Wednesday, March 3, 2010

You Go Rangel. No Really, Just Go


  1. I'm not sorry to see this at all!

  2. It's all because he is a black man.

  3. It's because he's a corrupt man Jay-Ney.

    I was laughing my ass off listening to the Ed Show tonight. Those jerks were saying that the Hypocrats are really doing something, not like when Delay was facing similar charges. The problem is, the Hypocrats have been stalling this investigation for years now, and now that the Republicans have forced a decision, I haven't heard ONE Hypocrat call Rangel out. Rangel is "temporarily" stepping aside. Hypocrats are covering for each other big time. Give me a break. Most transparent administration/Congress ever my ASS. They are the most corrupt ever, that's for sure.

  4. Next Investigation Should Be to SEE Where in The Hell The ETHICS Commitee Has Been for all THIS Time! Jay-Ney Did Not See A Black Man. Saw A POLITICAN with NO Place To Hide!~ He Better BE Careful or Like Other Liberals Before Him, This Administration HAS No Problem Throwing other LIBS Under The BUS!

  5. Is everything about color with you liberals? Who cares how much melenone a person has in their skin. Judge by their characture not their color. And don't give excusses because of his color either. He is just a man not a black man.


Please keep it clean and nice. Thank you for taking the time to post you thought. It means a lot to me that you do this.