The left is completely flipping out [see Memeorandum] over Senator Jim Bunning (R-KY) holding up an emergency 30 day extension of unemployment benefits. Why is Bunning holding up “the process”? Simple, he is trying to make the Democrats keep to their Pay-Go legislation. Bunning wants the Democrats to use unspent money from the stimulus to pay for the extension. When will the Democrats say what they mean and mean what they say? All Sen.Bunning is doing is holding the Democrats to their word. He isn't holding up unemployment benefits extentions. He is just telling Congress to find the money. John is right when he calls them Hypocrats. Congress is out of control and Sen.Bunning is putting them back in their place. I'm getting sick of Congress acting like they are above the laws they write.
Senator Bunning is screwing the Republicans in the ass is what he's doing. Those unemployed middle class people won't forget who is doing this.
ReplyDeleteEven Republican Susan Collins tried to break the filibuster. The average American that is on unemployment still votes and they won't forget who is screwing them.
Keep it up Senator Bunning and his fellow Republicans. You're making it way too easy to take even more seats for Democrats in the fall.
Yes Mr. Bunning, please keep holding the Democrats to their legislation. What do you want him to do, break the law Bruce?
ReplyDeleteI'm so confused, FAILk was all for PAYGO legislation, but now he isn't. ROFLMAO
ReplyDeleteSomething or somebody has to keep these politicians honest FAILk. How apropos that it's a Republican who steps up to the plate and makes the hard decisions that these worthless Hypocrats can't and won't. America and true Americans remember those who back up their words with deeds. I love it when he told those Hypocrats "tough sh*t". I'm going to donate to his campaign, he deserves it. If Grayson did something like this, FAILk would be falling all over himself to get teabagged by Grayson. LOL
Bruce are you saying the Democrats are above the law? All Bunning wants it to follow the law. If the Democrats say how they will fund extentions then the bill will get passed. I thought you were all for Pay-Go Bruce? I know the Democrats in Congress were until they found out they weren't about the laws they made. But laws mean nothing to the left.
ReplyDeleteJohn he isn't running again. He is retiring and has nothing to lose by doing the right thing. For some reason the left think they are above the law. Just look at what they are doing to the Constitution.
ReplyDeleteI didn't realize Hypocrats knew what was going on, what with devoting all their resources to eating one of their own, Blanche Lincoln. Funny, FAILk was all talking about how the Tea Party was so extreme by promoting someone other than who the Republican Party had, and they were going to cause the Democrats to win. But I guess whatever is going on over in Hypocrat Land is completely different, right FAILk? BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHA ... what a bunch of loonies! Sounds like the Hypocrats are getting more ... what's the word ... EXTREME? LOL ... turning into a party of extreme leftist radicals. Even Rahm called you Hypocrats ret*rds for running ads against fellow Hypocrats. Does anybody in that DNC know what is going on? LOL, what a MESS! Thank goodness the Tea Party learned a lesson with the NY-23. What a small price to pay for learning "on the job". Hypocrats will still be trying to figure it all out in November. That's going to be a Master's Class in Wrapping it Around the Axle, watching the Hypocrats operate in November! I can't WAIT!! LOL
ReplyDeleteOh, okay, thanks for letting me know Chris.
ReplyDeleteBlanche Lincoln's approval rating is in the tank in AR. The public option approval is over in the high 50's in her state and she has been going along with the corporatists and defending the insurance companies.
ReplyDeleteBunning knows he's screwing the Republican party, but it's payback time for asking him not to run. But he's really screwing hundreds of thousands of Americans with no jobs.
Bruce he isn't screwing anyone. The Democrats that want to break their own laws are. All they have to do is come up with the funding for the extention and it's back on. Don't you understand that Bruce? Or do you think the laws are just for common people and Republicans? Bruce is Congress above the law?
ReplyDeleteThe Hypocrats screwed themselves by passing legislation that they never intended to follow. Go get 'em Jim!
ReplyDeleteYou should see the article on the HuffPo where John Kerry has his panties in a bunch. Oh man, the people are letting little Johnny have it in the comments section. Too funny. They know the score, and they know how the Hypocrats are trying to make it out that Bunning hates people without jobs. It's hilarious to watch Kerry and the other Hypocrats try to obfuscate the fact that they don't want to follow the law that they themselves passed. Just like FAILk they have their heads in the sand, while everyone else is living in reality.
Obama screwed Americans by d*cking around with health care when he should have been concentrating on jobs. Then we wouldn't need these extensions. What a failure this administration is. Even when Obama said he was going to focus like a laser on jobs, he wasted everyone's time on a Health Care Summit, when he and the Hypocrats already had their mind made up. What a circus this guy is running. LOL, thanks for nothing Obama and the Hypocrats!
ReplyDeleteJohn you da man. Great post Chris. Awesome blog. Don't let them lie their way out of this.
ReplyDeleteI like this comment on the Kerry HuffPo piece. Maybe FAILk can answer this guy's questions:
ReplyDeleteSenator Kerry,
I strongly disagree with what Senator Bunning has done since last week in holding up the passage of this bill. I actually agree with his point, that is you Senators need to define how you're going to pay for things (didn't you folks fight for paygo?)...
However, here's what is possibly more troubling than what Sen. Bunning is doing. Democrats are LETTING HIM. As you well know Senator Reid could have filed for cloture last Thursday (or before). That would have prompted 30hrs of debate at which time the bill could be passed regardless of Sen. Bunnings objections.
But the Dems didn't do it. Why? I'm sorry but the only thing I can conclude is that it's one of two things or even a combination.
1. Dems new they would score big political points by letting Bunning do this and then blaming Republicans.
2. Dems didn't want to have to work on the weekend.
... I would love for someone ANYONE to explain why the Dems allowed this to happen when everyone knows they could have stopped it.
This is going to cause riots. And they better take it to the white people in the burbs. This is more proof that Republicans are trying to kill people of color. The NBPP of Flint will be out in the next few days protesting this action and getting the community to react to this kind of treatment.
ReplyDeleteBenifits Will Be Paid BUT Rules MUST Be Followed By All Partys Because its Pay and GO Legislation!
ReplyDeleteAll Bunning is Asking is Wheres The Money! NO More NO Less and it Should Be Answered.
Administration SHOULD Have Spent Stimlus on Benifits and JOBS a Year Ago but Then Unemployment Was Not HIGH on Their Agenda! It Does Appear ODD that MOST of Stimulus Will Not be Released Until This FALL Just Before MID TERM Elections!
The NO Benny Situation Also Shows What Can Happen When CITIZENS Depend on Government for THEIR Well Being! Maybe a LOOK Into OUR Future !
John if Reid did let this happen then he will get an awakening soon. We want our money and we want it now. You owe us that money. And if the Democratic Party is screwing us then the game is on with them too.
ReplyDeleteSorry Jay-Ney, no reparations for you. Obama is half-white, that's the side that he put in charge of reparations. Sorry for your bad luck. I would riot at the Democrat's places. The Republicans are the minority, there is nothing they can do about it. Good luck. Maybe FAILk will go G-20 with you and your mob.
ReplyDeleteWho is that hot looking girl that just joined the blog? Lil'Velvet you are as strong as they come girl. Tell me about you.
ReplyDeleteWho cares about the debt? Just give us our unemployment check.
ReplyDeleteI'd rather have a job. But money for nothing is good too. I might have to start looking for a job if it doesn't pass. It's too cold to work right now.
ReplyDeleteBrucie, wrong again. You keep claiming that the Republicans are filibustering. You just never know what you're talking about. This isn't filibustering you idiot. They can pass it any time they want.
ReplyDeleteLast week you were claiming filibustering again by the Republicans. And as usual, everybody called you out on it. There has been no filibustering, and there isn't one here either.
Do you ever get your info. correct?
Also Jay-Ney's comments aren't real. Nobody talks this stupid.
Anon believe me she is real. She is on some other blogs I follow. Bruce and his gang of fools seem to think highly of her. I wish that there weren't people like her out there. She is one of the racist people I've seen. I've had to pull a few of her posts because of threats. I guess thats what we have to deal with when we have an open forum like this.
ReplyDeleteAlways KNOW your Foes and Jay-Ney and others of Her Ideologies are The Countrys Enemy SO Getting a Look at There Thoughts Although Twisted Cant Hurt! It Also Shows Education Aint What it Use to BE!