Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Open Thread:Speak Your Mind Or Ask Questions


  1. On March 9th, the insurance industry's lobbyist front group is coming back to DC to defend their criminal health care system and plot to kill health reform.

    Health insurance CEO's continue to deny care. I am angry and frustrated so I am travelling to DC next week to participate in Health Care For America Now's "citizen's posse". We will be performing citizens arrests on these CEO's while risking arrest ourselves.

    You can help by chipping in $25 to help fund the trip or joining us in DC at the event.

    They might have millions of dollars to spend on corporate lobbyists and misleading attack ads, but we've got the power of the people. We're going to arrest them and we're going to shut down their conference.

    We cannot let them win. We have come too far. We need Congress to listen to us, not the big insurance companies.

    Join us on March 9 - sign up for information on how to help us arrest the insurance companies. If you can't be there please help out be chipping in $25 so the I can arrest these CEO's!

    We will see you there, and together, we will shut them down. Congress will listen to us--not corporate lobbyists.

    Join us on March 9 - sign up for information on how to help us arrest the insurance companies.

    We will see you there, and together, we will shut them down. Congress will listen to us -- not corporate lobbyists.

    Jim Miller
    and the Brave New Films team
    Bruce did you know about this and are you going?

  2. What a bunch of nut-jobs. Have fun rioting Jay-Ney! I guess the Hypocrats are firmly in control, they're going to arrest CEO's of private business. You Hypocrats really are anti-business. Are you going Comrade Bruce? LOL, I'd pitch in $25 to see FAILk get shot with bean bags, sprayed with pepper spray, and thrown in jail. Where do I send the money!?!?! BWAAAAHAHAHAHA

    And you jerks say that the Tea Party is dangerous. Look at these nut-jobs. Tea Partiers peacefully protest and these guys are trying to mess with private citizens because they are making a profit. You Hypocrats are out of control.

  3. It will be bigger then the Teabagger party in DC. Bruce if you are going can I ride with you? We will go halfs. I can't find anyone that is going yet.

  4. I see I have scared christopher away. What happened to Joe?

  5. Good day for the libs.

    Obama appoints the brother of a congressman to Appeals court to secure the undecided congressman's vote on health care.

    Charlie Rangel steps down from his committee chairmanship because of ethics violations, and probably much more.

    New York Dem congressman Eric Massa is retiring because of sexual harassment charges brought by a MALE staffer.

    More to come

  6. Sarah Palin was very funny. I would guess even FAILk would crack half a smile at it ...

    That was a good interview. I was surprised at how the crowd was taken by her, especially since it's filmed in LA LA Land.

  7. Jay-Ney Yea Go with Bruce and GO Halfs! Cant Find Any One to GO With YOU Im Shocked! Thanks For the Laughs LOL Bruce and Jay-Ney Sounds Like a GREAT Sit-Com To Me! Scared Christopher Away, Once Again Thanks For the LAUGHS!

  8. With any luck, Brucie and Jay Nay will be arrested and make the Oblerdink saliva fest. Hey Brucie, will you wear your paper mache head for us, so we know which idiot is you?

  9. Jay-Ney, I'd like to go, but I made another commitment locally.

  10. Massa is retiring because he has cancer and the prognosis is not good for him.

  11. Looks like your health wishes for us missed and hit Massa Bruce.

  12. Here is what Komrade Bruce Fealk stands for. This guy Stern makes me sick. I cannot believe that someone like this is an American, or even grew up in America:

    Andy Stern: We are witnessing the new economy led by the Government, not the private sector

    Posted by THERIGHTSCOOP in Politics on Mar 3rd, 2010

    This is Obama’s right hand man. He’s been to the White House meeting with the President ALOT, and he’s been recently appointed to the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. He’s a Union Boss for crying out loud! via Naked Emporer News

  13. Hey Bruce, I'm still waiting to hear how corporations rule over us. Especially since we have a Democrat majority in Congress and a Democrat President. Please enlighten us.

  14. How many times have we heard Bruce, the hypocrite, tell us that he blocks posts on his site to keep his blog from denigrating into hate speech? If that's true, then why does he allow posts from Jay Ney like this.

    "It sounds like those fucking retards on chris' blog. I sent this post to all my friends."

    Oh that's right, she shares his views. My bad!

  15. AL it would make a great sit-com. I'm laughing my butt off with your post and all the others. Bruce you let that kind of stuff on your blog and then say my blog is denigrating into hate speech? Could you try to be lucid for part of the day? I'm afraid AL is right about you eating the wrong mushrooms. You are the best bloggers around. I am still laughing. The paper mache head part was great. JayNey and Bruces big trip to DC. BWAAAHAHAHAHAHA

  16. "We will be performing citizens arrests"
    I have forewarned the Washington DC metro police of the forthcoming kidnapping on March 9th, they're already preparing their paperwork that they normally would have to do after such arrests, so now they're ahead of the game so they can spend time with their families..... Good luck with that Jay-Ney. LOL

  17. I like Jan-neys' comment;

    "It will be bigger then the Teabagger party in DC.,,,, I can't find anyone that is going yet.

    Damn that sounds HUGE!!!!!!!

  18. Christopher, it's not as if you travel in circles that would contain people that would be going to D.C. on March 9.

  19. You're right Bruce. Christopher and the rest of us travel in the law-abiding, peaceful protest circles. You and Jay-Ney travel in the dangerous, racist, angry, rioting circles. So tell us, how many are going FAILk?!? BWAAAHAHAHAHA

    I bet you ARE going, aren't you FAILk? Then again, on the other hand, probably not. Any time you have to take a stand and a risk, FAILk is no where to be seen. What a coward.

  20. Mark thank you for calling the DC police on yet another left wing radical group ready to break the law. You are a great American. We have grown to except this kind of methodology from the left but it shouldn't be so. Keep it up.

  21. Pass the word around on the blogs so that maybe someone with a video can get this on tape. I think they want to suprise the lobiest in Washington but lets help ruin their suprise.

  22. Bruce You Are ALWAYS Traveling in CIRCLES But You Two Have Great Trip! If Your Driving "Breezewood" Exit on Turn Pike Has A Couple CHEAP Spots You Two Could Take Advantage Of and Pay HALFS!

    You Know Your Going On March the 9th! There Will Be Nothing But Brucies There and You Can PROTEST and Sing Camp Fire Songs All Night! Have a Great Trip.

  23. Brucie's favorite circle involves a contest.

  24. Bruce, Your comment did not help her cause,she DOES travel in those perverse circles and yet has to find ANYONE going,,lmao

  25. LOL ... exactly Christopher! Bruce steps in his own steaming pile of feces yet again! Did you catch the one yesterday where Bruce was praising the low cost of shipping via USPS, neglecting to mention that it's that low because taxpayers are subsidizing their huge losses!?!? ROFLMAO!


Please keep it clean and nice. Thank you for taking the time to post you thought. It means a lot to me that you do this.