Saturday, May 1, 2010

What Are Your Thoughts On This BP Oil Spill?

My heart goes out to all those effected by this oil spill in the Gulf. I heard one of the top metal enginers in the world say that BP doesn't use the right steel for their platforms. But I'd like to know what your thoughts might be on this subject.


  1. Well, BP was leasing the rig from another company. I believe it was ... a Korean company maybe? Not sure. But not British and not American.

    Other theories floated out there are eco-terrorists bombed it or Halliburton is responsible for the concrete pourings around the rig and they messed those up. Likely we won't know what happened for a while. I think it is somewhat telling that DHS sent SWAT teams out to all the rigs; that smacks of something terrorist-related.

  2. Whatever Happened Wont Be Known For Awhile. Still Beleive We Have Places On Solid Land To Drill For Oil. As Some People Want Oil Use Reduced, Aint Happening Till We Have Reliable Replacement and As Of Right Now Its Not Sun or Wind And WONT Be For Awhile.

    Still Think Eventually Nuclear Power Will Be The Choice Once Waste Can Be Accomplished Safetly. We Might Have To Ask French Who Seem To Use It Quite Saftly!

  3. Chris,
    You asked some pointed questions of me which I answered on your last post and I did the same of you, would you at least answer or did I back you into a corner from which there is no retreat?

  4. Christopher I've been busy with my family. I haven't looked at the other post yet. But I wonder what is up when I hear things like "would you at least answer or did I back you into a corner from which there is no retreat?" I don't look at it as though either of us need to retreat. Retreat sound like war or fighting and that isn't what I wanted to do with you. I can't do long debates because I cut my hand so I can only type with one hand. But i will give it a shot for ya.

  5. Back on the subject, I haven't heard anything about what happened. If this was terrorism it would be one of the worst eco disaster on our soil.

  6. lol...i love the SWAT team misinformation bit. Don't you guys ever give up?
    The department deployed SWAT teams from the Minerals Management Service to inspect 30 drilling rigs operating in the deepwater sections of the Gulf of Mexico. Inspections should be completed within the next week, according to an Interior Department spokeswoman.

    Inspectors will check to see whether the rigs have conducted blow-out preventer tests and inspect related records, the spokeswoman said. The teams will also verify that emergency well control exercises are taking place. Inspectors will then inspect 47 deep-water production platforms in the gulf, a process that will take longer than rig inspections because of the complexities of the structures.

    Damn you guys make me laugh. Swat teams?!?! Like he'd send cops instead of the FBI's various rapid response force. Heaven help us if the Mineral management service has a delta team too.

  7. Hey Joe It Was Only Brought Up As Possibility Along With Other Possibilities That John Mentioned. Its Not Like Some Of Those Eco Groups Havent Acted BOLDLY Before!

    Joe What You Think About Drilling On Land Or Exploring Nuclear Power As The French Have Done. Hell Added Benifit Europe Would Be Happy and That Should Make The Left Ecstatic!

  8. Joe - Your own statement says "SWAT teams", and what does SWAT stand for: Special Weapons And Tactics.

    And this from CBS News:

    "Mr. Obama said SWAT teams were being dispatched to the Gulf to investigate oil rigs and said his administration is now working to determine the cause of the disaster."

    But you're right, I guess I should know by now to second-guess EVERYTHING this President says. I mean, everything he says is so truth-filled, how could I ever doubt what HE SAYS.

    But YEAH, I'M spreading misinformation. Sheesh. So do we accuse B.O. of spreading misinformation here Joe? After all, it's his own words.

  9. ... and what Al said! Thanks Al!

  10. Another president, another disaster for New Orleans.

    The Obama Administration's gross incompetence and slow reaction to this crisis pales in comparison to the levees breaking. At least in that situation, the local and state authorities had some control (and were later found to be typical incompetent and corrupt liberals).

    In this case, the states were completely reliant on the federal government, and President Obama, a man who has never even run so much as a lemonade stand, has blown it with is blundering stumlebummery.

    His teleprompter must have been broken...

    Don't believe me? Ask the toilet paper of record, The New York Times

  11. Well I'm happy to hear that Pres. Obama "finally" took notice and got Janet from Homeland Security involved. Only took one week to investigate British Petroleum. It's probably due to that fact that most of the Gulf Coast are "Typical White People" or Southern Rednecks, and not Harvard Community College graduates.

  12. According to Joe link "The government's National Response Team -- composed of 16 federal agencies and departments -- coordinates the federal response.
    In that vein, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson, Energy and Climate Change Policy Assistant Carol Browner and NOAA Administrator Jane Lubchenco plan to visit the Gulf Coast region Friday to oversee federal efforts."
    Can someone try and explain what does The Dept of Homeland Security has anything to do with this? It is not a part of the National Response Team

  13. Al, it was suggested here by john on may 1st one day after the story i posted was written. That means the correct answer was available at the time he made his post. All i did was type Swat team to oil rig in Google news. Not that hard to find reality when you look for it.

    Micheal, jumping in to make another HCC reference and gone again. Brother not everyone gets their education at Harmony Church and the Towers of downtown Columbus like us.

    Mark Adams, did you actually look up the 16 federal agencies and depts? the truth is out there and its surprising how easy it should have been. I had to read it to remember it and kicked myself for not getting it right off.

    What emergency agency did George W include in creating the largest government bureaucracy. Want a hint? Your doing a heckuva a job Brownie. Seems Ms. Janet Napolitano runs FEMA.

  14. Well to answer your post, it is much to do about nothing had we not had this POS pres.

    I find it very interesting though in the media coverage, hell hath arrived, as though there is no Volcanos erupting anymore or armed conflict going on? Typical I guess.

    As to 'war'?Talk about 'reading into things'!

    I posed my thoughts, then challenged, then explained my thoughts and yet expalined again. I am sorry you call it ma war but I call it an honest debate. And yes there is retreat in debate.

    I am sorry for your injury, but that did not hinder you from posting this and or responding to others here.

    Lets keep it real.

  15. Chris, In all all honesty with your injury and all and not keeping up with posts, are you aware of 'feedburner'.

    Look it up, it works.

  16. Silverfiddle, you might like to take a look at this records the Katrina debacle in its entirety and much more truthfully than your post.

    and if you guys wonder why i am posting at this time....i am having a bout with some nasty, greasy barbecue that just isn't sitting well.

  17. "Your doing a heckuva a job Brownie. Seems Ms. Janet Napolitano runs FEMA."
    Not according to FEMA.
    And YES I saw that link. DHS is not listed. FEMA is.
    Do you really think what the government tells you is factual, brownie?
    Now, can you tell us what DHS is doing there?

  18. The fault lies not with the administration, but with the immediate past administration and BP Oil. Every other country in the world requires a special valve that can be activated by remote control that may have averted this entire disaster.

    But you may ask yourself, why wasn't it on this rig, which was supposed to be one of the most technologically advanced rigs in the world? The answer would be $$$$$$. The valve costs $500,000, a drop in the bucket for a company that makes billions in profit every year. And there was no requirement that the valve be installed on this rig, thanks to the Bush administration.

    Will all you conservatives now admit that drilling offshore is a BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD idea?

    And I sincerely hope President Obama changes direction on this issue and puts the ban on all new offshore drilling back in place.

  19. Mark, from the about FEMA webpage

    FEMA Mission

    FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

    DISASTER. It strikes anytime, anywhere. It takes many forms -- a hurricane, an earthquake, a tornado, a flood, a fire or a hazardous spill, an act of nature or an act of terrorism. It builds over days or weeks, or hits suddenly, without warning. Every year, millions of Americans face disaster, and its terrifying consequences.

    On March 1, 2003, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) became part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

  20. Sorry if I read too much into your post Christopher. I just found it odd that you would post on another post, come on this post and challenge me on this post about that post in a way that made me sound like I was running away from your first post. And If what I'm writing sounds confusing now you know how I felt. I've always answered questions and have an open debate on this blog. But thanks for setting me streight on my cofusion. Thanks for telling me about 'feedburner' I will look it up. I'm new to this computer stuff.

  21. Bruce I think BP is going to pay a lot more then that for restitution to all they harmed. That leason is learned. But how did the fire that took down this steel rig get started? So much on the news and very little investigation being done. And this does look worse then Katrina when it comes to blunders that kill by a sitting president.

  22. Joe, can you admit that Obama is guilty of spreading misinformation? It's his word I was going by Joe. SWAT team is Special Weapons And Tactics. I didn't realize that this President is such a liar that I have to follow up on every. little. thing. he. says. And yet you accuse me of spreading misinformation?!? LMAO

    Funny how slow you are to accuse Comrade FAILk of spreading misinformation when that is ALL he does.

  23. BWAAAAHAHAHAHA ... Comarde FAILk, still blaming Bush for anything! Why golly Comrade FAILk, I guess if you are going to go that route we can blame 9/11 on Clinton? Do you really want to go down that road again you dipshit!?!?

    Comrade FAILk, billions of gallons pumped with no problems. There was a mechanism on that rig that was supposedly "failsafe"; that $500,000 valve might not have worked in this case. But you keep spreading all your lies. Accidents happen, so you would prefer we ship oil in from overseas so we can have another Exxon Valdez? Will you be happy to open up drilling in the US?!? Solar, wind, etc ain't going to cut it you dumbass. Are all you liberals willing to stop driving cars, doing anything that uses petroleum products? I thought not.

    What a failure to act by this administration. Barack Obama doesn't care about Florida or Louisiana. Look at the failure of the federal government to do anything. First Katrina and now this. Yet you idiots want to give them control over health care, internet, car companies, financial sector .... what a bunch of IDIOTS you regressives are! LOL

  24. Here Comrade FAILk, check this out:

  25. Here's a great ad from I think you are pretty familiar with them, right Comrade Bruce?

    Now, tell me after you watch this regressives, who IS going to pay off this deficit of Obama's?

    MoveOn can just change one little bit of this ad and it's still relevant to this President. I wonder when they will be running the ad?


  26. Joe I know what FEMA does.
    I want to know what DHS is doing down there.
    I think DHS will have to much to deal with in NYC today.

  27. Bruce You ALWAYS Forget When Your Looking In Your Rear View Mirror That There WERE Libs In Charge Of Louisana and New Orleans And Were Told To Do Certain Things To Aide Citizens And Did Nothing But Yet, You Blame It On Bush Alone!

    Bruce What Is Your Answer For Oil Production in OUR Country Or Should We Just Go Back To Horse And Buggy. You May Not Take Umbrage With Looking At The South End Of A North Bound Horse But I DO. Maybe Thats Nobamas Shovel Jobs Citizens Have Been Waiting For It Certainly Fits!

    Drilling For OIL On OUR Land Should Be A Certtainty But Aint Cause Tree Huggers Have Much More Influence With Politicans Than Citizens. Nothing For The Next 50 Years or So Is Going To Replace Oil Unless We Go The Way Of The French Which I Actually Prefer. They Must Have Found A Safe Disposible For Waste But Then Again They Probablly Dont Have The Red Tape We Have To Move Forward.

  28. Al "But Aint Cause Tree Huggers Have Much More Influence With Politicans"
    Can we now start calling them Treebaggers. LOL

  29. This does seem to be a debocle. But I'm sure Obama and the Dems will find a way to displace the blame on the Republicans. Something is fishy with the way this admin has been dealing with this. Katrina was not only FEMA but the local government as well. This is all Obama and the Democrats. They had plenty of time to change what they didn't agree with like $500,000 cut of switches. Obama did just look at off shore drilling and left all that be.

  30. Eet ees all Boooooooooooshes fault!!!

  31. Mark If The Treebaggers Fits HUG It!

  32. John, half the time i don't read his posts. if i wanted to sit and forgo honest debate i would as a liberal just go to his site and join in the leftwing TP's, or become a conservative and join in the rightwing TP's. I don't call out Bruce, because i'm not here to debate him. Besides you take pleasure it in.

    Mark, because they respond to disasters. FEMA is part of them. how many times most you be told.

    fiddlefaddle, nice. you compare the two and then when corrected you resort to talking points and bullshit. good talk.

  33. Joe, how many times am I going to tell YOU, FEMA's director should be the one on site. Homeland security deals with human threats and actions taken against the homeland and their presence should raises legitimate questions. They now have bigger fish to fry in NYC.
    You should at least question DHS's presence there. It maybe be nothing, but with this Administration, it might not be.

  34. FEMA IS DEPT OF HOMELAND SECURITY you moron. If you work for FEMA you work for the dept of homeland security. Thats why homeland security is there. And who said the FEMA directors weren't also on site?

    There is no legitimate question that needs to be asked when the Dept that is tasked with emergency repsonse is onsite.

    Pull your head out your conspiracy-minded ass.


    This Department of Homeland Security’s overriding and urgent mission is to lead the unified national effort to secure the country and preserve our freedoms. While the Department was created to secure our country against those who seek to disrupt the American way of life, our charter also includes preparation for and response to all hazards and disasters. The citizens of the United States must have the utmost confidence that the Department can execute both of these missions.

    On March 1, 2003, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) became part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

  35. Any ideas as to who you feel the car bomber is???

    I'm putting even money that it was a militia type.

  36. "moron, Pull your head out your conspiracy-minded ass."
    You seem out of control, and I did say 'It maybe be nothing'
    Craig Fugate is the FEMA director, he is not there according to news report. He should be.
    So with that said, you sir can fu*k right off.

  37. Joe Shame on You For That Name Calling!

    Could Be Milita, Could Be Domestic Terrorist. Could Be Foreign Terrorist or Hell Could Be Illegal! They Most Likely Will Catch This A-Hole Wonder If Civilian Trial In New York City Will Be Possibility? Just Wondering Joe.

  38. al, shame on me???? there comes a point when someone deserves it. When the idea of debate is held up by stupidity and wacked out conspiracy.

    Shame on him for being useless and ignoring reality.

    Beat he still hasn't figured out that Janet Napolitano is in charge of FEMA and that it is part of Homeland security thats why they are there.

  39. I case you missed it Joe, the headline reads "What are your thoughts on the BP Oil spill."
    And I expressed my thoughts, I find this out of the ordinary and that I don't follow along with what the 'officials' say as the end to the means and question things, freely expressing "MY thoughts", also expressing I could be wrong and you sit there and call me a moron?
    Typical liberal hack who can't think for himself and rips apart others ideas as useless. You're really a pretty pitiful human being!
    And, and once again, Craig Fugate is the FEMA director, he is not there.

  40. your thoughts are stupid. They are the typical, reactionary conspiracy minded thoughts of a person being fed lies and half truths by the rightwing talking heads. Sadly you invoke thinking for yourself when all that is coming out of your mouth is the asinine regurgitation of Mark Levine and other attack first apologize never conspiracy hounds. Your not thinking for yourself.

    If you were the concepts i was offering would resonate. DHS and FEMA are both in the same department of the government, The DEPT of Homeland Security. So if FEMA is there DHA is there. How could this be out of the ordinary? Because you have a skewed view of the DEPT of Homeland Security that you refuse to give up.

    Its not that you could be wrong it is that you are wrong. You expressed it in a couple post and continue to express it. let me show you...

    Mark Adams said... Can someone try and explain what does The Dept of Homeland Security has anything to do with this? It is not a part of the National Response Team.

    Fema is on the NRT. The dept of Homeland security overseas FEMA as part of George Bush's restructuring in 2003.

    Mark Adams said... Now, can you tell us what DHS is doing there? 02 May, 2010 03:28

    Fema is on the National Response Team. The Dept of Homeland Security overseas FEMA as part of George Bush's restructuring in 2003.

    Mark Adams said...I want to know what DHS is doing down there. I think DHS will have to much to deal with in NYC today. 02 May, 2010 11:43

    The Dept of Homeland Security overseas FEMA as part of George Bush's restructuring in 2003. The bombin NYC happened a day after Obama sent DHS and FEMA head ?Janet to the gulf coast.

    Mark Adams said...Homeland security deals with human threats and actions taken against the homeland and their presence should raises legitimate questions. They now have bigger fish to fry in NYC. You should at least question DHS's presence there. 02 May, 2010 16:42

    The Dept of Homeland Security overseas FEMA as part of George Bush's restructuring in 2003. The bombin NYC happened a day after Obama sent DHS and FEMA head Janet to the gulf coast.

    and on it went. Each time you clung to some myth on what agencies do what i corrected you using easily available and reality based sources. You still cling to some mistaken idea that is being perpetuated by the rightwing media types.

    Its obvious that you want to remain ignorant of things so you can make what is happening fit into the rightwing conspiracy talking points. Ironic that you mention free thought because yours have neither free nor that thoughtful.


Please keep it clean and nice. Thank you for taking the time to post you thought. It means a lot to me that you do this.