Saturday, May 8, 2010

Former FEMA Director On This FUBAR BP Oil Disaster


  1. OMG, are you kidding me. The most incompetent boob from the Bush regime commenting on the current administration. Give me an F'ing break, Chris.

  2. Bruce this admin couldn't even get a oil leak fixed and you think he is the boob? You are out of your mind. But this adin is more of a hands off aproach to disasters within their powers. This admin rather put their boots on the throatr of the only ones trying to fix this disaster rather then HELP them. This admnin would rather let Tennessee local government handle this disaster. To tell you the truth I'm sure after seening how bad the feds mess things up lately why would they want the obama admin.near them for the hard stuff. I saw more men on bass boats then government boats. That wasn't the case in New Orleans. Bruce you don't think michelle told him to scrwew the whites in Tennessee do ya? We all know how she feels about the "typical white person".

  3. wow, more assertions that you can't prove.

    good job

  4. Joe this kind of disaster has happened before and we knew what needed to be done so it wouldn't happen on our contenent. Why haven't they done any of them? We only had one fire boon on hand. Why did we go to another country and use theirs? Why haven't they been more proactive in containing this oil spill? They jump on Fox News right away but they can help with the containment of the oil other then "putting their boot on the throat of BP"? How will that help them fix the oil spill? No ACTION. ACTION is visible and the Obama admin work in the invisable spectum. That way they can'rt be judge because no one can quantify their deeds. Prove he did anything other then putting a boot across BP throat when they could use some help.

  5. He is just covering up the fact that he blew up the damn to New Orleans.

  6. Jay-Ney Your A Quart Low Get To Jiffy Lube For That oil Change!

  7. Chris, your the one making assertions you find the proof.

    Whats up with the "Boot Across the Throat of BP" talking point? i've seen it all over the conservative websites. Must be that free thinking your doing again.

  8. Joe Isnt Free Speech Great! Talking Points Opinions. Something This Regime Im Sure Will Try To Temper With " Fairness Doctrine" You Know That Thingy Where If You Dont Agree With a Opinion or Point Of View Limit Their Air Time With Rebuttal! Liberal Media Cannot Make It In Open Market So Put The "Boots To The Neck" Of Conservative Media and POOF All Gone. Betcha Thats Seems Locigal To Ya!

  9. JoeC, Gibbs and Obama both have said "boot across the throat" thing. It is the Obama team saying it all the time. Some of you people are as ignorant as a box of rocks.


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