can see you ignoring the questions.

    Bruce, don't EVEN quote the Bible. You don't believe in God, you even spell God's name with a lowercase "g"! If you feel the need to quote the Bible to justify the stealing of someone's property in order to give it to someone else, please quote me the spot where Jesus condones the taking by force or threat of imprisonment one man's property to give to less fortunate? Funny, I don't remember Jesus being too impressed with tax collectors. Do you remember that part of the bible where he said that the Roman army should relieve the wealthy of their property to give to those less fortunate? Hmmmm... neither do I... also, what happened to separation of church and state Brucie? Looks like you are trying to have the government take the place of organized religion.

    Moore is just concerned about himself. Don't kid yourself that he gives a flying F**K about anybody else. He lives in a mansion on Torch Lake, on (previously) protected wetlands that he cleared out for his house. Seems pretty hypocritical.

    Moore lies in all of his "documentaries". He hires actors, and has scripts!! He even DID meet with Roger Smith, but hid that because it didn't make for such an interesting "documentary". TYPICAL liberal. They think the ends justify the means, that they are so righteous that they can lie to get their way.

    Bruce if you are so concerned, how much extra money did you send in with your taxes? How much money did you send in to that poor woman that got raped? You would be willing to send in MY last red cent. I see you're not quite as free with your own money.

    You really think an organization should be run as a "Democracy"?!?! How the F**K would that even work?! GOD you guys are so stupid. Did Moore run his movie and production as a "Democracy"?!? LOL STOOOPID!!!

    Here's another question Bruce: How wealthy is too wealthy? At what point does someone make too much for you, no matter how hard they work? At what point do you think the government has the right to lop off that excess, and how much do they lop off, to make you happy? What is your solution Bruce, except more taxes?

    You loser socialist/communists are just jealous of everyone else. You don't want to work for what you get, you want to sit back and have it all taken from the hard workers and given to your lazy ass.

    And don't get me started on the health insurance companies. They make a measly 3.3%. That's 86th, Bruce. It's not their fault that medical costs skyrocket. Do you think they control how much a shot costs in a hospital? Do you think the insurance companies are marking up the aspirin to $50 per tablet? You are a TOTAL F**KING MORON Bruce! Do you think that insurance companies are demanding that doctors do tests in duplicate and triplicate, in order to cover their asses in case of a lawsuit? You, Bruce, have NO idea why the cost of health care is going up. All you f**kers can do is say "well, once the inefficient and wasteful government takes over health care, we will control costs and just pay what we want to, duuhhh". All you can do is regurgitate and Dem talking points. Do some research. Don't be afraid of the truth or facts.

  13. John, get a grip. You'er going to have a heart attack. I hope you have good health insurance. You're probably on Medicare.

    I suppose you opted out of Medicare so you could pay for the best health care in the world from a big insurance company and had to borrow money from a big bank to pay for it. Ah, the American Dream.

  14. Bruce - Do you think the US needs to model itself after Cuba? That's one of Moore's favorite health care systems after all. You really think Cuba's health care system is better than what we have now in the U.S.?

    Think we need to have an economic system like Cuba has? Tell the truth Bruce. If not, then tell me what you think is wrong about Cuba's system. Then we can compare it to what you want our economic system to be like here in the U.S. How is what you want different than communism or socialism Bruce? Tell me the difference, because I don't see it and maybe I am missing something.

    Did you know, Bruce, that Cuba is experimenting with a capitalist system? Via NPR, some Cubans are working their own land, to keep what they want and sell what they want. Wonder why their government is letting some do that.... it's funny too, the farmers are taking a lot more pride in what they raise, and working harder. Hmmmm... interesting...

    Bruce, why are Canadians breaking down our doors to get medical care here?! Must be something to it... gosh if only Bruce could explain it all to me!

    You are a DOLT Bruce. Argue like a man. Answer my questions Bruce. You pathetic little bitch. If you are going to come on these blogs and make half-assed statements then you had better be prepared to defend your idiotic positions.

  15. Medicare is going under Bruce, and you know it. Along with Social Security. Answer my questions Bruce. You didn't answer one single question that I asked.

  16. Bruce answer Johns questions! I sounds to me like John has a grip. You are the one that is out of your mind. I know you better then you think. John is right about Bruce hating both Christians and Jews as well as God Himself.

  17. Crickets chirping from Bruce's side. Run away little bitch dog, with your tail between your legs. Run away from the questions. LOL, you are PATHETIC! Have you ever been involved in a debate Bruce?! I'm going to look through YouTube to see if I can find anyone really debating you. I bet you cried like a little bitch if you were faced with a question, if the camera was turned on you. Oh, wait, I DID hear something about that! You DID run away. I HAVE to find that footage. Chris and, CRAVEN, oh my God, I forgot about the ultimate researcher Craven! Craven, have you ever heard about the guy that cornered Bruce on camera? We've got to find that footage! I bet Bruce soiled his pants on that one!! ROFLMAO!!!

  18. Bruce wouldn't pay a nickle to watch Christ ride a bike, let alone give money for a charity. If it isn't for Bruce he isn't paying for it. He is the most self-centered person I know.

  19. Bruce - Don't you worry about my heart. Compared to your fat ass, I'm the picture of health. I could look like Michael Moore and I'd still be in better health than you.

  20. Wow, Sue, you sure do sound like you know Bruce! LOL

    Ever notice Sue how judgmental Bruce is of others? He hates Christians, but he doesn't hesitate to "quote" Jesus. Bruce and his buddies even profess to think that Jesus might have been okay with abortions. I bet vomamike even thinks Jesus performed a couple of miracle abortions, but they just decided to leave that out of the King James version or something.

  21. Bruce must have had to get his diaper changed, take his bottle, then be put down for a nap.

  22. Bruce sounds like an angry old man to me.

  23. Sue, I don't hate Christians, Jews or myself. What I hate are hypocritical Christians, you know, the ones that talk about love then spew hate toward other people.

  24. Well Bruce, you accused a man of raping and murdering a girl. And you approved for a while of a man calling a woman a "whore". And you appear to approve of "two wrongs make a right" mentality, approving of wishing another man was killed in a car accident. That's a lot of hate you are spewing out Bruce. Plus, you are saying that you hate hypocrites? You are a total, walking, breathing hypocrite Bruce! And HATE is an awfully strong word. Not very Christ-like, to hate anybody. Christ didn't even hate the ones who nailed him to a cross. What has anyone done to you to garner hate, Bruce? You think you have suffered more than someone that was nailed to a cross and left to die?

    Answer my questions you hypocrite.

  25. Wow Bruce, even fat and stupid Michael Moore gave it a shot at answering questions, even if he did it the only way the liberals know how, epic-fail style. You can't even answer a couple of simple questions? You are dumber than even Michael Moore?!?! BWAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA

    Oh, I guess these questions are "irrelevant" huh Bruce? Questions about economics, health care, politics, abortion, civil rights, government... these are all irrelevant to a liberal. What questions are more "relevant" to you Brucie?!?


    You evil, hateful little man. I have never seen anyone else on these blogs say they "hate" anyone. Except you. You hate "hypocritical Christians". No other hypocrites, just the hypocritical Christians. Not hypocritical Muslims, or conservatives, or liberals. Just Christians. Hmmm... curious...

    But still, to hate is a terrible thing. You need to examine your soul you hateful hate monger. You and Donnie Potsmoker and Mike the Whoremaster. You guys are ugly with hate. Beauty is skin deep, but ugly is to the bone.

  26. Wow, John. I love you too. LMAO.

  27. Gross. Gay old Bruce. Did you think you were posting on the NAMBLA site? This is Chris' blog, not your pedophile site.

    Answer my questions Bruce. You are obviously reading them. I guess everything that I write is correct. You liberals are total idiots who can't back up one thing they say. You want to turn this into a communist country.

  28. What does LMAO mean Bruce? Let me guess... Likes Male Arousal Orally? Put it in the Metrotimes personal ads you sick S.O.B. This isn't the place for that kind of trash. Go trolling for your little boys somewhere else.

    Does your wife know the sick stuff you do on the computer?! How could you even mistake Chris' site for your pedophile sites?!

  29. What about the anti-Christians that spew hate toward other people like yourself? Bruce you spew more then any man I know. All you ever talk about is how much you hate certain groups of people based on their beliefs and idealogy. Your whole life is filled with getting back at people that don't think like you. Bruce you need God in your life. I will pray that He choses you.

  30. Sue, you may want to look at your own heart before you go worrying about other people's hearts.

    You know that stick in your own eye thing.

  31. John, LMAO, Laughing My Ass Off. You sick puppy.

  32. Bruce - You are the sick one. I am not joking. You are disturbed and mentally ill. I might have to call your wife and let her know to check your computer to see what sites you have been on. Maybe the cops too.

    Answer my questions Bruce. You have time to cruise the pedophile sites, you have time to answer my questions. And stop posting that LMAO pedophile code, it is grotesque.

  33. Bruce - Aren't you even embarrassed by your inability to answer my questions? Aren't you in the least embarrassed that your ideology has left you ill equipped to deal with even the most superficial questions, relegating you to insulting the asker, and changing the subject, and flat out telling lies to cover your inadequacies? Your wife and kids must be soooo proud of you loser.

  34. John, LMAO, LMAO, LMAO, LMAO. HAHAHAHAHA. Laughing My Ass Off, LMAO.

    I'm not answering your damn questions, so shut the hell up already.

  35. I mean really, here it is for all the world to see - The Great Bruce "Epic" Failk can't answer some simple little questions! It's how dialog has happened for thousands of years Bruce. A question is asked, a reply is made. Until you and pukamike come along. Now it goes a little something like this: A question is asked, and a liberal idiot takes a piss all over everything. You are just like Obama and all the rest of those loser dirty Democrats. Just make it up as you go along, nary a fact around to back you up. Yeah, you are what you want the world to be like? No thank you.

  36. Bruce - Why won't you answer my questions? Do you wish that Chris would move on to another few topics so that this line of questioning will get buried? Bruce, check out my new-ish blog for a list of questions that you refuse to answer. I'm going to update it with all the ones that I asked you today as well.

    Answer my questions Bruce. The world awaits with bated breath to hear from the sick, twisted ultra-liberal pedophilia-lovin' Bruce "Epic" Failk.

  37. Bruce, at least answer whether your wife and kids know what a loser you are. I'm really curious about that one. I know all the answers to everything else. Do the grandkids know you are a loser? I bet they are old enough to understand that you are.

  38. Aw hell, I guess I even know the answer to that question too. Of course they know. Even a liar like you couldn't hide what a loser you are forever.

    How embarrassing for your family. The part of your family that still talks to you that is.

  39. John, my children and my wife love me and I love them. After her mom and dad, grandpa is my granddaughter's favorite. Thanks for asking though, John.

  40. John, Bruce is like Obama. They will talk to communist and quote Mao. But they wont answer a question from a conservative. Nice to have you on the blog Sue.

  41. John I've seen your new post on your blog. What a great aproach. It seems to be a soft spot on the libs.

  42. John, are you off your meds again? You seem to be more angry than usual lately.

  43. John, is this the one you are looking for?

  44. 57 seconds in is all I could stand on a full stomach. I am not one to watch moore,cnn or wolf for that matter,all are useless.

    That said,after a shot and a beer I will see the rest. But with the 3 entities mentioned I find it hard to see it as tense since they are all in cahutes.

  45. Thanks Craven for the video sugestion. I posted as an open thread. We have a lot of people that view this blog so I wanted them to know what you are talking about when you say paper mache head. It's funny how Bruce didn't answer one question. I wish Chetly would come on this blog.

  46. I hear you Christopher. I also threw up in my mouth when I watch Moore. Does Moore have the dumbest look on his face when Wolf quized him on his hypocricy?

  47. Holy smokes, the more posts I read from this character Bruce the more familiar he sounds.
    Anybody know if he was posting useing different names on the MD web site?
    His M.O. looks real familiar.

    The best movie with Moore was that parody of him where he keeps getting slapped upside the head, even O'Reilly got one in on him, anybody remember the name?

  48. Is it called 41.1 F or saomething like that.

  49. Doug he sounds like that freak on the Macomb Daily with the dirty name OMFG.Call out the one with many names and see what happens.

  50. Bruce said: "John, my children and my wife love me and I love them. After her mom and dad, grandpa is my granddaughter's favorite."

    But, as per the idiot liberal tradition, he didn't answer my question! Bruce, people LOVE their dogs, even though they eat their own feces. People love their mongoloid kids, and abused wives love their abusive husbands. I never asked if your family loves you, because there are all kinds of idiots in this world that will gravitate toward other idiots like you, and you idiots will give birth to even more idiots. And so on, to your grandkid who loves you just like she loves her dolls and her dust bunnies that have collected under her bed and a rock and a flower and a tree... kids love everything, don't they?!

    My question was if your family knew what a loser you are. And I'm sure they do. It sure didn't take long for your own brother to figure that one out. Maybe he was adopted into a family of idiots, or maybe you were adopted?

  51. Craven - Thanks again for finding that video, that was friggin' HILARIOUS!!!! You rock man. When are you going to start up a blog?!?!

  52. How ironic that Bruce dodges so many simple questions on a blog devoted to Michael Moore dodging questions. What do you think about that one Brucie!?! You and Moore are like pea-brains in a pod!!


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