Gore's $9 million mansion and huge carbon foot print nice and close to the "rising ocean"
Former Vice President Al Gore and his wife, Tipper, have added a Montecito-area property to their real estate holdings, reports the Montecito Journal.
The couple spent $8,875,000 on an ocean-view villa on 1.5 acres with a swimming pool, spa and fountains, a real estate source familiar with the deal confirms. The Italian-style house has six fireplaces, five bedrooms and
nine bathrooms. Isn't it great how Al Gore preaches to us about our carbon foot prints and how we "MUST" make drastic and costly cuts in our energy consumption. And while we are paying for their left wing air trading scam they will be rolling in the $$$$. But we all know the "Climate" scam was nothing more then a money making scam on we the people. It's time to tell these scamers we aren't buying it any more. I can't afford higher energy bills. I can't afford another tax on my gas and every product that uses gas to get to me. Gas is going higher and higher every day thanks to Obama,right left wing Bush bashers? If it was Bush's fault that gas went to $4/gal then it must be Obama's fault for oil's rising cost's. And as we see with all the BP oil money Obama got we know what side he is on and it ain't ours. This is all about money not the environment and if you truly care about the environment you better look at why the Obama admin. dropped the ball so many times with this disaster? And when the Obama admin. keeps saying that they have their "boots on the throat of BP" take that as code for BP is getting a tax that they will pass on to we the consumer. But for those few left wing idealogues that still feel the need to champion the environment they better find one that is designed to actualy help the environment, not make a way to trade in AIR. Protect the rain forrest or start an organization that will buy land too protect it and all that live in it if you want. But don't tell us this is about the environment when your own enviro-leaders are in it for the money and not for the environment. It's OK if you got scamed like so many. But don't be stupid and keep talking like this isn't a scam in order to save face. The longer you hold on the worse it looks on you.
Hey Its Just "Als" Way Of Redistributing His Wealth To Him! A True Hypocrite ! Lets See Citizen Makes Over 250,000 Dollars Rich, Liberal Millionier Buys Mansion. How Come In This Redistribution of Wealth "AL" Aint Redistributing? Seems Like a Double Standard of Richness To Me. He Will Need ALL His SUVs For The Move I Bet! I Thin Were Seeing "A Inconvenient Truth" Thingys
ReplyDeleteStunning, stunning hypocrisy. Apparently he isn't worried about the seas rising too much. I guess B.O. is going to lower the sea levels for him.
ReplyDeleteBeware the prophet seeking profits.
ReplyDeleteIt never ceases to amaze me that he keeps making money hand over fist on the backs of those who support him. Of course, I guess liberals do like taking it in the arse, both figuratively and literally.
ReplyDeleteThere Is A Reason His Home State Of Tennesse Voted AGAINST Him In 2000 Wonder Why?
ReplyDeleteBig Al is tied too close to the "Global Hoax" to back off. He knows the whole of the data is insufficient and concocted. Why doesn't he want to debate Lord Monckton? Big Al knows his information is contrived. The arrogance to think that humans contribute to the “Global Warming Hoax” at a scale comparable to mother nature is “Insane.” It’s all about the money to be made in starting a new industry. One based on FALSE – Fabricated data. Only those “Liberal Fools” and Harvard Community College (HCC) graduates are blinded enough to believe it!