Obama Sex Scandal
This is from the Enquirer Magazine. This brings back memories of John Edwards and Bill Clinton and what effect Bill Clinton's acts did on this country. If this story isn't true it is a rotten thing to do. But if it ends up being true then he is taking risks with the presidentcy. That is serious business and it will be the end of his presidentcy as well as the Democratic Socialist Party. For now 

Here we go again with the lieing,cheating sex and drug scandal stories. I don't remember if this ever happened with the Bush's or Reagan? Well hopefully this isn't a true story because this might be a big blow in confidence with the American people and the country will suffer for it if he did it.OBAMA has been caught in a shocking cheating scandal after being caught in a Washington, DC Hotel with a former campaign aide, sources say.And now, a hush-hush security video that shows everything could topple both Obama's presidency andmarriage to Michelle!
A confidential investigation has learned that Obama first became close to gorgeous 35 year-old VERA BAKER in 2004 when she worked tirelessly to get him elected to the US Senate, raising millions in campaign contributions...
The ENQUIRER has also learned that on-site hotelsurveillance video camera footage could provide indisputable evidence.
"Investigators are attempting to obtain a tape from the hotel (that) shows Vera and Barack together," the DC insider confided.
"If the tape surfaces, it will explode the scandal."
Could you blame him if he did?
ReplyDeleteThe Only Thing For Sure Right Now Is The "Inquirer" Gets Its Right More Than The Main Stream Media So Lets Wait And See. If Its False Than At The Very Least Heads Should Roll at Inquirer. If Its True Good Luck Nobama!
ReplyDeleteA mistress is the least of his problems if true. This story has been around for awhile now let alone the same thing(s) did little to bring Clinton down and is typical of liberals anyhow. To them it is a badge of honor.
ReplyDeleteYes, Christopher banging hot chicks is a badge on honor for Liberals. not for Conservatives but for liberals.
ReplyDeleteYou guys have the banging gay males badge. Larry Craig, Pastor Haggard, Mark Foley, Jeff Ganon and the latest anti-gay gay man Pastor Rekers.
Not that there's anything wrong with your choice, just the hypocritical stance on homosexuality.
Joe do you have a thing for Rev Rekers? Is your favorite move Brokeback Mountain? Joe when a conservative does what a liberals does they are finished by both the liberals and the conservatives. But when a liberal does it they blow it off. No pun intended.
ReplyDeleteJoe you said,"Not that there's anything wrong with your choice, just the hypocritical stance on homosexuality." What are you trying to say here? It sounds like you are judging all of us for what these few hypocritical men did.
ReplyDeleteNow if we were like the liberals Obama would have already been conviced weather he did it or not. They have been calling the Tea Partiers violent without one bit of proof. Maybe it is time to treat them guilty before proving inocent just like they have been doing with us.
ReplyDeleteJoe I Am Certainly Stunned To Learn There Are NO Gays In The Progressive Movement! Thanks For The Info. Get Back On The Train To Hooterville, All The Straight Residence Are Awaiting Your Return!
ReplyDeleteAl, there are many gays in the progressive movement. There are no anti-gay activists in the movement who are secretly gay. thats your movement.
ReplyDeleteChirs, judging you for what a few hypocritical men did? Wow, the irony, as it seems that progressives get judged by Robert Byrd all day and night here. So john and Al and anyone who suggests the Dems are racist because of Byrd is wrong then? I atleast can find more than a few anti-gay but secretly gay republicans.
Chris, i love when a churchie gets it in the ass publically, pun intended...
ReplyDeleteMakes my day when those ignorant hateful, hypocritical sons of a bitches get caught.
JoeC, I did not say 'hot chicks' and I do not find the woman in question as such anyhow, I said 'mistress', which implies cheating of which is yet another liberal trait, affairs being an extension.
ReplyDeleteFuthermore my statement was one of a political nature, not a critque on suoerficial traits, but again you as a liberal only see the superficial.
Joe If It Were Not For Sex and Race What The Hell Would You Post About. But It Keeps Ya Busy And Gives Me Some Laughs!
ReplyDeleteJoe you libs are getting judged by more the Byrd. Just look at the riots and murders the left have done and still not one insident from a Tea Partier. Keep sounding that drumb Joe.hahahaha
ReplyDeleteJoe no "churchies" as you call them are hateful against the gay person but the action. There are Christians that have gay tendancies that try not to act on them like the Holy Bible says. For a guy who says he grew up in the Lutheran and Roman Catholic Church you don't have a clue on those religions. I think you are chosing to take that path.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to bury my face in her ass.
ReplyDeleteChris, strange i see lots of posts here suggesting we are racists because we have an ex-klan member as a Senator.
ReplyDeleteChristopher, i know she's not your type, you guys aren't so hot for the africans.
Al, besides all those times i correct your mistaken thinkikng? i'm not sure.
There ya go again Joe being superficial, thanks for proving my point!
ReplyDeleteJoe The Third Sentences I Got The Al Part The Rest I Will Work On Hopefully Correcting Your Mistaken Thinkin! But Two Out Of Three Sentence Make Sense Or Average Fir Ya!
ReplyDeleteChris, i think she's fine. Were did you come up with otherwise. I love coffee with cream, ivory, ruddy all of it.
ReplyDeleteIt was Christopher who wasn't interested in her. He probably went to BobJones U. They don't like mixed couples.
Christopher said...
JoeC, I did not say 'hot chicks' and I do not find the woman in question as such anyhow
Why must it be because of her color not fetures? He might like line or thick but you go to color. Why is it you go to color so fast and formost? I think though dust protest too much when it comes to color. If I was a betting man I'd bet that you are showing us what you think and is in your heart. And if you have a problem with her color he must as well. Shame shame.
ReplyDeleteChristopher, you have such a short memory, I think you might have Alzheimer's.
ReplyDeleteDavid Vitter
John Ensign (Criminal charges about to be handed down from grand jury.)
Mark Foley
Larry Craig and the list goes on and on.
Hardly anything unique to liberals, Christopher.
Our prisons and jails are full of liberals and those are the only name you could come up with? No one said only liberals screw around but they sure do dominate when it comes to the shear numbers of offences. But this is just a diversion from the fact that Obama got cought with his pants down just like Bill "stink finger" Clinton. There has been talk about Obama and this women for a long time but now the video is coming out. If he risked our country for a piece of ass he need to be impeached ASAP. And come Nov when the conservatives take over both houses of Congress it will be a lot easier to find out the truth.
ReplyDeleteBruce you are already making up excusses for his behavior by saying that Republicans have done wrong too. Little kids debate by saying jJimmy did it too Mommy.lol.
ReplyDeleteSo what? What if he did fuck her? How does that hurt us? He's the president and he should be able to fuck whoever he wants. You people get all bent with sex. JFK did everyone he could and nothing happened. Now if Michelle isn't right with it that girl might come up missing some day soon. Just because the pesident gets some strange doesn't make him bad,right Joe and Bruce?
ReplyDeleteHey Joe Jay-Ney Asked You A Question. Now That Has Got To Make You Think. What Ever Ship You Three Are On Joe Seek A Life Boat SOON! LOL
ReplyDeleteChris, i must be telling you whats in my heart. I'd fuck her. okay there's whats going on with me. I'd hit that....alot..
ReplyDeleteYes Chris, christopher must have some problem with nice breast, nice skin a cute smile. He isn't into any of those. Perhaps i'm wrong he doesn't dislike her for her nappy hair or skin color, but because she's a female. Perhaps he isn't attracted to women.
Joe On Mothers Day You Are Proving To Be Quite A MOTHER! Shame On You! You Have Women Issues and Also Appear To Have Male Issues!
ReplyDeleteJoeC, I don't like her 'cuz she's too thin for me. I like a full bodied women. I got what Chris was saying,so why don't you? Some men like light hair and dark hair. If Christopher doesn't like her there could be a bunch of reasons having nothing to do with skin color. Or maybe he is racist. But that would be the last, not the first thing I'd think. I know a lot of white and black men that don't like white women. I know black men that don't like black women. Think about that if you need to JoeC. Try having an open mind JoeC. You sound like a man that pre-judges. Art least you do in many of your posts. Sorry but I call 'em like I see 'em. Christopher,you seem to have a bug up your bum. Are you abused a lot at work or home?
ReplyDeleteI agree with Al about some of Joe's issues.
ReplyDeleteChristopher does hate her because she is afro. And the brothers that don't like black women are racist. I'm getting pissed off about the put downs with the black women. We are a beautiful and powerful women and that is why you racist men don't like us. And what Joe said about wanting to fuck her and all that pissed me off too. Are black women whores to you joe? Are we something to bend over and fuck to you? You said that it made you sick when the neo-cons at your plant made sexual remarks about Palin. So is it alright to do that to a black women but not a white women? You are a fucking racist pig joe,just like the rest of them. Like President Obama said,"most whites are racist" and this is more proof. You white better start worrying about the way you treated the dark people because many are looking for blood and reperations. NBPP