Biden did clarify that while the 2012 election is currently shaping up as a referendum on the Obama administration, “it’s soon going to be a choice.” He then launched into an on-air pitch for the president’s American Jobs Act.
“Right now, understandably — totally legitimate — this is a referendum on Obama and Biden and the nature of the state of the economy,” Biden said during an interview with South Florida public radio station WLRN.
Biden made the truthful comments during an interview in which his main goal was to pitch for support of President Barack Obama’s American Jobs Act.
“Even though 50-some percent of the American people think that the economy tanked because of the last administration, that’s not relevant,” Biden said. “What’s relevant is we’re in charge. And right now we are the ones in charge and it’s gotten better, but it hasn’t gotten good enough.”
“I don’t blame them for being mad. We’re in charge,” Biden acknowledged.
We’re all crossing our fingers that Obama sticks with Joe Biden for another 4 years. I just wish they wouldn't hide him. They do make a great team. Just think Biden is second in charge.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Herman Cain: Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ Into Supporting Dems
"African-Americans have been brainwashed into not being open minded, not even considering a conservative point of view. I have received some of that same vitriol simply because I am running for the Republican nomination as a conservative. So it's just brainwashing and people not being open minded, pure and simple," presidential candidate Herman Cain said on CNN.
Based on the those people that I know who vote for Democrats, Mr. Cain is correct. When asked why that was their choice of person, they said it was because the person was a Democrat. They had no idea what the person stood for, nor did they seem to care. There was only one criterion - that the person be a Democrat.
Try is and see what they say when asked why they vote for Democrats.
I'm starting to see why Mr.Cain is moving up so fast in the straw polls. He is a great man that speaks his mind and I would be happy to have him as our president. It will show the world that this is the best country in the world to live, having two black men running for POTUS. This is just more proof that the Republican Party is a great place for all races. And since he is a Tea Partier it also shows that the Tea Party isn't racist.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Chris Christie Delivers Awesome Takedown of Obama
What a great speech Christie did last night. It is obvious that Americans want him to run for president in 2012 by the crowds reaction when a women begged him to run. I have to say I'd like to see him run as well. But if he doesn't have the "calling" to run then he is doing the right thing. One thing is for sure we will be seeing a lot more of him over the years. He has a way of communicating that most Americans like. he says what he means and means what he says. We have been lacking that over the past few years.
He did one of the most awesome take downs of Obama I have ever seen. He gave a common sense approach to the failure that is Obama and liberalism. He took apart every failed policy of Obama's. Christie proved that he can work with a divided government in a bipartisan way. That is what a leader does. They bring politicians and the people together to solve problems. They explain to the people the problems in an honest way that people need to hear so that the problem can be fixed. Obama can't do anything without a super majority in both houses of congress. Well he does do a lot of placing blame on everything but himself. Is that leadership?
Obama has all but given up governing and started the earliest campaign for a sitting president. In other words he is all talk and no action. You can tell that the Obama admin. is in a full blown panic. Economist are saying that we will be in this kind of recessive employment for at least another 3 years. That is gloom for most Americans trying to make a living. A double dip recession is at a 50/50 shot right now. That will turn things from bad to worse in a heart beat. All recessions end sooner or later. Since it is turning out to be much later there is no one to blame but Obama. Democrats will make every excuse in the book. We have heard enough excuses to last a lifetime. Excuses don't pay our bills.
When it comes down to it everything Obama and the Democrats have done has made thing worse, not better. Doing more of the same would just be crazy. It's time we try the opposite approach and see how that works. World history has always proven liberalism to be ineffective and the conservative approach has worked and will work again. Spending yourself out of every recession only makes things worse latter on. We need to fix what is broken with an approach that has worked in the past. College theories from people that have never created a job have been proven wrong again.
He did one of the most awesome take downs of Obama I have ever seen. He gave a common sense approach to the failure that is Obama and liberalism. He took apart every failed policy of Obama's. Christie proved that he can work with a divided government in a bipartisan way. That is what a leader does. They bring politicians and the people together to solve problems. They explain to the people the problems in an honest way that people need to hear so that the problem can be fixed. Obama can't do anything without a super majority in both houses of congress. Well he does do a lot of placing blame on everything but himself. Is that leadership?
Obama has all but given up governing and started the earliest campaign for a sitting president. In other words he is all talk and no action. You can tell that the Obama admin. is in a full blown panic. Economist are saying that we will be in this kind of recessive employment for at least another 3 years. That is gloom for most Americans trying to make a living. A double dip recession is at a 50/50 shot right now. That will turn things from bad to worse in a heart beat. All recessions end sooner or later. Since it is turning out to be much later there is no one to blame but Obama. Democrats will make every excuse in the book. We have heard enough excuses to last a lifetime. Excuses don't pay our bills.
When it comes down to it everything Obama and the Democrats have done has made thing worse, not better. Doing more of the same would just be crazy. It's time we try the opposite approach and see how that works. World history has always proven liberalism to be ineffective and the conservative approach has worked and will work again. Spending yourself out of every recession only makes things worse latter on. We need to fix what is broken with an approach that has worked in the past. College theories from people that have never created a job have been proven wrong again.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Sheila Jackson Lee Wants Obama To Hook Up African-Americans Not Tell Them To Stop Crying
"Take off them bedroom slippers and put on some marchin' boots'...and "Stop complainin' ". He didn't tell Asians and whites to stop their "complainin'". He told the blacks. This isn't a good way to shore up your base.
Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee — who once famously asked where she could find photos of the American flag that Neil Armstrong planted on Mars...........
Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee blaming the botched Hurricane Katrina response on “minority votes being suppressed.”
The Socialist Party of America announced in their October 2009 newsletter that 70 Congressional democrats currently belong to their caucus.
Q: Who are these members of 111th Congress?
A: See the listing below
Raúl M. Grijalva (AZ-07)
Lynn Woolsey (CA-06)
Vice Chairs
Diane Watson (CA-33)
Sheila Jackson-Lee (TX-18)
Mazie Hirono (HI-02)
Dennis Kucinich (OH-10)
Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee blaming the botched Hurricane Katrina response on “minority votes being suppressed.”
The Socialist Party of America announced in their October 2009 newsletter that 70 Congressional democrats currently belong to their caucus.
Q: Who are these members of 111th Congress?
A: See the listing below
Raúl M. Grijalva (AZ-07)
Lynn Woolsey (CA-06)
Vice Chairs
Diane Watson (CA-33)
Sheila Jackson-Lee (TX-18)
Mazie Hirono (HI-02)
Dennis Kucinich (OH-10)
This is who the Democrats choose to put in front of America. They are in sorry shape if this is the best of the best.
After all that she says that Obama should focus on taking care of the African-American community. This is what it all comes down to with these liberals, color of skin. Is this the "Unity" Obama was talking about? It seems like racism is worse now under Obama. "Change"?
Blacks have every right to campaign about what is going on in this country. Telling blacks, shut up is un-American. They have the right to talk and even vote for whoever they want. The Democratic Party nor Obama owns the black community. But you wouldn't it by listening to them. This isn't progression, it's regression. When will we stop looking at color of skin and look at the content of ones character? By the way the Democrats act and talk it wont be any time soon.
Blacks don't deserve the way they have been treated by the Democratic Party. What ever their opinion they have the right to voice it. They are not dogs and shouldn't be treated as such. You tell a dog to sit down and shut up. You don't tell black Americans to do that. You also don't promise to throw them a bone in order to keep them complacent. Blacks, like most Americans want a hand up not a hand out. Democrats and Obama need to start treating blacks like equals. Stop treating them like they can't survive without the governments help.
What are your thoughts on the way blacks have been treated by Obama and the Democratic Party? Are they backhanding blacks while acting like they are the friends of the blacks?
Liberal Protesters Call For More Civil Unrest
It is becoming clear when I watched Larry O'Donnell on MSNBC last night that more civil unrest is coming. O'Donnell showed the video of Rodney King and made a correlation between what happened in the Wall Street protest and what happened to King. He was painting a picture that cops can be the enemy and often are. Using the King beatings was just a ploy to inflame.
Most of these protesters don't even know why they are protesting. In fact Moore couldn't even answer the question on CNN about why capitalism worked so well for him if capitalism doesn't work.
The fact is those protesters were breaking the law. They were trying to hold up traffic and cause suffering to the people needing to use the road and walkways.
The MSM is looking for news and if it takes inflammatory videos and commentary they will do it. Watch how the MSM is playing up the pepper spraying of those lawless protesters.
I have to say that the cop did seem to over react with the pepper spray. But I didn't see what lead up to that point. The cops have their videos as well. Let's wait until we see the whole picture before we convict the police.
Things are getting ugly. Speaking of ugly has anyone else noticed how ugly liberal protesters are? Ick! Michael Moore is the face of liberalism.
UPDATE: Liberals have been calling for violence on the police officer that pepper sprayed the protesters. I had to erase a post for just that reason. They have given out his personal information in order to send people to his door. This is the wrong way to go about it. No one cares if you have your protests in the legal way. The police aren't our enemies and violence isn't the answer. Keep it legal.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Herman Cain Take Lead In Florida Straw Poll
I have to say that it will be very cathartic to call liberals racist when they disagree with what Herman Cain is saying. The left wingers and main stream media with ryth if we take away their favorite weapon of race. It will force them to look at content instead of color. On content we win every time.
I'd like to know what your thoughts are on this? Does Cain have a chance to beat Obama? What do you think of his 999 plan? Can he turn this country back around?

[Herman] Cain, the former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza who charmed the three-day Republican conference’s delegates, took 37.1 percent of the vote, with Texas Gov. Rick Perry second with 15.4 percent.This is grea/t news for Cain. Out of all the GOP candidates I like Herman Cain the most. He is a businessman that will seround himself with smart diverce people. I like the idea of having a private sector president to fix the problems with the private sector job creaters. My ideal team would be Herman Cain/Marco Rubio. Not because of their skin color but because of the content of their character. The left-wingers will make issue of color as it is their way. But this issue will be taken off the table for both voting blocks of blacks and hispanic voters. Maybe these voters will look at what the GOP is saying instead of color.
The rest of the results: Mitt Romney, 14 percent; Rick Santorum, 10. 9 percent; Ron Paul, 10.4 percent; Newt Gingrich, 8.4 percent; Jon Huntsman, 2.3 percent; and Michele Bachmann 1.5 percent.
I have to say that it will be very cathartic to call liberals racist when they disagree with what Herman Cain is saying. The left wingers and main stream media with ryth if we take away their favorite weapon of race. It will force them to look at content instead of color. On content we win every time.
I'd like to know what your thoughts are on this? Does Cain have a chance to beat Obama? What do you think of his 999 plan? Can he turn this country back around?
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Obama Blasts Black Caucus: ‘Stop Complaining, Stop Grumbling, Stop Crying’
President Barack Obama told blacks on Saturday to quit crying and complaining and “put on your marching shoes” to follow him into battle for jobs, opportunity and more "Obama money".
The truth of the matter is blacks are not doing so well since Obama and the Democrats took over. He wants blacks to "have his back" and help get him elected for a second term. The question is what do they think he can do in a second term that he couldn't do in his first? Anything he wanted done, got done thanks to the overwhelming majority of Democrats in both houses of congress in his first two years in office. We are now looking at the outcome of his policies. Can anyone, especially the black community afford another years of the same? Is he really worth losing more?
On a side note the AP "racist" transcibing of Obama's speech is nothing. He spoke in a black dialogue when speaking to the CBC. So what? If Obama wants to drop the G's in ing then who cares. I can't see how quoting Obama is racist.
The truth of the matter is blacks are not doing so well since Obama and the Democrats took over. He wants blacks to "have his back" and help get him elected for a second term. The question is what do they think he can do in a second term that he couldn't do in his first? Anything he wanted done, got done thanks to the overwhelming majority of Democrats in both houses of congress in his first two years in office. We are now looking at the outcome of his policies. Can anyone, especially the black community afford another years of the same? Is he really worth losing more?
On a side note the AP "racist" transcibing of Obama's speech is nothing. He spoke in a black dialogue when speaking to the CBC. So what? If Obama wants to drop the G's in ing then who cares. I can't see how quoting Obama is racist.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Netanyahu Blasts U.N. as ‘Theater of the Absurd’
I have to agree with Netanyahu. I like this man and I stand with Israel. If we don't stand with them then the Muslim nations around them with "tear them apart and drive them into the ocean". That is their words not mine. These nations and liberals here in this country stand against Israel. We as a nation must stand strong with Israel. Islam and liberalism must not get their way with Israel. If they get their way Israel wont exist. They have all said so. If you stand with Israel post your support.
Below I have included some of the best moments from “Bibby’s” speech.
On why everyone should have walked out of Ahmadinejad’s speech:
Bad press is better then a good eulogy:
On why the U.N. is the “theater of the absurd:”
Below I have included some of the best moments from “Bibby’s” speech.
On why everyone should have walked out of Ahmadinejad’s speech:
Bad press is better then a good eulogy:
On why the U.N. is the “theater of the absurd:”
The Great GOP Debate In Florida
I have to say that I still like Herman Cain and what he said about his 999 tax structure. We need to change our tax structure and we need to have a viable domestic energy program. When I fill up my gas tank I'd like the money to go to Americans. What are your thoughts on the candidates? Who stands out to you as the kind of leader America needs?
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Troy Davis: Why Do Liberals Always Side With Murderers?
This man, Troy Davis was convicted of murdering a cop. This case has been looked at time and time again over the last 20 of so years. There have been many executions over the years, so why are the liberals and main stream media standing behind a cop killer? They have all but martyred this man in the media. They aren't marching for the babies that get killed every day through abortion. Once again they stand with the killer and not the killed. When have the liberals marched for a family of a murder victim? Do you think that it was an accident that a cop killer was chosen for this?
The liberals and main stream media say that capital punishment isn't a deterrent for crime. I ask then what punishment does detour crime? Would they put money in a parking meter if there wasn't a chance of getting a ticket? If you think punishment doesn't detoured crime then you are ignorant. This says a lot about liberals and what they stand for.
The liberals and main stream media say that capital punishment isn't a deterrent for crime. I ask then what punishment does detour crime? Would they put money in a parking meter if there wasn't a chance of getting a ticket? If you think punishment doesn't detoured crime then you are ignorant. This says a lot about liberals and what they stand for.
I'd like to know what you think about the liberals love of cop killers and baby killers?
Bill Clinton Bailes On Obama's Jobs Bill

Clinton also said: “I personally don’t believe we ought to be raising taxes or cutting spending until we get this economy off the ground,". If we cut government spending, which I normally would be very inclined to do when the deficit’s this big, with interest rates already near zero you can’t get the benefits out of it."
Clinton said he wants the government to take steps to help underwater homeowners — who are ignored by both the Democratic and Republican jobs plans.
"I don’t think you can tax or cut taxes, I don’t think you can spend or not spend enough to get America back to a full employment economy until we flush that debt," he said.
“What I would like to say to the president and Speaker Boehner is, O.K., you both have your deal. Go work it out. Meanwhile focus on putting Americans back to work because it just confuses Americans. Americans lost the fact that whatever you feel about this millionaire surcharge, it won’t solve the problem.”
For Clinton to break from Obama's jobs bill like this is a massive blow to Obama and the Democrats that are trying to back it. Obama and the Democrats have put a lot of effort into promoting and selling this jobs bill. What will they do now that the man that so many American look to has said it isn't a good bill? The laser isn't on jobs or the economy but rather on spreading wealth and helping the unions out again. Obama has become a far-left one note wonder on the economy and spending.
Thanks to the main stream media for hiding this fact. They have shown how partisan they are. Everything is pointing to the fact that Americans are getting tired of Obama and the Democratic Party. Make sure you email your Reps. and tell them that you don't like this jobs bill. Put some pressure on them to change their stance on this bill. If they are Democrats then remind them what Bill Clinton said about this idiotic jobs bill. Let them know that taking money away from the charities that feed the poor is wrong. Tell them that they must stop spending and lower our debt. Let them know that having the federal government take money out of the private sector isn't a fix. We must not put any more pressure on the companies that are creating jobs in this country. We want to bring companies here not run them off to another continent to produce their goods. Taking money out of the private sector so it can be spent by the federal government doesn't help anyone but those chosen few that get a pittance of what was taken from the private sector companies.
We need a new tax structure. One that is easy to understand where everyone has skin in the game. A Fair Tax would be a strong move and would fix many of the problems faced with our tax structure. The problem is they wont be able to pick winners and losers with their crony capitalism any more. But that is another reason why we should look closer at this as being a solution to our problem in Washington.
If you still think Obama's jobs bill is a good idea please tell us why? Let's debate how it will work or how it wont work. This is the liberals chance to sell us this jobs bill. Any conservatives please tell us what you think about this jobs bill of Obama's and the Democratic Party. How do you think this will play out with the American people?
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Obama On Class Warfare: 'I Wear that Charge as a Badge of Honor'
PRESIDENT OBAMA: "Now, you’re already hearing the Republicans in Congress dusting off the old talking points. You can write their press releases. “Class warfare,” they say. You know what? If asking a billionaire to pay the same rate as a plumber or a teacher makes me a warrior for the middle class, I wear that charge as a badge of honor. I wear it as a badge of honor, because the only class warfare I’ve seen is the battle that’s been waged against middle-class folks in this country for a decade now."
This guy is something else. It's no wonder he is losing points with Americans. How does class warfare help create jobs? It doesn't. He is just trying to rally his base and his base hates those that make money and have created jobs. Americans realize that taking money out of the private sector does nothing for them, no matter who they take the money from. Most Americans don't hate the rich like Obama does. In fact most Americans want to be rich. You would think that Obama would want to make more millionaires not fewer millionaires. But that is his failed ideology at work and that is why our economy has been failing ever since Obama and the Democratic Party took over. I'm getting sick and tired of Obama going after Americans as if they were somehow the enemy. While at the same time treating our enemies as our friends.
I'd like to know what you think about Obama's class warfare. Will it work to rally his base? Will it create any jobs? Will it make more millionaires or fewer? How will going after a class of Americans make anything in this country better? Will Ford,GM and Chrysler have more or less profit to profit share with the UAW laborers? This will take money out of our pockets, it will take money from charities that need every penny. It this a jobs bill you are willing to stand with?
SEIU’s Stephen Lerner at Progressive Summit Tells Unions, Community Organizers and Students They Need to Escalate Protests, Break Laws, Occupy Abandoned Houses and Spread the Crisis All Over U.S.

The unions will do whatever they can to get what they want. They will break laws and destroy property. Throwing urine on Republicans is nothing compared to what they have planned for the future. This is Obama's civil army he told us about.
Is this what is good for America? How will this help the middle class? We have seen what Obama's civilian army is capable of. Destruction and mayhem. Civil unrest and crisis after crisis. They have declared war on us conservatives time and time again. We need to heed their words and prepare for what they say is coming. One thing Obama's civilian army doesn't understand is we surround them. We are larger and stronger then them. We are not afraid of their threats of violence and lawlessness. The facts are they are afraid of us and what we have accomplished. They are afraid that liberalism is dieing and they blame us. We have tried liberalism and once again it has failed miserably. They need to blame themselves and their ideology for the failures, not us. We are a result of their failed ideology.
America is watching and we don't like what we see. The left-wingers have destroyed and demolished everything they have touched. They have been in control of both houses of congress since 2006 and had a super majority in 2008. They passed everything they wanted during that time, except for a budget that is.
Since the union leaders have made it clear that they are at war with the American people we must treate them as such. Break our laws and you will be punished. Hurt Americans and you will go to jail. Destroy property and you will find yourself at the other side of the stick.
I'd like to know what you think the unions in this country will do? Is this just talk? Or do they say what they mean and mean what they say?
Monday, September 19, 2011
Speaker at Progressive Rally Suggests Pissing on Republicans as an Alternative to Pouring Beer on Them
This is what the left-wing do. They act like crazy animals and in the same fit of lunacy they call the Tea Partiers the "radical extremists". I'm sure the same Madison mutants that made the poop Picasso's in the capital bathrooms would see nothing wrong with throwing urine on Republicans.“This is Wisconsin, this is the place where you had some guy pour a beer on the head of a Republican State Senator? No, no, no, that’s all wrong. You can’t do that. That’s just wrong. I’m from New York. If you’re going to pour beer on a Republican, you have to drink it first.”
As liberal radical extremists in Madison become more and more aggressive and violent, the Wisconsin-based Maclver Institute writes that conservatives have become frustrated with law enforcement’s approach to the radical protesters:“The incident has brought to a head concerns by conservatives in Madison that law enforcement there have not taken threats to public safety seriously. Many on the Left, however, have openly mocked the incident as humorous and minimal, although most of this has come in the form of facebook and twitter postings and none in such a public fashion as Palast, an author and freelance journalist, brazenly did on Saturday.”
It's just a matter of time before President Obama calls out his civil army to take up their arms of piss and poop and start flinging away at the Tea Party and Republicans. I've seen this kindof warfare at the monkey exhibit in the Detroit Zoo. In the end they all stink of waste. It's what liberals do with everything they get their hands on. It turns to crap.
Just as these liberals have turned every city theyprotested and rallied in into a garbage heap, they have done this to our country. Americans are watching. We see how the liberals act when they have power and when they lose it. They are at their last stand and they will pull out every weapon in their arsenal to hold on to power for themselves. As Republicans want to give back power to the people, liberals want to hold on to it and use it minus the people. They think they can do a better job of controlling everything.
We conservatives and moderates are ready for the liberal monkey warfare. Americans have seen enough liberalism to last a life time. We have watch every liberal policy fail. We have watch everything go to poo since they have taken our money and given it out to who they want. Go ahead and piss on us, you have been pissing on this country for a long time now. The voting booth is where liberals will have the piss knocked out of them.
The Republican Party purged the liberals from their Party after they lost big time in 2008. Democrats went as far left as they could and stayed the coarse. The Democratic Party has only two choices to make. They could go down with liberalism joined at the hip. Or they can cut their ties whiliberalism and go right of center like they used to be. For us to be a strong nation on top we must have a strong Republican Party and a strong Democratic Party. We have seen what taking both Parties to the left have done to this country and world. Now is the time to give liberals no where to call home. Get rid of the Progressives in both Parties. Let's make America great again by taking control of both Parties. Let the liberals throw their turds and beat themselves stupid. While they are looking stupid at Turd Fest 2012 we will keep pushing both Parties to the right. That is when we will see real change. Liberals don't deserve the Democratic Party. They don't deserve anything.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Solar Scandal Threatens to Engulf White House
It is too early to how this will effect the Obama White House. This isn't the first time something like this has happened in the Obama admin. We must not forget about the Chrysler bankruptcy after we the people bailed them out.
This may be Obama's last straw with the moderate Democrats. The worse part is Obama has a jobs plan that will just do more of the same "investments".
I'd like to know what your thoughts are on this scandal? How do you think it will play out politically?
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Obama's Jobs Plan Is Paid For By Charities That Feed The Poor

Why would Obama put out a jobs plan that will take money away from charities that feed the poor? Closing the tax loophole for charitable giving is not the way to create jobs. The poor in this country have been growing in numbers. No one in their right mind would vote for a jobs bill that is paid for on the backs of hungry children and the charities that feed them. I can't believe anyone would even think about doing such a thing to charities. Is that how we "spread the wealth"?
I trust the "rich" in this country more then I trust the government. The government can't do what charities do. I know Obama wants to give even more money to his union army but is it worth it? I know Obama and the Democratic Party think they can buy the votes of the poor if they become beholden to the Democratic Party for a pittance in return. But there is a real cost to their attacks on the "rich".
Anyone that supports the Obama jobs bill is cold hearted. Haven't the poor and sinking middle class paid a high enough price for Obama's spending spree? Please contact your Reps. and tell them to not sign on the Obama's jobs bill. Taking money away from charities is not the right way to pay for this added spending.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Democrats In Full Panic After Obama Suffers Stunning Rebuke in Special Election

Is this a look into the Democratic Parties future? This is a major blow to the Democratic Party and they know it. The Democratic Party has no choice but to abandon liberalism or face even greater defeats in the future. The Democratic Party put all their eggs in one basket, liberalism. If they don't purge liberalism from the Democratic Party they could face going down with this failed ideology. Will the Democratic Party learn from their mistaken far left stance and move to the center? Or will they keep doubling down and trying to place the blame off of themselves?
Obama will need more then his civil union army to get past his failed liberal agenda that has put us closer to a double dip recession.
Most Americans don't think Obama's $447 billion jobs plan will work. They realize that since the almost trillion dollar stimulus did little to help the economy more will do even less. In fact most people are starting to realize that Obama's stimulus did more harm then good.
The downbeat assessment of the American Jobs Act reflects a growing and broad sense of dissatisfaction with the president. Americans disapprove of his handling of the economy by 62 percent to 33 percent, a Bloomberg National Poll conducted Sept. 9-12 shows. The disapproval number represents a nine point increase from six months ago.
The president’s job approval rating also stands at the lowest of his presidency -- 45 percent. That rating is driven down in part by a majority of independents, 53 percent, who disapprove of his performance.
All the talk and campaigning on earth wont change the fact that our economy has gotten worse, not better under the Democratic Parties rule.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Obama Is Driving This Ship Into The Storm
In a sit down interview with President Obama, NBC News' Brian Williams brought up the subject of record low approval ratings and disappointment among voters who supported him in 08. In response to this, President Obama likens himself as the 'Captain of the ship' who is just weathering a bad storm and 'when the ship is rocking and people are hurting, the people are not going to be happy, no matter how good the captain was doing'.
Obama has driven us deeper into the storm, while putting holes in the ship. How is that being a good captain
Watch Obama’s 9/11 Speech at the Kennedy Center
You've gotta give it to Barrack Oblubber here.
He spoke to an audience that was not stupid enough to pay to hear him speak, trash the area, hate on America or receive a hand out for doing nothing.
He really had to reach out here and read another speech.
Text of President Barack Obama’s speech at the Kennedy Center commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, as delivered:
The Bible tells us, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”
Ten years ago, America confronted one of our darkest nights. Mighty towers crumbled. Black smoke billowed up from the Pentagon. Airplane wreckage smoldered on a Pennsylvania field. Friends and neighbors, sisters and brothers, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters – they were taken from us with heartbreaking swiftness and cruelty. On September 12, 2001, we awoke to a world in which evil was closer at hand, and uncertainty clouded our future.
In the decade since, much has changed for Americans. We’ve known war and recession, passionate debates and political divides. We can never get back the lives that were lost on that day, or the Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice in the wars that followed.
And yet today, it is worth remembering what has not changed. Our character as a nation has not changed. Our faith – in God and each other – that has not changed. Our belief in America, born of a timeless ideal that men and women should govern themselves; that all people are created equal, and deserve the same freedom to determine their own destiny – that belief, through tests and trials, has only been strengthened.
These past 10 years have shown that America does not give in to fear. The rescue workers who rushed to the scene; the firefighters who charged up the stairs; the passengers who stormed the cockpit – these patriots defined the very nature of courage. Over the years we have also seen a more quiet form of heroism – in the ladder company that lost so many men and still suits up and saves lives every day; the businesses that have rebuilt from nothing; the burn victim who has bounced back; the families that press on.
Last spring, I received a letter from a woman named Suzanne Swaine. She had lost her husband and brother in the Twin Towers, and said that she had been robbed of “so many would-be proud moments where a father watches their child graduate, or tend goal in a lacrosse game, or succeed academically.” But her daughters are in college, the other doing well in high school. “It has been 10 years of raising these girls on my own,” Suzanne wrote. “I could not be prouder of their strength and resilience.” That spirit typifies our American family. And the hopeful future for those girls is the ultimate rebuke to the hateful killers who took the life of their father.
These past ten years have shown America’s resolve to defend its citizens, and our way of life. Diplomats serve in far-off posts, and intelligence professionals work tirelessly without recognition. Two million Americans have gone to war since 9/11. They have demonstrated that those who do us harm cannot hide from the reach of justice, anywhere in the world. America has been defended not by conscripts, but by citizens who choose to serve – young people who signed up straight out of high school; guardsmen and reservists; workers and businesspeople; immigrants and fourth-generation soldiers. They are men and women who left behind lives of comfort for two, three, four or five tours of duty. Too many will never come home. Those that do carry dark memories from distant places, and the legacy of fallen friends.
The sacrifices of these men and women, and of our military families, remind us that the wages of war are great; that while service to our nation is full of glory, war itself is never glorious. Our troops have been to lands unknown to many Americans a decade ago – to Kandahar and Kabul, to Mosul and Basra. But our strength is not measured in our ability to stay in these places; it comes from our commitment to leave those lands to free people and sovereign states, and our desire to move from a decade of war to a future of peace.
These 10 years have shown that we hold fast to our freedoms. Yes, we are more vigilant against those who threaten us, and there are inconveniences that come with our common defense. Debates – about war and peace, about security and civil liberties – have often been fierce these last 10 years. But it is precisely the rigor of these debates, and our ability to resolve them in a way that honors our values and our democracy, that is a measure of our strength. Meanwhile, our open markets still provide innovators with the chance to create, our citizens are still free to speak their minds, and our souls are still enriched in churches and temples, our synagogues and mosques.
These past 10 years underscore the bonds between all Americans. We have not succumbed to suspicion and we have not succumbed to mistrust. After 9/11, to his great credit, President Bush made clear what we reaffirm today: The United States will never wage war against Islam or any religion. Immigrants come here from all parts of the globe. In the biggest cities and the smallest towns, in schools and workplaces, you still see people of every conceivable race, religion and ethnicity – all of them pledging allegiance to the flag, all of them reaching for the same American dream – e pluribus unum, out of many, we are one.
These past 10 years tell a story of our resilience. The Pentagon is repaired, filled with patriots working in common purpose. Shanksville is the scene of friendships forged between residents of that town, and families who lost loved ones there. New York remains the most vibrant of capitals of arts and industry, fashion and commerce. Where the World Trade Center once stood, the sun glistens off a new tower that reaches toward the sky. Our people still work in skyscrapers. Our stadiums are filled with fans, and our parks full of children playing ball. Our airports hum with travel, and our buses and subways take millions where they need to go. Families sit down to Sunday dinner, and students prepare for school. This land pulses with the optimism of those who set out for distant shores, and the courage of those who died for human freedom.
Decades from now, Americans will visit the memorials to those who were lost on 9/11. They will run their fingers over the places where the names of those we loved are carved into marble and stone, and they may wonder at the lives they led. Standing before the white headstones in Arlington, and in peaceful cemeteries and small-town squares in every corner of our country, they will pay respects to those lost in Afghanistan and Iraq. They will see the names of the fallen on bridges and statues, at gardens and schools.
And they will know that nothing can break the will of a truly United States of America. They will remember that we have overcome slavery and Civil War; we’ve overcome bread lines and fascism; recession and riots; Communism and, yes, terrorism. They will be reminded that we are not perfect, but our democracy is durable, and that democracy – reflecting, as it does, the imperfections of man – also gives us the opportunity to perfect our union. That is what we honor on days of national commemoration – those aspects of the American experience that are enduring, and the determination to move forward as one people.
More than monuments, that will be the legacy of 9/11 – a legacy of firefighters who walked into fire and soldiers who signed up to serve; of workers who raised new towers, of citizens who faced down fear, most of all of children who realized the dreams of their parents. It will be said of us that we kept that faith; that we took a painful blow, and we emerged stronger than before.
“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”
With a just God as our guide, let us honor those who have been lost, let us rededicate ourselves to the ideals that define our nation, and let us look to the future with hearts full of hope. May God bless the memory of those we lost, and may God bless the United States of America.
He spoke to an audience that was not stupid enough to pay to hear him speak, trash the area, hate on America or receive a hand out for doing nothing.
He really had to reach out here and read another speech.
The Bible tells us, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”
Ten years ago, America confronted one of our darkest nights. Mighty towers crumbled. Black smoke billowed up from the Pentagon. Airplane wreckage smoldered on a Pennsylvania field. Friends and neighbors, sisters and brothers, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters – they were taken from us with heartbreaking swiftness and cruelty. On September 12, 2001, we awoke to a world in which evil was closer at hand, and uncertainty clouded our future.
In the decade since, much has changed for Americans. We’ve known war and recession, passionate debates and political divides. We can never get back the lives that were lost on that day, or the Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice in the wars that followed.
And yet today, it is worth remembering what has not changed. Our character as a nation has not changed. Our faith – in God and each other – that has not changed. Our belief in America, born of a timeless ideal that men and women should govern themselves; that all people are created equal, and deserve the same freedom to determine their own destiny – that belief, through tests and trials, has only been strengthened.
These past 10 years have shown that America does not give in to fear. The rescue workers who rushed to the scene; the firefighters who charged up the stairs; the passengers who stormed the cockpit – these patriots defined the very nature of courage. Over the years we have also seen a more quiet form of heroism – in the ladder company that lost so many men and still suits up and saves lives every day; the businesses that have rebuilt from nothing; the burn victim who has bounced back; the families that press on.
Last spring, I received a letter from a woman named Suzanne Swaine. She had lost her husband and brother in the Twin Towers, and said that she had been robbed of “so many would-be proud moments where a father watches their child graduate, or tend goal in a lacrosse game, or succeed academically.” But her daughters are in college, the other doing well in high school. “It has been 10 years of raising these girls on my own,” Suzanne wrote. “I could not be prouder of their strength and resilience.” That spirit typifies our American family. And the hopeful future for those girls is the ultimate rebuke to the hateful killers who took the life of their father.
These past ten years have shown America’s resolve to defend its citizens, and our way of life. Diplomats serve in far-off posts, and intelligence professionals work tirelessly without recognition. Two million Americans have gone to war since 9/11. They have demonstrated that those who do us harm cannot hide from the reach of justice, anywhere in the world. America has been defended not by conscripts, but by citizens who choose to serve – young people who signed up straight out of high school; guardsmen and reservists; workers and businesspeople; immigrants and fourth-generation soldiers. They are men and women who left behind lives of comfort for two, three, four or five tours of duty. Too many will never come home. Those that do carry dark memories from distant places, and the legacy of fallen friends.
The sacrifices of these men and women, and of our military families, remind us that the wages of war are great; that while service to our nation is full of glory, war itself is never glorious. Our troops have been to lands unknown to many Americans a decade ago – to Kandahar and Kabul, to Mosul and Basra. But our strength is not measured in our ability to stay in these places; it comes from our commitment to leave those lands to free people and sovereign states, and our desire to move from a decade of war to a future of peace.
These 10 years have shown that we hold fast to our freedoms. Yes, we are more vigilant against those who threaten us, and there are inconveniences that come with our common defense. Debates – about war and peace, about security and civil liberties – have often been fierce these last 10 years. But it is precisely the rigor of these debates, and our ability to resolve them in a way that honors our values and our democracy, that is a measure of our strength. Meanwhile, our open markets still provide innovators with the chance to create, our citizens are still free to speak their minds, and our souls are still enriched in churches and temples, our synagogues and mosques.
These past 10 years underscore the bonds between all Americans. We have not succumbed to suspicion and we have not succumbed to mistrust. After 9/11, to his great credit, President Bush made clear what we reaffirm today: The United States will never wage war against Islam or any religion. Immigrants come here from all parts of the globe. In the biggest cities and the smallest towns, in schools and workplaces, you still see people of every conceivable race, religion and ethnicity – all of them pledging allegiance to the flag, all of them reaching for the same American dream – e pluribus unum, out of many, we are one.
These past 10 years tell a story of our resilience. The Pentagon is repaired, filled with patriots working in common purpose. Shanksville is the scene of friendships forged between residents of that town, and families who lost loved ones there. New York remains the most vibrant of capitals of arts and industry, fashion and commerce. Where the World Trade Center once stood, the sun glistens off a new tower that reaches toward the sky. Our people still work in skyscrapers. Our stadiums are filled with fans, and our parks full of children playing ball. Our airports hum with travel, and our buses and subways take millions where they need to go. Families sit down to Sunday dinner, and students prepare for school. This land pulses with the optimism of those who set out for distant shores, and the courage of those who died for human freedom.
Decades from now, Americans will visit the memorials to those who were lost on 9/11. They will run their fingers over the places where the names of those we loved are carved into marble and stone, and they may wonder at the lives they led. Standing before the white headstones in Arlington, and in peaceful cemeteries and small-town squares in every corner of our country, they will pay respects to those lost in Afghanistan and Iraq. They will see the names of the fallen on bridges and statues, at gardens and schools.
And they will know that nothing can break the will of a truly United States of America. They will remember that we have overcome slavery and Civil War; we’ve overcome bread lines and fascism; recession and riots; Communism and, yes, terrorism. They will be reminded that we are not perfect, but our democracy is durable, and that democracy – reflecting, as it does, the imperfections of man – also gives us the opportunity to perfect our union. That is what we honor on days of national commemoration – those aspects of the American experience that are enduring, and the determination to move forward as one people.
More than monuments, that will be the legacy of 9/11 – a legacy of firefighters who walked into fire and soldiers who signed up to serve; of workers who raised new towers, of citizens who faced down fear, most of all of children who realized the dreams of their parents. It will be said of us that we kept that faith; that we took a painful blow, and we emerged stronger than before.
“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”
With a just God as our guide, let us honor those who have been lost, let us rededicate ourselves to the ideals that define our nation, and let us look to the future with hearts full of hope. May God bless the memory of those we lost, and may God bless the United States of America.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
9/11 Share Your Thoughts And Memories
God bless all those Americans that died that day. God bless all those Americans that have kept us safe and fought the war on terror.
This is why those Americans died and why so many around the world die at the hands of Islamic terrorists. It's all in their holy book the Quran.
This is why those Americans died and why so many around the world die at the hands of Islamic terrorists. It's all in their holy book the Quran.
- 3:151 "We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve." 4:74 "Fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward."
- 4:76 "Those who believe do battle for the cause of Allah; and those who disbelieve do battle for the cause of idols. So fight the minions of the devil."
- 4:91 "Take them and kill them wherever ye find them. Against such We have given you clear warrant."
- 8:12 "I will throw fear into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Then smite the necks and smite of them each finger."
- 21:97 "Behold them, staring wide (in terror), the eyes of those who disbelieve!"
- 33:35-36 "Allah repulsed the disbelievers. ... He brought those of the People of the Scripture who supported them down from their strongholds, and cast panic into their hearts. Some ye slew, and ye made captive some.
- 59:2 "He it is Who hath caused those of the People of the Scripture who disbelieved to go forth from their homes unto the first exile. Ye deemed not that they would go forth, while they deemed that their strongholds would protect them from Allah. But Allah reached them from a place whereof they recked not, and cast terror in their hearts so that they ruined their houses with their own hands and the hands of the believers. So learn a lesson, O ye who have eyes!"
- 59:13 "Ye are more awful as a fear in their bosoms than Allah.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Obama's Jobs Plan. Where Is It And How Do We Pay For It? Open Thread
Obama said to Congress to pass the plan. What plan? This was a campaign speech and nothing more. If he had a plan he would have unveiled it. But he doesn't have that plan, yet. He doesn't say how he would pay for the $437 billion in increased.
The fact is those that run the private sector, small business, don't like what Obama or Ben Bernanke had to say. But we all know that Obama says one thing and does another like a political magician. Those that create jobs have learned over the years not to listen to Obama but rather to watch what he does since they are almost always two different things. One thing we know Obama will do is take care of his civil union army.
I'd like to know what you think about the Obama jobs plan that doesn't exist yet. Liberals, now is your time to tell us how great this plan that doesn't exist is. Let us know how it will work without the support of the private sector that creates jobs.
I'd also like to know how spending more money that we do not have creates jobs without adding to our national debt. How will an extra $437 billion in stimulus do what the $847 billion in stimulus failed at do work? Or is that just another payoff to the public unions to keep them happy? Feel free to have an open debate about this new stimulus bill Obama hasn't put forward but wants passed without being seen. Let's try debating the substance of his plan that doesn't exist. Tell us how it will work to create jobs when small business says they don't see anything that will make a real difference and add stability to the economy. I can't wait to hear what you liberals have to say. To say nothing means you don't back the jobs plan either.
Conservatives, I'd like to know what you think about the jobs plans that the Republican candidates and small business have put forth to create jobs in the private sector.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
The Hoffa Effect! Union Thugs Storm Port, Hold Security Guards Hostage While Bay Of Rage Brings Anarchy
As if there hasn't been enough violence coming from unions and the left-wing. Thanks to the Hoffa speech union thugs are doing what they do best. Destroy property and take our personal liberty. Obama wanted his civil army and he has gotten it.

Hundreds of Longshoremen stormed the Port of Longview early Thursday, overpowered and held security guards, damaged railroad cars, and dumped grain that is the center of a labor dispute, said Longview Police Chief Jim Duscha.
Six guards were held hostage for a couple of hours after 500 or more Longshoremen broke down gates and smashed windows in the guard shack.
Six guards were held hostage for a couple of hours after 500 or more Longshoremen broke down gates and smashed windows in the guard shack.
Today, September 8th, plans are in place for a protest called “Spare The Fare” that will test the limits of the public transit system and the police officers charged with protecting the riders and employees of BART. The details are covered on Day of Rage website (a self-declared clearinghouse for anti-capitalist thinking and liberal anarchist).
“Spare The Fare” is explained:
We are calling on anarchists, anti-authoritarians, and radicals (and everyone else) to step up for our “SPARE THE FARE” BART action, this Thursday at 5:00 PM at Powell Street Station. We have one demand, which is that the BART police department be shutdown.

Instead of solving the problem of a couple of bad police officers among the BART Police staff, these groups are demanding that BART Police be completely disbanded.
STOP PAYING FARES: board through the back door, jump the turnstiles. Keep one clipper card to swipe if you see the inspectors board. If you get caught, buy a transfer on the next bus and send it in with your ticket.Obama said he wanted a civilian army and it looks like he's got it. This liberal/union army will stop at nothing to get what they want. We all know that the Obama justice department will drop the ball on arresting these liberal thugs. This is why we have the right to bare arms. To protect ourselves from people like this. With the union leaders call to violence it is no wonder we are seeing these attacks on our police and those that are called to protect and serve.
NO CONTROL: spray paint the cameras, smash the ticket machines, break the card readers, black-out the snitch-lines.
HAVE EACH OTHER’S BACKS: open the back door or emergency exit, share your transfer, and never snitch!
GET TOGETHER: Drivers, riders, poor people, unemployed people, those of us that are targeted and harassed by cops – we need to meet up, to make plans together, to fight together to get rid of the transit police and make public transit free.
Government Spending Doesn’t Create Lasting Jobs
As we wait for President Obama’s big new jobs plan, which will be the same as the old failed stimulus plan, in tonight speech to a joint session of Congress, it would behoove us to take a few minutes to watch the video below from the Cato Institute.
If we want to get out of these recessions we need to listen to what the businesses say will work for them. If it is a payoff to anyone like the unions it wont work. Growing government and our debt make the problem even worse. Do no harm.
The Republican plans put into effect what businesses say will help them grow. Obama's plan will most likely be a piecemeal of union and state bailouts and tax breaks. We can't afford to go into deeper debt. Do no harm.
Obama needs to stop trying to buy votes with gifts of tax payer money. If his jobs speech becomes a campaign speech loaded with political rhetoric and payoffs it will further turn off the country and the economy.
I wish he would get us cheep and domestic forms of reliable energy. In other words, "drill here, drill now". We will have a need for oil for some time now since green energy isn't even close to being ready. This will create jobs in many ways and help manufacturing make money with cheep energy.
We also need a new tax structure that takes the focus off of productivity and puts it on consumption. The private sector unions should love this one since it puts more profit in the companies hands to share. It will also help keep the jobs here instead of overseas.
Obama has built up this speech. Now lets see what he delivers. His future in politics is riding on it. If the Democratic Party tries to distance themselves from Obama after the speech we will know if it was successful or not. We need to start listening to what businesses and their owners say about the Obama jobs plan. If they like it all it will work. If it is a give and take then it will fail. Obama can't please everyone. If he pleases his "I want free stuff" constituents it will fail. If he gives us more of the same old stimulus that didn't work then we know he is crazy.
If we want to get out of these recessions we need to listen to what the businesses say will work for them. If it is a payoff to anyone like the unions it wont work. Growing government and our debt make the problem even worse. Do no harm.
The Republican plans put into effect what businesses say will help them grow. Obama's plan will most likely be a piecemeal of union and state bailouts and tax breaks. We can't afford to go into deeper debt. Do no harm.
Obama needs to stop trying to buy votes with gifts of tax payer money. If his jobs speech becomes a campaign speech loaded with political rhetoric and payoffs it will further turn off the country and the economy.
I wish he would get us cheep and domestic forms of reliable energy. In other words, "drill here, drill now". We will have a need for oil for some time now since green energy isn't even close to being ready. This will create jobs in many ways and help manufacturing make money with cheep energy.
We also need a new tax structure that takes the focus off of productivity and puts it on consumption. The private sector unions should love this one since it puts more profit in the companies hands to share. It will also help keep the jobs here instead of overseas.
Obama has built up this speech. Now lets see what he delivers. His future in politics is riding on it. If the Democratic Party tries to distance themselves from Obama after the speech we will know if it was successful or not. We need to start listening to what businesses and their owners say about the Obama jobs plan. If they like it all it will work. If it is a give and take then it will fail. Obama can't please everyone. If he pleases his "I want free stuff" constituents it will fail. If he gives us more of the same old stimulus that didn't work then we know he is crazy.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Hoffa: GOP ‘Trying to Take Food Out of the Mouth of Working People’
Jimmy Hoffa told MSNBC‘s Ed Schultz Tuesday that he’s not “backing down” on his “Let’s take these son of a bitches out” remark or his anti-Tea Party views.Watch the full segment below (Hoffa’s answer begins at the 12:10 mark).
The left-wing is coming unhinged and violent rhetoric is their first defence against losing power over the American people. Soon they will become more like their union brothers and sisters in Greece and destroy property and riot. It is the union way. The unions members have a problem with their union leadership. First off 43% of union members don't agree with it's leaders backing Democratic party candidates only. Those 43% of conservative union members are very unhappy with the way the unions have been lead.
Americans are also sick of hearing these greedy unions saying that if we don't give them what they demand then we are taking food out of their mouths. Don't they realize that we bailed them out with the stimulus money? Don't they realize that we pay their bills and pay more in taxes so they can make more money then us? The union greed will be the destruction of the unions. The union leaders are hell bent on destroying everything to get what they demand. People have lost all respect of the unions and what they have become. Maybe it is time to take those "sons of bitches out" before they take out our country.
There is a reason why only 13,000 people showed up to the union/Obama Labor Day fest. The unions begged it's members to show. The Detroit News made it well known that our first black President was coming to town and yet few showed up for this event. With the amount of union members and blacks that place should have been filled to the brim. But fewer people showed up to see the President then show up to see Palin talk. Now that tells you something. People are sick of listening to him talk. The union members stay home instead of showing support of their unions and president. I would expect to see that happen in say Texas. But not in Detroit City, home of "Obama money".
The unions will be flushed down the drain with the Democratic Party come 2012. Since the unions are just an arm of the Democratic Party and the failed Progressive movement. Good luck in the future. You turds are going to need it.
Monday, September 5, 2011
‘Let’s Take These Sons Of Bitches Out’: Teamsters Leader Hoffa Calls for War on Tea Party
Here’s Fox News on the speech by Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa:
The rhetoric coming from speakers at the event was already heated before Hoffa took the stage. Hoffa then declared there’s a “war on workers” and vowed that organized labor would “remember in November” which lawmakers were opposing the president’s agenda.This sounds like violent rhetoric to me. I will expect violence after this union/Obama rally of violent hate rhetoric. These people want us to be more like Greece and Europe riots and all. All that talk about "workers" you would think that the unions are the only workers in this country. The Tea Partiers are workers too. I've never seen so many narcasitic people in one place. I'm sure it will cost Detroit a fortune to clean up the mess these warmongers make. You do remember what they left every city they rallied in look like. Who in their right mind would let such people run this country when they treat the places they meet at like a third world garbage dump. Does anyone think they wouldn't do the same to our government if they had any control over it?
“We’ve got to keep an eye on the battle that we face — a war on workers. And you see it everywhere. It is the Tea Party,” he said. “And there’s only one way to beat and win that war — the one thing about working people is, we like a good fight.”
Hoffa called on workers to get involved in opposing Tea Party-aligned lawmakers next November.
“President Obama, this is your army, we are ready to march,” Hoffa said. “But everybody here’s got to vote. If we go back, and keep the eye on the prize, let’s take these sons of bitches out.”
We the tax payers have done more then enough bailing out of unions. We don't have any money or credit to "build" anything. We don't have any more money to bail out the unions.
The unions are making a stance. They have declared war against those that don't stand with them and their demands. We all know what "war" means and what they mean by it. As they say "all is fair in love and war". Unions have a long history of violence and we should expect nothing less from them.
If you stand with the unions on the war with the Tea Party I'd like to know what you think? Is violence and vandalism to be expected from the unions? Did you go to the war rally in Detroit? What did you think of the Obama speech and the other speakers?
From the Tea Party patriots, what do you expect the unions to do in this war on the Tea Party? Are you afraid of the unions? Will this make you not go to rallies or will it do just the opposite? What are your planes to protect yourself from these warmongers? Do you think the Tea Party should stand against this call to war against them?
CNN's John King failed to ask Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa about about his threatening "son of bitches" remark at a Labor Day rally attended by President Obama. The interview lasted just over six minutes and covered various topics from Obama's upcoming jobs speech to Mitt Romney. Yet, there was no time to ask Mr. Hoffa about this comment:
"President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let's take these son of bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong," Hoffa added.
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