Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hypocrisy Watch: Left-Wing Hate and Violence

We need to watch and remember what the left wing has done and is doing. They have so much hate in their hearts but they call us the haters.

Hint: It wasn’t that long ago, although given the blackout on this sort of thing at the time, you can’t blame people like Gibbsy for thinking that it never happened. This trip down memory lane comes from Evan Coyne Maloney, not as an apology for recent threats against the Democrats, of course, but as an indictment of the insane double standard practiced by the establishment left in raising alarms about irresponsible rhetoric. How insane? Take two minutes and work your way through this post at Verum Serum. It’s worth it. (There’s even a Palin angle!) The open question is why the double standard exists in the first place. Fear of the threat from militias, which the FBI says is exaggerated? Secret agreement among mainstream lefties that Bush really might have aspired to be a new Hitler? Or is it good ol’ fashioned partisan political advantage at work? As you might have guessed, I’ll take what’s behind door number three.


  1. So much anger from the libs.

  2. since we're on a trip down memory lane, why not spend a few moments here.

    Seem the 15 year anniversary is on the 19th of this month.

  3. So, lets get back to the subject at hand........ It's to bad those people back then didn't take some political science class, as fascism is more closely aligned politically with social democrats and socialist in general then they are of the right.

  4. Joe give one for the right and Chris has given numerous times more then that. Joe all you have proven is that the right wing has had a few nuts. Chris has proven that the left is nuts with a few normals in the mix. It must bother you JoeC knowing how sick and perverted the left is and trying to hide from it like you do.

  5. Gary B,
    would you like the whole list or just the major killers??? I can give you the whole list of rightwing killers and nutjobs. its as long as any list chris can come up with.

    Mark, Fascism has very strong anti-socialist views typically. Mussolini even wrote that...
    ..."Fascism [is] the complete opposite of…Marxian Socialism",

    and the US military dictionary calls Fascism
    n. 1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

    and from the Columbia dictionary on Facist states...

    Forerunners of fascism, such as Georges Boulanger in France and Adolf Stöker and Karl Lueger in Germany and Austria, in their efforts to gain political power played on people's fears of revolution with its subsequent chaos, anarchy, and general insecurity. They appealed to nationalist sentiments and prejudices, exploited anti-Semitism, and portrayed themselves as champions of law, order, Christian morality, and the sanctity of private property

    I'd take more classes if i were you..

  6. Don't think so joec. It is amazing how many liberal anarchy organizations there are. Believe what you like joec, you always do. joec are you still an anarchist? And do you like what obama and congress are doing to this country?

  7. Joe- You need to get a clue, Fascism comes from anarchy when the people look to someone to come to rule as a protector from anarchy, and in turn becomes power hungry, total rule over all, and do not champion themselves of law but of power of protector. aka total government.
    In case you missed this informative video on Bonsai, here it is again.

  8. Mark, your ancestors just rolled over in their grave...Thanks for repeating what i said.

    JoeC said...
    and from the Columbia dictionary on Facist states...

    Forerunners of fascism, such as Georges Boulanger in France and Adolf Stöker and Karl Lueger in Germany and Austria, in their efforts to gain political power played on people's fears of revolution with its subsequent chaos, anarchy, and general insecurity. They appealed to nationalist sentiments and prejudices, exploited anti-Semitism, and portrayed themselves as champions of law, order, Christian morality, and the sanctity of private property

    I'd take more classes if i were you..
    01 April, 2010 13:12

    Notice that its not a Glenn Beck afterschool special, its from Columbia university.

  9. Joe, did you say total government control? No, sorry you blew it. This is where you really become unhinged and blew your argument. "portrayed themselves as champions of law, order, Christian morality."
    So you're saying Hitler was a Christian and followed rule of law? No he ruled with an iron fist, what ever HE said, was HIS law. He used Christianity to draw in his following, but despised all religion.

    Columbia U. Isn't that the school that gives away those toilet paper degrees? :)

    Watch the video, if you want to see the true political spectrum of human history.

  10. Mark,
    Lets look at what i said and how you responded...this will be fun. By the way where did i say government control?

    JoeC said..."and PORTRAYED themselves as champions of law, order, Christian morality, and the sanctity of private property"

    Mark Adams said... "So you're saying Hitler was a Christian and followed rule of law"

    Hmmmm, wheres the disconnect there? What part of PORTRAYED did you miss?

    As for Columbia, its the 8th highest rated university by US news, and i trust them more than you, so don't go blowing up your argument by saying Wackjob things like that

  11. And Joe, so you catch what’s being said here and help you drag yourself out a what brain dead stupor you are in...
    See this thing? ->?<- It's a question mark.
    There is no disconnect here Joe, maybe from your end as I asked a question.

    Now back to the subject.
    You, throughout this discussion, have proven me correct. My claim was "fascism more closely aligned politically with social democrats and socialist in general then they are of the right.
    Your claim is "Fascism [is] the complete opposite of…Marxian Socialism,...nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization"

    But then say "portrayed themselves as champions of law, order, Christian morality, and the sanctity of private property"
    Which they are opposed to.
    In short, Joe

    -Right Wing governing supports an open society that promotes or preserves law and order, and traditional values and who supports free market capitalism
    That is opposed by fascist, but portray themselves as such to the mass.

    -Left Wing governing is a form of nationalism officially based upon collective equality, popular sovereignty, and quick to anger and suppress opposition. Supports a classless society

    -Fascism adheres to culture that is created by collective national society as equal to one another and rejects individualism, forbids or suppress openness and opposition and promotes ending economic class conflict.

    Lefties ARE more closer aligned with Fascism for one simple reason…. ruled by the few in power, and not by majority.

  12. Mark, i see you make quite a few illogical steps in your thinking. Let me help you learn about governments.

    first, Mussolini even wrote that...
    ..."Fascism [is] the complete opposite of…Marxian Socialism..." That means it is not like socialism. That is where that statement ends. How you attached the military dictionary definition to that i don't know. Go back and look at it again.

    here i'll repost it.
    US military dictionary:Fascism
    n. 1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization

    Second, your applying inaccurate caricatures of socialism to it without thinking in the reality of it. Most current socialist nations are no more nationalistic than the US and certainly not anymore nationalistic than many of the anti-immigration rightwing groups currently active within the political sphere.

    Third, the concept of our Government to which the right constantly tells us is not Democratic but rather a Republic, which inherently opposes the mob rule of majority democracy is one that we can attribute to both the left and right. I haven't yet seen a CONSTITUTIONALIST right winger suggest we turn the government over to a majority rule, so to imply that only the left opposes this is dishonest.

    Finally, your views on the left are seriously deficient. You can't fit the political world into this little box you feel encapsulates everyone. The way you wrote about fascism show me how little you've studied the various aspects of conservative political theory.

  13. JHC Joe, I see where you are going with this.
    Nice try, but I do know and understand how the political spectrum works.
    My views are dead nuts on, and most people in this country see it the same way as I do.
    I am NOT trying to fit it in to some neat little box, Joe, I am simplifying it because I don't have time to spend writing a political thesis for you.
    You quote the nut case Mussolini, when in fact that is HIS impression of fascism as oppose to socialism. He is wrong, based on my studies of ideologies and many political scholars throughout history.

    Your second point, is YOUR ‘seriously deficient’ train of thought about the right.
    Your hero's on the left have brainwashed you in to believing that the right wants to rid the nation of immigration. (Nationalism)
    You’re wrong and their wrong. What the right wants is to rid the nation of is its "ILLEGAL" immigration and in force the “LAWS”.

    Third, we live in a Republic Democracy. Is it a simple republic democracy? No, but there are many aspects of it in our Government that are majority rules. You see it in the Senate and the House quite often.

    And last, your comment "I haven't yet seen a CONSTITUTIONALIST right winger suggest we turn the government over to a majority rule, so to imply that only the left opposes this is dishonest."
    Not saying turn it over to a majority rule but represent (republic) what the majority of this country citizens have demanded from their elected representation, to be heard and be followed. All this took place with the healthcare thing and your party flat out ignored the will of most of the Americans people. So don't sit there and tell ME "left opposes this is dishonest" It just got done playing out in Washington. History is written.


Please keep it clean and nice. Thank you for taking the time to post you thought. It means a lot to me that you do this.