Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Video: Gather Your Armies


This is starting to sound like the left wing when "W" was in office. This video I'm sure will make the left wing go ape shit crazy. They will say things like "sedition" ,"dangerous" or "militia". The same things they said about the Tea Partiers but never happened. The left will get wrapped up in all the props in the video instead of listening to the words. Listen to what Barber is saying. If you agree with what he is saying,why? If you don't agree with his words then why don't you? And should the right wing use left wing tactics against them? Maybe a theatrical ad like this is what we need right now to wake up the rest of the nation. The truth is this ad is just a symptom of the bigger problem. We also need to stop with the impeachment talk. I want you to close your eyes for a minute. Now picture Joe Bidden as president of the USA. Is that better then Obama as president? Impeachment wont make anything better as the Democrats have put an even bigger buffoon in as VP and Speaker of the House. Things are bad and thanks to the Democratic Socialist party they keep getting worse for the people of America. What do you think about this ad?


  1. He's not seditious he's just the fringe of the right. And crazy.

    He's also painting a historically inaccurate picture of the American Revolution by suggesting they "Revolted over TEA" just to frame the "TEA PARTY" as like the revolution. Certainly there was much more to the Revolution than a Tea tax.

    Of course this type of propganda will work with many Tea party people.

  2. Shit is getting scary out there. Didn't the Democratic party promise us things would get better not worse? Maybe Joe C. can tell us why things keep getting worse with all the democratic bills being passed? Joe C. why hasn't any of the democrats promises work? Is it Bush's fault?

  3. Just as crazy, Joe, as if Obama, Pelosi and Reid felt they could ram socialism down our throats???

    Good Video! Rally Americans to vote out the socialist. Thats the message!

  4. Anon what has gotten worse?

  5. Thought Revolutionary War Was Basiclly Against High Taxes And NO Representation? Sorta Like OUR Elected Representitives Now.

    There Were Loyalist Who Wanted To Stay Under Kings Rule And Protection ,I Beleive The First Know Liberals!

  6. Unemployment,stock market,quality of life,you name it Joe. Soon health care,taxes,energy costs and the cost of living will get worse. What has gotten better Joe C? Thanks, Frank Fufufnick Yale,Mich.

  7. Just look at the way they pushed obamacare through against most Americans wishes. That isn't representation.

  8. Al,
    the Tories were conservatives not liberals.

  9. So Joe why don't you answer Anon?

  10. Chris, i would say alot of the things he says has gotten worse has gotten better lately.

    The Stock market
    the economy
    you name it...


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