They have launched a Crash the Tea Party (CTTP) website: on the eve of the April 15 anniversary of the Tea Party.
“WHO WE ARE, Crash The Tea Party style, is a lesson in Marxism 101: “A nationwide network of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents who are sick and tired of that loose affiliation of racists, homophobes, and morons; who constitute the fake grass-roots movement which calls itself “The Tea Party.”
The definition of CTTP couldn’t have been better scripted by Nancy Pelosi.
“WHAT WE WANT: To dismantle and demolish the Tea Party by any non-violent means necessary.
“HOW WE WILL SUCCEED: By infiltrating the Tea Party itself! In an effort to propagate their pre-existing propensity for paranoia and suspicion…We have already sat quietly in their meetings, and observed their rallies.”
But the game-plan is Crash the Tea Party’s most ominous part: “We will act on behalf of the Tea Party in ways which exaggerate their least appealing qualities (misspelled protest signs, wild claims in TV interviews, etc.) to further distance them from mainstream America and damage the public’s opinion of them. We will also use the inside information that we have gained in order to disrupt and derail their plans.” (Emphasis CFP’s).
“Sound like fun? It is!! If you’d like to join us, just click on the word “crash!” below.
Crash the Tea Party could should be called Agent Provocateurs Are Us!
And like the scurrilous snipers of the sidelines they are, they try to pass off their website registrant name as Ben Franklin.
Crash the Tea Party was registered April 3, 2010.
CFP conducted an Internic “Whois” search and discovered that the phone number listed for the Ben Franklin registrant gave an S. Lamonoff in Langhorne, Pa. White pages list a Sheila R. Lamonoff as holder of the telephone line, also listed as S. Lamonoff.
The telephone number listed for Crash the Tea Party is 215-752-1992. The number has call block service.
CFP dialed the number and reached a recorded female voice saying “You have reached Carol and Nat, We are not available. Leave a message and have a nice day.”
Other records indicate that there is a Norman Lamonoff listed at the same address.
Meanwhile, patriots take note: The Dem-inspired agent provocateurs want to crash your Tea Party.
I'm working. i'll miss the demonstration and the counter demonstration and anon's "Tea Party Pain Brigade". I wanted to see that.
ReplyDeleteThe best part is now that everyone knows that these idiots are going to the rally and making signs that are hatefull and just dumb,they will get blamed for it alol now. Thanks in advance to all the liberals that go and do that. Now they will be held accountable for every stupid thing. Bwaaaahahahahaha. They didn't think it all the way through.