Now back to the subject. This year I see a lot of interest in home gardening and backyard homesteading. When I was a kid we raised ducks and sheep as well as a large garden for 4-H. Did I mention we lived on 3/4 of an acher in the Detroit suburbs? Everyone wanted to come play at our house and learn about the animals and eat the fresh fruits. The duck eggs were as cool as it got for our friends as kids.
I don't raise any farm animals, but I do have a large no till organic garden,raspberries,strawberries,elderberry,dewberry,mulberry,Bing cherry,Rainer cherry,Mongolian cherry,paw paw fruit,honey crisp apple,kiwi,grape,goji berry,fig and pear. I have all this on 3/4 of an acher down the road from where I grew up.
We eat well out of our yard and there is still lots of room to play. When we have people over they love just eating off the bushes. This year my families labors will pay off even greater then ever. Last year we were able to eat from Spring till early Winter out of the garden for our vegetables and fruit needs.
It always been about putting my land to work for me and my family. With a little time and effort this year we will be able to feed ourselves and many others. I'm planning on taking out some people I know to do some wild crafted food gathering out in the woods and water. We will collect and prepare enough for ourselves and a homeless organization in our county. Young kids love collecting the cattail tops in early Spring. We steam them and eat them like corn. It's a high energy food with lots of minerals. The pith is also very good in a salad and it tastes like cucumber. Digging up burdock and sunchoke roots and collecting the many edible greens. There is a quality to this kind of food that you can't buy in a store.
It didn't take a lot of gas to produce this food source. It also took my family out of the market, helping helping reduce demand by a little. I'm taking leaves out of the landfill and using them to produce a needed commodity. I help by keeping rare heirlooms for biodiversity and genetic diversity. The garden also takes carbon out of the air and back into the ground by using layered no till gardening. I use organic folier feeding so there is no waste.
My garden is high in organic material and minerals so we are eating the healthiest rich in nutrient foods we can produce. I never spray chemicals on the plants to kill bugs. I spray colloidal silver on the plants to kill bug eggs,bacteria and viruses on the leaves. Colloidal silver is also good for us as well and it helps foods last longer. A lot longer.
We can't do much about gas prices. But we can do a little by planting a garden. As the price of food keeps going up, the value of your garden is going up as well. God does most of the work and the payoff is great. Put the machines God made to work just by feeding the soil. Have fun and get the kids involved. It's their garden too. And don't forget to thank God for that salad.

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Please keep it clean and nice. Thank you for taking the time to post you thought. It means a lot to me that you do this.