Saturday, April 24, 2010

Open thread:

I found this on


  1. These videos sound like they don't know really what they are out there for. No central message and are a bunch of Nam throwbacks from days long gone.

  2. How slow are the people in Detroit? Is it just the liberals with the Detroit doopididoo syndrom or does everyone sound like they took the short bus to school? My God the one kid had tin foil on his head.

  3. They do talk dumb don't they?

  4. "My God the one kid had tin foil on his head."
    LMAO! Yes he did.

  5. I think they sounded fine to me. What is up with putting tin foil on his head? The last video did make liberals look bad.


Please keep it clean and nice. Thank you for taking the time to post you thought. It means a lot to me that you do this.