Now I don't think she meant to say that Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya. But it is half of his national origin. What about the white half or doesn't that count to her? But this isn't the part that pisses me off. This bitch disrespected our country again. Who does this bitch think she is talking about our country the way she does? Is that what the First Lady should act like? We are paying for her assistants,and mind you this bitch has more assistants then almost all the First Ladies before her. Come on people since when does the First Lady talk bad about the country they are to serve? And what is with this bitch giving her digs on the "white" people? Since this bitch doesn't respect the country I give the bitch NO respect back. I'm starting to wonder about the birds of a feather and our President. This is America not Kenya. The Obama family represent America and no other country. This isn't the case with this couple in the White House. I'm sure the left will call out racism on me but I would say the same thing if they were my color. This isn't about color or ideology in the least. This is about having a love for country. And if they loved it they wouldn't want to change it. I demand that the First couple love this country if they are going to serve it's best interest. How can we trust

Liberals in general and this administration in particular is all about racism and dividing this country.
ReplyDeleteDid you see the school in Ann Arbor that sent only the black students on a field trip to see a black rocket-scientist? Can you believe that? Talk about creating a wedge between the races, it starts right there. Now the kids, both black and white, know they are to be treated differently just based on the color of their skin. It's total insanity. And yet conservatives are accused of racism?!?! Boggles the mind!!
HOLY SHIT! Did you see THIS F**KING STORY?!?!? WTF?!?!
Students punished for wearing American flags on Cinco de Mayo
Hey those kids were given a chance to turn their shirts inside out, but they choose the suspension. They weren't forced.
ReplyDeleteThese kids sound like some sort of gang. Huddled together, dressed alike and wearing matching bandanas. Good for the school to break them up!
The stock market is coming unhinged again. I've never seen anything fall so fast in my life. Maybe the dems can tax it to teach it a leason? This country has gone to shit since the dems took Congress 3 yrs ago.
ReplyDeleteI've never seen anything like it either. This isn't a bubble or a trend. Thanks to Obama and Congress we are conected to Greese by bailing them out. Who will be next?
ReplyDeleteLibs Whatever Happened To That Feel Good Express Yourselve Moments You Treasure. American Flag On On Cinco-de-Mayo Day! The US Flag Is Still The FLAG Of OUR Country Is It Not!
ReplyDeleteSee Mexican Flags At Illegal Protest Rallys And To Libs OK But American Flag on Cinco-de-Mayo Day Bad. There Lies The Difference Between Progressives and Most Americans Citizens! There Was a Time When American Flags On Clothing Was A NO NO But ACLU Came To The Fore Front With Yet Another Anti- American Victory!
Chris, you want to go off on the first lady hey have at it, but atleast get the info right. stop spreading rightwing lies.
ReplyDeleteLelyveld said that Michelle Obama’s staff was actually no different than that of her predecessor, Laura Bush. "[W]e have exactly the same staff number as Mrs. Bush and our office organization reflects a similar staffing model, so insinuations otherwise are wrong," she said. Lelyveld said that the White House’s "personnel records indicate" that there were 24 staffers for Laura Bush at some point. We were able to verify at least 18 staffers for Laura Bush, as of June 30, 2008, via the 2008 White House staff list published in The Washington Post’s White House Watch column. Sixteen people were specifically referred to as a "first lady" staffer, and Amy Zantzinger and Dorothy Thornton served as White House social secretary and deputy social secretary, respectively. It’s possible that someone with the title of "staff assistant" was assigned to the Office of First Lady as well, as is the case with Michelle Obama’s staff.
The combined annual salaries for the 22 staffers we can specifically identify as working for Michelle Obama come to $1.6 million. For the 18 we could identify as working for Laura Bush in 2008, the total is $1.4 million
well, back in the, you have to resort to the 1800's to zing us huh? zinger..
ReplyDeleteya got me, i was a bigot back then, but now i've joined the republicans because they dems ain't that way no more.
Chris, what about this????
ReplyDeleteRNC chairman Ken Mehlman said civil rights legislation pushed by President Lyndon Johnson, a Democrat, in the 1960s solidified black support for that party for decades and ''we Republicans did not effectively reach out."
''Some Republicans gave up on winning the African-American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization," he added.
or this republican womens group picture...
Sheila Raines, an African-American member of the club, was the first person to complain to Fedele about the newsletter. Raines, of San Bernardino, said she has worked hard to try to convince other minorities to join the Republican Party and now she feels betrayed.
"This is what keeps African-Americans from joining the Republican Party," she said. "I'm really hurt. I cried for 45 minutes."
Chris, good thing you found that old shit, cause then you wouldn't have to deal with the reality of now.
ReplyDeleteThe head of the Republican National Committee issued a sweeping apology to the NAACP yesterday for a decades-old practice of writing off the black vote and using racial polarization to win elections.
RNC chairman Ken Mehlman said civil rights legislation pushed by President Lyndon Johnson, a Democrat, in the 1960s solidified black support for that party for decades and ''we Republicans did not effectively reach out."
''Some Republicans gave up on winning the African-American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization," he added.
Sheila Raines, an African-American member of the club, was the first person to complain to Fedele about the newsletter. Raines, of San Bernardino, said she has worked hard to try to convince other minorities to join the Republican Party and now she feels betrayed.
"This is what keeps African-Americans from joining the Republican Party," she said. "I'm really hurt. I cried for 45 minutes."
Joe With Sen Byrd Leading The Way How Can I Argue With Ya! You Have Indeed Been Into The Kool Aid Lately.
ReplyDeleteSince The War On Poverty What Has ANY Party Done To Assist Minorities In Any Way To Succeed. Look At Any Big City And Look At Liberal Programs In Action For At Least 40 Years And You Sir Put DOWN The Kool Aid And Tell Me What Programs Have Benifited Minorities And Enabled Them Through Their Own Effort To Succeed. Saying Democrats Are The Minorities Hope Show ME What Has Been Accomplished To Better Their Lot Other Than Entitlements Which Have Helped Them In the Long Run How. Your a Race Baiter Joe And That Is Not From Drinking Kool Aid! If You Aint Dealing Your Baiting!
The fact is this bitch of a first lady is taking our money and talking down about America all the time. And she isn't very good to the whites either. But you can make this about staffing numbers when this bitch has spent more of our money for her assistants then Laura Bush did and by far. It all comes down to the $$$$$ not the number of peoples she is in control over. Great points AL. Joe seems to be in the rabbit whole and forgets that all this is about is race baiting like it was back when the called Republican the "N" word.
ReplyDeleteJoe so what the Republican are saying they didn't reach out to blacks? That is old news and now they are changing it. You guys are still using racism as a political tool just like that picture shows.
ReplyDelete1. $172,2000 - Sher, Susan (Chief Of Staff)
ReplyDelete2. $140,000 - Frye, Jocelyn C. (Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Policy And Projects For The First Lady)
3. $113,000 - Rogers, Desiree G. (Special Assistant to the President and White House Social Secretary)
4. $102,000 - Johnston, Camille Y. (Special Assistant to the President and Director of Communications for the First Lady)
5. Winter, Melissa E. (Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
6. $90,000 - Medina, David S. (Deputy Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
7. $84,000 - Lelyveld, Catherine M. (Director and Press Secretary to the First Lady)
8. $75,000 - Starkey, Frances M. (Director of Scheduling and Advance for the First Lady)
9. $70,000 - Sanders, Trooper (Deputy Director of Policy and Projects for the First Lady)
10. $65,000 - Burnough, Erinn J. (Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)
11. Reinstein, Joseph B. (Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)
12. $62,000 - Goodman, Jennifer R. (Deputy Director of Scheduling and Events Coordinator For The First Lady)
13. $60,000 - Fitts, Alan O. (Deputy Director of Advance and Trip Director for the First Lady)
14. Lewis, Dana M. (Special Assistant and Personal Aide to the First Lady)
15. $52,500 - Mustaphi, Semonti M. (Associate Director and Deputy Press Secretary To The First Lady)
16. $50,000 - Jarvis, Kristen E. (Special Assistant for Scheduling and Traveling Aide To The First Lady)
17. $45,000 - Lechtenberg, Tyler A. (Associate Director of Correspondence For The First Lady)
18. Tubman, Samantha (Deputy Associate Director, Social Office)
19. $40,000 - Boswell, Joseph J. (Executive Assistant to the Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
20. $36,000 - Armbruster, Sally M. (Staff Assistant to the Social Secretary)
21. Bookey, Natalie (Staff Assistant)
22. Jackson, Deilia A. (Deputy Associate Director of Correspondence for the First Lady)
This is the updated version. You were using the Apr.09 version.
Chris, i realize that to you by and far is 200,000 paid to 4 more workers. So you want to continue down that rabbit hole do ya...
ReplyDeleteThe combined annual salaries for the 22 staffers we can specifically identify as working for Michelle Obama come to $1.6 million. For the 18 we could identify as working for Laura Bush in 2008, the total is $1.4 million
So 1.6 million is by and far more than 1.4 million. Thats two hundred thousand spread across 4 workers, amounting to 50,000 per worker.
Joe the point was this bitch uses our money to put together a team when she obviously doesn't like America. Is that money well spent? What ever happened to spending less money in a recession? What ever happened to the First Ladies that loved this country? No we got this bitch instead and she is using our money to spout out this America hating propaganda but you think spending an extra 15%/$200,000 isn't a big deal when the bitcxh is using it to talk bad about a race of people and against America. Yea Joe "a lot of money" is a subjective thing.
ReplyDeleteChris, i like the bitch. She's damn fine ho to me. Tell her to back that ass up anytime.
ReplyDeletewah, she hates America...stop it with your anyone who aint gettin it balls deep by America ain't a Patriot shit. just because she doesn't get on her knees and suck off America like you American rimjobbers think she should doesn't mean she's not a patriot.