Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Jindal Rips Obama Admin A New One Over BP Oil Spill

On the scene from day one? Ha! Take it away, Gov. Jindal:

Notice how Jindal uses facts and figure while Obama's people just make up vague crap. This is just more proof that Obama is trying to weasel themselves out of any blame. Too bad Jindal isn't running the Obama admin. It looks like he knows what he is doing.


  1. Where are all the enviro groups on this spill? Why is obama not trying to take over this? He has taken everything elso over this year. This is the biggest cluster fuck I've seen in years. And this shit just started.

  2. Watch, wait and see how much damage can be done before they really step up to the plate...So down the road they have an unquestionable reason (in their mind) to ban offshore drilling, permanently. Funny how enviro they are, but have done little to at least protect the shore. The left is going to use this to their full advantage.

  3. Well, that was a load of nothing again. Which hack site did you get that biased turd?

    the response from the government hasn't been what it should but the creator is tying to different scenarios together out of context. You of all people can understand this.

    You can splice any statement made about the rig itself and the actions there and add in alittle discussion of another topic and voila you have gotcha media as Sarah Private citizens likes to say.

    this is an attempt at a zinger not a discussion. i'm sure you want your blog to be known for that. Atleast Brian takes sometime to reasearch his blog and writes it himself. not you.

    Hey Mr' video bomber, whats on your blog today

  4. ANWAR is looking better all the time now.

  5. Joe if you don't like it what are you doing here? If that is your best shot,and it seems like it is, then I take it you think Obama is doing a bad job as well.

  6. Where are all the enviromental groups? Where are all the save the world organizations? Where is ELF and the Searra Club? Poor Joe is cracked so he has to make fun of the blog he is on every day. Joe what kind of looser does that make you?

  7. it makes me the looser who is trying to help you.

  8. How are you trying to help me? What would you like me to do? This is a blog not a newspaper we use video to tell a side.

  9. Joe, who needs a video. Action (or lack thereof) speaks louder the words.
    BP, plug the whole.
    US Government, give the coastguard and states the tools they need to protect themselves, NOW.
    At least BP is working around the clock to stop the flow.
    The Government, dithers.

  10. When Carville Says This Regime Is Not Focused On Oil Spill How Can We Argue. I Think He Meant That 'Never Let A Crisis Go Unused Thingy" Heck My Grandaughter Asked Me If The Hole Was Plugged Yet And I Told Her Private Sector Is Working On It.

  11. Sorry to change the subject, but it is time to go after the Oakland Press. They (at least the online edition) are using bruce fealk and his rag as a source for news they are publishing. I expect that brucie and Steve Frye are back together again. An article today about Oakland County Republicans and infighting between the party and candidates. I have no idea as to the veracity of the article, but knowing the way fealkhead operates, I expect it is not the complete picture.

  12. This is a great blog. That Bruce Fealk is crazy. I can't stand him. Why doesn't JoeC go to Bruces failed blog?

  13. If We Lose Joe We Lose A Progressive. Every Blog Should Have One. Gets You Into Their Logic and Therories. Then We Know Right Is Might!


Please keep it clean and nice. Thank you for taking the time to post you thought. It means a lot to me that you do this.